Well certainly
Not a fragment of disagreement here.
Ive been called every dirty name in the
book from me talking about border jumpers,
and the filth and disease and criminal
mindset they carry on their backs, and
that they don't have a vested interest in
the good of the United States.
All I've ever heard from people with no
firsthand personal experience is excuse
making and enabling.
At least some state officials made a
few people take an up close look at
the harm border jumpers do to the
infrastructure that
for toward the good of themselves and
their loved ones. It was never supposed
to be used for those with zero vested
interest and no skin in the game.
I got a kick out of those that were forced
to show their true colors by kicking the
bussed border jumpers right back out
of their midst . Another funny thing is
the rich black "sports " star that's upset
that low income housing is being built
adjacent to his elaborate estate. He's
livid det po people's be living right next do
And those in chicago that are upset about
a mere 250 border jumpers that are to be
housed in
their neighborhood
NOT IN MY BACKYARD ! ! the lefty
hypocrites say