Author Topic: concealed carry gun suggestions??  (Read 4051 times)

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Offline Dusty Miller

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2004, 08:58:02 AM »
You might want to check out Marshall and Sanow.
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Offline twodollarpistol

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2004, 03:33:27 AM »
Quote from: Dusty Miller
You might want to check out Marshall and Sanow.

Sir, perhaps you should consider the real world. Books are great entertainment, and you can learn from them if you have that capacity, but reality is the real teacher. I inquired in an earlier post if you have ever shot anyone. Well, I have. Thank God it was not a fatal shooting, but someone was where they should not have been, doing something they should not have been doing. In my nervousness I managed to hit him in the palm of the right hand with a standard velocity 9mm hard ball. He wasn't on drugs but he was a very large man. He went to the floor almost instantly sobbing like a child and begging for help. No magnum force required.You can shove a 12 gauge riot gun down your pants leg, if thats what it takes to make you feel safe. That would be concealed until you tried to walk or sit down. Nobody really cares. My point is that you take a really hard line on this subject, and you think that your opinion and your situation  is the only correct one. The rest of the world are idiots and doesn't have a clue as to there needs or preferences. This just "aint" so.
 It is not my intention to argue or to insult, but to show that everyone has a right to there opinion, and just because they an not on the same page as you, that doesn't make them wrong. If I have offended- I apologize. If I have given you reason to consider other options then this has been worth my time. In any event Sir I hope you will have a great day.
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Offline Dusty Miller

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2004, 05:01:26 AM »
Get off your high horse, I never said others were not entitled to their opinions fer crissake!  My basic position still stands, you need to have enough gun to handle the situation.  If you think a .32 caliber gun will take down a drug hardened criminal then pack it!!  The EVIDNCE does not support that view but hey, a guy does indeed have a right to his opinion, and when it comes to guns just about everybody has one.   Try not to pontificate, these discussions are easier to follow if you stick to the core issue.
When seconds mean life or death, the police are only minutes away!

Offline twodollarpistol

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2004, 06:10:57 AM »
 I assure you I am not a pontiff, nor do I aspire to be, and hell- I don't even own a horse, high or otherwise. I am just one of those idiots ( your word- not mine ) you made reference to in another forum because we sometimes carry single actions for self defense. What I am though is tired and bored with this thread. Its just getting to argumentive and it aint no fun no more no how. So from now on I think I will just ignore you. This is really sad because it promised to be such a sweet relationship.
Good day
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Offline Dusty Miller

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2004, 07:00:05 AM »
Ah, a mutual admiration society!
When seconds mean life or death, the police are only minutes away!

Offline AZ223

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2004, 09:31:59 AM »
Getting back to the original question on this thread, you may want to reconsider your financial choice if at all possible. I too have been in a "tight" position as of late, but when looking for a CCW weapon, remember it's your life (or someone in your family) you're going to protect. Without putting yourself in the poorhouse, consider whether $300 really is your limit. If not, upping to $600 opens a lot more possibilities to choose from. If it still is, look hard and perhaps you can find something used for the time being. My first carry gun was a used S&W 6906 9mm, and I paid around $400 for it.

Also, if you're going to carry, you need to become as familiar with the weapon as possible, and that means shoot it a lot. And that, in turn, means spending money on ammo.

As you've probably guessed from this thread and others, there are a lot of opinions on what to carry and why; I would suggest gathering as much information as you possibly can on weapons, ballistics, and human behavior and scenarios, and make an intelligent decision from what you've learned. You'll do a lot better and feel more confident making an informed decision, whatever you choose.

Just my $.02
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Offline williamlayton

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #36 on: May 08, 2004, 01:02:32 AM »
Been following this thread fer a while now. It is a most interesting study in the different ways folks look at things. If we all fell in love with the same woman thing.
No way to come to a conclusion on this thing until it happens, then we can make some conclusions on THAT situation, but not the next.
I, personally, have, in the past felt pretty comfortable with a .38 or .380 in my pocket. Did for years.
Within the last 2 or 3 years have rethought things. With the climate, social that is, change I have come to the conclusion that I was under protected. I might be fortunate enough to get away with what I used to carry, heck still do under certain scenarios, but i'm counting on being fornutate in those cases.
I have begun to upgrade what I carry to larger calibers to tru to give myself somewhat of an edge if this worse case scene ever takes place. Now i'm not advocating a preference in on particular caliber over another. There are a number of fine choices, all of which will not fit in a category of inexpensive.
.45 is really bout a small as I want. Then there is the .357sig, 10mm, 9x23, 38 super, .357 mag. All of em, plus some others, put you on a level playing field under some pretty harsh conditions.
We do not get to choose the conditions, we just have to deal with the conditions presented. I'm suggesting that we be prepared for those conditions.

