We had/are having a LOT more snow that I expected so I had to use the snow blower.
Thankfully the later snow was light enough to blow.
At least 4 inches so far and it is still snowing.
It is 27 right now and supposed to get to 8 above tonight with a high of 15 tomorrow so, it will be solid ice on the roads and side-walks tomorrow.
I have to go out an broom the snow off of the car or it will be one big ice-cicle tomorrow morning , although even if I remove the snow and sluch, the continuing snow will be ice in the morining.
Worst is there is standing water in some areas under 4 inches of snow and that is hard shoveling and the blower only pisses it out a little beyond the tire.
Areas 300 miles North of here, where even they had the stinkin above freezing weather, will be getting some truly crappy weather as there it iwll be sub-zero with standing water freezing hard under the snow.
Pity the kids that have to go to school tomorrow moring as they will be heading for school in horrible circumstances.
Leave the car truck running all night, if it does not have remote start, or chip it out of an ice block in the moring.
I loathe the month of March.