I indeed do stand corrected on the 8 year conflict...i should havge double checked..
However, the link you posted was also somewhat misleading.. Yes. there was conflict in Viet-nam for much ;longer than 8 years.
The French fought there for years..until their capitulation at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Jack Kennedy sent "advisers in
to help the South Vietnamese in 1962.
LBJ declared war in 1964...and the first 3,500 US Marines landed on the beach just north of Da Nang in March 1965.
The peace treaty accord was signed in Paris in 1973.. The last US troops were airlifted out of Saigon in April 1975
So, the Vietnam conflict lasted 10 years for US troops..rather than the 8 years I stated (my badf), but far less than the 21 years your link covered, which included the "advisory" years.
Now let's get back to the real message of the OP.. While it is painfully obvious that Chinese made fentanyl is killing far more young Americans each year, than was killed during the entire Vietnam war. The thrust of the OP, was addressing the dangerous addiction building in our population. Surely by now, you may have been ignored by somebody glued to their phone, rather than doing their job..
..Or perhaps have seen an entire family out to dinner, where each is glued to their phone, while ignoring the rest of the family..