An interesting side note on breakfast cereals.
Back in the 1930s nand 1940s, there was a body buildre/healty life promoter named Bernarr McFaddan. He had an institute at Dansville, NY,
In the Finger Lakes country.
He of course, taught a healthy way of living, bringing unhealthy people to his institute, and hopefully..or usually, restoring their health.
THey had a special recipe for brteakfast cereal, wherein they would take a concoction of natural grains, grind them finely..adding other nutrients.
Then they would moisten them thoroughy, roll them very thin and bake them on sheets in an oven, then remove from oven, crumble into fine bits
and serve as breakfast.
It is said, that a visitor came one day, from a cereal company in Battle Creek, or some other such place, to observe the health clinic..
He went back home, and soon "Grape Nuts" was introduced..
Of course, Grape Nuts is much like "Christian Science". ...It's not grapes, nor is it nuts....