now if you owned a chev vega you owned probably the second worse car ever sold in america. Only second to the yugo and not by alot.
Yup Lloyd ya got that right. Talk about a lemon. I struggled with that thing for 3 months and just couldn't take anymore so took it back. I have to admit the dealership treated me right, I got full value that I paid for the Vega in trade on the Impala.
What is a square bed truck? I've never heard that term before.
When I was a boy dad had a '56 Dodge car. I don't recall the year but it was not very old when he had it. On a wet day even with just fog you could forget cranking it unless you had a battery charger cuz it took more juice than a battery had to turn it over long enough to crank. On dry days it was OK.
My cousin's mom had a '57 Plymouth, didn't matter if dry or wet that thing almost run down the battery before it would crank. It did always crank but wow did it grind forever doing it. She bought it new and I think got rid of it when she bought that '77 Impala from me.
I had one Chrysler product. I think it was maybe a '66, top of their line car, can't recall what it was named. Wasn't the Imperial, next level below that. It had the starting issues all other Chrysler brand vehicles I have known of personally down here had. But the thing that caused me to trade it off was the day a line of some sort broke and it started spitting out some kind of noxious fumes and it clouded up the windshield so you couldn't even see to drive it.
I had a Pinto station wagon for a few years and toward the end of the time I had it, the same thing happened with the fumes and fogging the windshield. I think but am not sure it was a leak in an AC refrigerant line. I've heard a lot of bad stuff about Pintos but I really had no other issues with mine that I can recall.
My first ever truck was a '55 Ford 6 cylinder with 3 on the column. It was old and ragged when I got it and I have to say I sure hated that thing. A friend of mine bought it from me for I think $50 or so. Last time I spoke with him he still had it parked out in a pasture. He died last year I think it was or the year before. It might still be sitting in that pasture. He actually loved the old truck.