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White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« on: December 28, 2022, 04:11:03 AM »
Controversial historian, anthropologist, archeologist Robert Sepher, presents evidence that around the world a blond blue-eyed race of human beings predate the dark races. Upsetting the current archaeo theory that the human race sprang from an original Africaner stock....-->

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2022, 05:58:54 AM »
Does it make any difference if the chicken or the egg came first?

Online Mule 11

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2022, 06:03:03 AM »
Doesn’t the Bible say he turned them black?

Offline Dixie-Dude

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2022, 06:21:36 AM »
No, the Bible never said God turned anyone black.  He marked Cain because he killed Able.  This was before the flood of Noah.  He did curse Ham and his descendants for laughing at Noah being drunk and naked after the flood.  Ham's descendants went down into Africa.  Shem's descendants went east to China and the far east which in turn some came to America.  Japheth's descendents went north and west into Europe.  Then Ham's descendants went down into Africa and was cursed to be a servant to the other two brothers descendants.  Of course, acceptance of Jesus as savior breaks curses put on people. 
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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2022, 06:52:25 AM »
No, the Bible never said God turned anyone black.  He marked Cain because he killed Able.  This was before the flood of Noah.  He did curse Ham and his descendants for laughing at Noah being drunk and naked after the flood.  Ham's descendants went down into Africa.  Shem's descendants went east to China and the far east which in turn some came to America.  Japheth's descendents went north and west into Europe.  Then Ham's descendants went down into Africa and was cursed to be a servant to the other two brothers descendants.  Of course, acceptance of Jesus as savior breaks curses put on people.

Well, that's a pretty broad brush you're paintin with, especially the part about America, as theres no mentionof Americathroughoutscripture bot old and new Testaments.

And actually "Noah" cursed Hams son Canaan. not Ham. Canaan, Hams son, and his decendents were the ones cursed.

There is no mention of folks being turned black, but Simon the Cyrene carried Christ's cross to Golgatha, so Cyrene being located in Lybia  aka North Africa, Simon was possibly black.
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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2022, 07:09:06 AM »
I have no idea of which eye color came first and really don't care. I do know that we are in the minority with only 8-10 percent of the worlds population being blue eyed. I have a red headed, blue eyed great grand daughter that is considered rare because they only make up 2% of the worlds population.
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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2022, 07:30:46 AM »
I have no idea of which eye color came first and really don't care. I do know that we are in the minority with only 8-10 percent of the worlds population being blue eyed. I have a red headed, blue eyed great grand daughter that is considered rare because they only make up 2% of the worlds population.

Green eyes with Redheads is the preferred combo for them. Like blue eyes are with blonds. Brunette can be anything.
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Offline Dee

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2022, 07:41:33 AM »
I have no idea of which eye color came first and really don't care. I do know that we are in the minority with only 8-10 percent of the worlds population being blue eyed. I have a red headed, blue eyed great grand daughter that is considered rare because they only make up 2% of the worlds population.

Well, some jackass with a college degree in sumthin thinkin he knows which came first some 7 thousand years ago is laughable on its own.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Online ironglow

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2022, 08:06:43 AM »
  A moment please, and you are welcome to ignore me if you wish.  But being a Christian, I believe the Bible before I believe any man.
  Clearly, the first man and woman were Adam and Eve..and read again through Genesis, God does not assign them any melanin obviously, they conceivably could be anywhere on the chart below.
  Once dispatched from Babel, the people would seem IMO that most differences are the result of adaptations to their given environment.  The truly noticeable differences we see, are primarily cultural.

     So far as the Hamitic is not God's curse.  It was a curse pronounced by Noah upon his grandson Canaan,
  The son of Ham. And that curse mentioned nothing about skin color, but rather that Canaan and his descendants would be servants to Shem and Japheth and their descendants. (Genesis 9:20-29)
  Some confusion may have been provoked because the name Ham in Hebrew, indicates dark or black. That does
  not necessarily mean that Ham was a black person, since it may have been a comparative judgement by
  Noah & wife.
  There historically are some Irish people who were referred to as "black Irish", but they were not at all black.  They
  were descendants of those sailors from the wrecked Spanish Armada of 1588, who floated to the shores of Ireland and took up residence there.  They were "black" by comparison to the very fair Irish.

  Now for the diaspora..people spread far and wide as God intended when he confused their language..
   However, there is an error which raises it's head from time to time, which is called the "replacement theory", the "British Israeli" theory, and several other titles.
  Their claim is that the so-called, "lost tribes" of Israel, ended up after their Assyrian and Babylonian captivity, migrating to western Europe, and then to America.  This is a central part of the Mormons and Herbert W Armstrong's old, World Wide church of, but not part of Biblical Christianity.
   America has no real place in scripture, although there are a couple isolated statements which can be stretched to apply..

  If somebody wants to refute me..please use scripture..  Other than that, just take it or trash it !  Just my $ .02 !
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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2022, 10:44:21 AM »
I have no idea of which eye color came first and really don't care. I do know that we are in the minority with only 8-10 percent of the worlds population being blue eyed. I have a red headed, blue eyed great grand daughter that is considered rare because they only make up 2% of the worlds population.

Green eyes with Redheads is the preferred combo for them. Like blue eyes are with blonds. Brunette can be anything.

Green eyed redheads are only sightly less rare than blue eyed ones at 3% of the world population. I wonder just who went around and counted all the people and their eye colors.  ;D

Online Mule 11

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2022, 10:50:13 AM »
I have no idea of which eye color came first and really don't care. I do know that we are in the minority with only 8-10 percent of the worlds population being blue eyed. I have a red headed, blue eyed great grand daughter that is considered rare because they only make up 2% of the worlds population.

Green eyes with Redheads is the preferred combo for them. Like blue eyes are with blonds. Brunette can be anything.

Green eyed redheads are only sightly less rare than blue eyed ones at 3% of the world population. I wonder just who went around and counted all the people and their eye colors.  ;D

Sure wasn’t puppet joe. He only does the feel up and sniff test. If he’ll do that in full display, what does he do when no one watches.

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2022, 02:34:19 PM »
And if that site is too controversial, here's the story.

Well, that second story suggests Celts and Carthaginians came to the new world in about 200-400 AD.  That does not predate the earlier Africans.

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2022, 11:37:34 PM »
One curious factor that I would like to see a study on.  Most of the world is brown eyed and dark or black hair.

  How is it That Europe alone had such diversity of eye and hair colors ?  It doesn't seem that migration alone could
   explain it, since it seems to be a naturally occurring diversity.

  The dividing line seems to be on the east, the Ural mountains, then a line southward somewhere between Belarus and the 'stans..; then northward from the Arabian peninsula.

  This is not in any way to suggest any kind of superiority, but just an invisible and natural demarcation line.

  Perhaps this points to a "young earth" conclusion, since if it were as old as some suggest, the natural blending of
  peoples would have taken place eons ago. 

  Perhaps Dr Nathaniel Jeanson can explain it. What think you ?
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Online ironglow

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Re: White, blue eyed people predate dark races on Earth
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2022, 12:15:09 AM »
According to archeologist Robert Sepehr, there is alot of archeological evidence around the planet that fair haired blue eyed peoples pre dated darker dna race types. But were wiped out, often by warfare or disease. Which is what we see is happening in the Americas today.
.interesting to note, that some Egyptian Pharoah and wife's  mummies  contain fair skinned blue or light eyed people.  But they never told us that!


    That is interesting TM..  I doubt we will see much interest in a more in depth study any time soon, since so many are super concerned with being "politically correct".

   It appears that political correctness is already inhibiting much honest and open study.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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