Author Topic: my oldest cousin died  (Read 425 times)

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Online Lloyd Smale

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my oldest cousin died
« on: December 22, 2022, 11:13:43 PM »
he was 75 and did two tours in Nam in the real crap. I still remember my uncle and aunt flipping out when he sent home a box with dried ears in it to save for him. He never really healed from it and struggled most of his life with alcohol and drugs. He said something once that made me thing. He said he believed that at death only the body dies and the soul is resurrected. Good ones that earned it go to heaven to live with God and that bad ones go down. Now this is where he is a bit different. He said we always say look UP to heaven and that in heaven God sends the bad ones down to hell. He said that this is hell. We are all souls that flunked the test and are put back here again and again until we pass Gods muster. He said the God he believed in would never allow souls to actually burn in hell for eternity because we are all his children and he wants all of us with him. He asked if id ever send my children to burn for eternity. He spent his last 10 years as a devout Christian and sober but his liver finally gave out. I think he had seen enough of this world and didnt want to go around again.
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Online ironglow

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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2022, 01:27:17 AM »
I think some guys went overboard in the Nam experience, because they were being treated so badly in some districts  and by some people at home.
   I knew a couple, of which the husband, who also was an "ear collector" during his stint in Nam.  A few years ago ago they moved up to the Lake George area....haven't heard from them since.

        That seems to be a "thing" of the Viet Nam conflict, haven't seen it manifested with the later conflicts.
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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2022, 02:54:14 AM »
My younger brother drank himself to death because of what he was ordered to do in Vietnam. He could never forgive himself for doing what he knew was morally wrong even though ordered. I'm sure there are a lot like that. Seems to me they ought to be on the wall also, but it doesn't match the story.

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2022, 04:28:35 AM »
Our sorry leaders did a great disservice to those it sent off to fight in a war that had nothing to do with our country. Then treated them like crap when they returned from that hell hole. They are still doing it. The Veterans Adm. recently closed down the only hospital between Northern Cal. and Portland Oregon. The Roseburg, Or. Va is only a band aid station now. It is basically a clinic. Now if you need overnight treatment and surgery, you go to the local Hospital, that was overloaded before the VA scaled back. I just recently had to spend 4 days in it to be treated for Pneumonia.The Hosp. was so over crowded, I had to spend the first night in the ER because there were no rooms available.

Most of the Vets I see at the VA are Korean, and Vietnam Vets, with a handful of WW2 guys in their 90's. There are younger Men and women who fought in the sand wars as well. We can spend Billions of taxpayer dollars to aid other countries in their chicken Sh. wars, and allow thousands of illegals to enter our country daily, feed and house them, but cannot keep a VA hospital open to take care of those who have helped defend our nation. Go figure!

My condolences to you and yours.
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2022, 05:55:26 AM »
id have to say my experience with the va is different then some here. Ive been treated like Gold. Much better then any civilian doctor or hospital. Any vet up here that needs help and asks gets it. But this is a rural area not a city so im sure there not as taxed as the population areas. My wife shakes her head. She comes to all my appointments and ive yet to wait more then 15 minutes in a waiting room and have never been treated with anything but respect. Never had more thorough treatement either. Go to a civlian doctor and complain about your knee hurting and youll probably get a quick exam and just told to take some tylenol. Go to my va doc and youll have xrays, mris and any other test she can think of.. Went to the local hospital the other day for an mri and waited over an  hour past the time for my appointment and other 1/2 hour before i was actually in the machine. Bottom line is if i lost my va insurance and had to use medicare and they would let me id go to the va hospital anyday over the local ones.
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Online ironglow

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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2022, 06:55:07 AM »
  My experience with the VA is similar to Lloyd's.  My local clinic is about a 50 mile round trip, while the VA hospital
 is 104 miles round trip, which I realize is much better than some have it.

  There are three VA hospitals within relatively local travelling distance. The one at 104 miles round trip, another at 110 miles round trip...and a third at about 160 miles round tip.

  When Obama care came on line, my prescription copays doubled, and initial (primary) visit, went from $0 to $50 per visit !
   My regular health care plan which I purchase, has no copay for regular doctor visit, but a small fee for specialists.
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2022, 07:20:32 AM »
about the exact same distances for me. Clinic is 45 miles and the va hospital is about a 100. I dont see anyone that has reason to wine about the drive. If its more then 40 miles you can see a civilian doctor and the va will pay for it just like your seeing a va doctor. The 50 miles can be a challenge some days but i just get more through care with my va doctor then i ever did at the local hospital.
  My experience with the VA is similar to Lloyd's.  My local clinic is about a 50 mile round trip, while the VA hospital
 is 104 miles round trip, which I realize is much better than some have it.

  There are three VA hospitals within relatively local travelling distance. The one at 104 miles round trip, another at 110 miles round trip...and a third at about 160 miles round tip.

  When Obama care came on line, my prescription copays doubled, and initial (primary) visit, went from $0 to $50 per visit !
   My regular health care plan which I purchase, has no copay for regular doctor visit, but a small fee for specialists.
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Offline Ranger99

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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2022, 11:42:39 AM »
Years ago my mother used to go
volunteer and cut hair at this local
VA . After a while, I had to start going
with her since the security guard
wouldn't watch for any thug activity
and was usually asleep in his little
shed, or watching television.  ( pre
smartphone days)
Pretty much a madhouse every time
I was there. I eventually started helping
doing basic training haircuts ( you
know- small or no guard on the clippers
up and over) it got bad enough that
she finally no longer wanted to go.
I feel bad for a lot of them having to
be there
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Online ironglow

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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2022, 01:46:54 AM »
     Although my VA hospital in Buffalo is in a "semi-tough" neighborhood, I see no sign of anything flooding over onto the hospital grounds.  The entire campus is fenced, and has a security force.
   That is not to say all VA hospitals are like this one.  I guess we are fortunate to have a VA hospital which is rated among the top 10%.

  A new veteran's cemetery was recently opened, about 30 miles east of Buffalo. (between 200 & 300 acres)

  My brothers, who were vets living in Texas, seemed to have a very difficult time, until Pres Trump made it so vet's
  could be done locally.  Before that they had to drive 104 miles to the hospital, making it a 208 mile round trip.

  After Pres Trump's great move, they received local, civilian care within a few miles.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: my oldest cousin died
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2022, 02:36:16 AM »
I think most of what is happening to the VA Hosps. here, has been taking place since Biden's presidency.
The distance from the Cal. border to Portland (Or, Wa border is about 300 miles. The Roseburg Va hosp. is approx. in the middle. Roseburg only has one public Hosp.and it's not not that big. 171 beds. When the VA basically just became a clinic, it put a strain on the Local Hosp. Nothing stays the same, I guess. Change is inevitable.
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