Now I have watched Cricket, when sports channels were not same crap, different pile.
As Baseball is loosely based on Cricket, it is a like baseball slow no contact unless the Bowler hits the Batsman, while soccer (and hockey) is just a bunch of dude running (skating) back and forth , back and forth ; I have not watched a hockey game in almost 40 years.
At that I still find Bowling, on TV, interesting, IF, it is shown, not often any more.
There are a LOT of sports, although Europe has more little known ones than the U.S. , that are being shoved aside by the push for soccer and basketball; Jim Brown one of the best ever Football players is also condsidered probably the best ever Lacrosse player.
One of the odd things, softball, the only Pro (play for money) in fastpitch is women's, men's , if it still exists, is slow-pitch BUT one good , VERY GOOD , reason for disliking soccer, in 2005 a secret ballot was taken by the Olympic committee to drop softball and baseball from the Olympics.