FACTS are, a bunch of yahoo's got carried away. Some broke into the capital building, and some were let in, but who here thinks the vandalism was ok? If you do, your common sense, and judgment sucks.
Regardless of whether the Congressmen were democrats, or republican, they had reason to be scared not knowing what this bunch of dumbasses were gonna do. So they barricade the door.
Well, then the "protesters" break the windows out of the door and a dumbass with a backpack starts crawling through the hole.
Not knowing who it was acting so irrational, not knowing what, or why this nut case was so intent on getting in, or what she or he would do when they got in, and not knowing whether the backpack could've been a bomb, I likely would have shot the dumbass myself.
Anyone thinking common sense and FACTS makes me a Biden supporter, makes for a stupid sonofabitch that I don't need their approval anyway, because their either too stupid to comprehend these facts, or so damn radical I don't wanna be around em anyway.