Some school teachers and university professors are worried about their jobs being eliminated. Basic math, history, and basic English can be taught on a computer now-a-days. All one has to know is how to read and do the homework. Almost everything is taught from books anyway, and any book can be put on a computer. Trade skills have to have hands on experience. So yeah lots of teaching jobs can be eliminated. I see adds for online degrees on TV all the time.
Mining coal will never really go away. Too many plastics and carbon composites are made from coal, even if power wasn't made from coal. The only realistic approach to power production is to include nuclear power. It is never mentioned. The far left is hell bent on forcing wind and solar, even if the infrastructure is not ready for wholesale change over. Neither is wholesale forcing of electric cars. Hybrids would be better for the next 30 years, even Toyoda sees this. Even Elon Musk has said we have to drill and produce gas and oil, because vehicles, trains, trucks, are not going away anytime soon.