A couple years ago. after I disbursed several of my guns to my grandsons, one of them being my Ruger American .308. I soon thought I had been a bit too hasty..so I decided to puck up another big game rifle..just in case
Within a few days from deciding to get another big game rifle, I was in Walmart, and spotted a Ruger American
with a blast deflector.
A closer look divulged a .450 Bushmaster, which piqued my interest almost immediately, so I bought it!
Since then, I have wondered why I didn't just go with another .308 or at least something between 30/30 and .308.
6 This Bushmaster is downright uncomfortable to shoot. Although the recoil is only minimally to blame, since the blast deflector helps to reduce the recoil.
However, the deflector raises it to a very uncomfortable noise level.
Being as I am not in the future, planning on hunting any Grizzlies, Kodiaks or moose, I regret that I didn't just grab
the Marlin 30/30 I was checking out at the same time..
I have made many 1 shot kills with .308, 30/30, .44 Mag as 2well as 12Ga shotgun., so I can't justify to myself, the higher cost paid in ear torture, shoulder ache and the price of ammo....for no gain of proficiency.
There are times when we must rethink !