Offline williamlayton

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2004, 01:05:38 AM »
Been following this thread fer a while now. It is a most interesting study in the different ways folks look at things. If we all fell in love with the same woman thing.
No way to come to a conclusion on this thing until it happens, then we can make some conclusions on THAT situation, but not the next.
I, personally, have, in the past felt pretty comfortable with a .38 or .380 in my pocket. Did for years.
Within the last 2 or 3 years have rethought things. With the climate, social that is, change I have come to the conclusion that I was under protected. I might be fortunate enough to get away with what I used to carry, heck still do under certain scenarios, but i'm counting on being fornutate in those cases.
I have begun to upgrade what I carry to larger calibers to tru to give myself somewhat of an edge if this worse case scene ever takes place. Now i'm not advocating a preference in on particular caliber over another. There are a number of fine choices, all of which will not fit in a category of inexpensive.
.45 is really bout a small as I want. Then there is the .357sig, 10mm, 9x23, 38 super, .357 mag. All of em, plus some others, put you on a level playing field under some pretty harsh conditions.
We do not get to choose the conditions, we just have to deal with the conditions presented. I'm suggesting that we be prepared for those conditions.

Offline papajohn428

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #38 on: May 08, 2004, 07:18:04 AM »
It all goes back to shot placement.  Carry the largest caliber you can shoot well at speed, practice a lot, and hope your number never comes up.  I haven't fired a shot single-action with my duty gun in over a year, and may never again.  My new drill is putting six shots on three targets as fast as I can.  Sound familiar?  I'm not the fastest in town with speedloaders, but I'm getting better.  And while the 32 and 380 may be considered less than ideal, anything that goes bang every time is better than a set of keys and some change!
     Personally, at close range, I try to shoot for the very upper chest at the juncture of the neck.  Any shot that's close should have some effect, and a bullet in the Adam's Apple is sure to get the bad guy's attention!   :shock:

If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

Offline Swat Dude

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2004, 10:01:36 AM »
I think a few of you missed the original posters question. Some of the guns that were mentioned here are just not practical for a petite person to conceal all the time. I own an AR-15, Glock 22C, a Kahr PM9 and Kel-tec P3AT. Which one do I carry most??? The Kel-tec is with me always, no matter what I am wearing or where I am going. And yes, worse case scenario should always be a factor but common sense has to kick in at some point. If you are planning for worst case scenario, then you need to figure out how to conceal a 12 guage shotgun loaded with slugs or 00 buck, or a 7.62x54 rifle. Better yet, a .50 cal rifle might be the ticket, although it will probably take out everyone behind the attacker within 500 yards. Common sense and practicality will always dictate what you can carry concealed. I am very confident that my .380 loaded with Corbon hollowpoints and Glaser slugs will give me a fighting chance to end the confrontation or at least slow it down enough to retreat. Yes, I said, retreat. And for you Hydrashock proponents, I'm sorry, but these rounds have just not been shown to reliably expand when shooting through clothing or anything other than bare gelatin or human tissue.

Offline AZ223

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2004, 07:08:33 PM »
I agree on pracitcality. Carry what you can shoot well, and what you can actually carry at all. Having been in the medical field and now in corrections, I've seen people who'd be hard to stop with anything short of a grenade. But you have to split the difference somewhere, and retreat is okay too if you have that option. Your goal is to save your butt, and your family if necessary. Besides training with the gun, train how you think. There are some good defensive shooting classes around too, and it may shed some light from people who've "been there".
Life was so much simpler when I thought I knew everything...

Offline Bikenut

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concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2004, 04:33:34 PM »
Without trying to be a smart arse... there are 2 words that will solve the whole thing:

Shot placement.

The .22 that hits is far better than the .45 that misses.

Practice very, VERY often with what ever gun you decide to carry.

Again, I'm not trying to be a smarty aleck.

The longer I live, the older I get.
Neither has anything to do with wisdom.

Offline HK4

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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2011, 09:33:13 AM »
.32 Kel-Tec killed armed robbery suspect
MSNBC story Record numbers now licensed to pack heat
Firearms deaths fall as millions obtain permits to carry concealed guns
By Mike Stuckey
Senior news editor
updated 8:43 a.m. ET, Wed., March. 24, 2010
Waving a chromed semiautomatic pistol, the robber pushed into the building in the bustling Five Points neighborhood of Columbia, S.C., just before 11 p.m. on April 11, 2009. “Gimme what you got!” he yelled, his gun hand trembling.
Attorney Jim Corley was one of four people in the room, the lounge area of a 12-step recovery group’s meeting hall. “He said, ‘Give me your wallet,’” Corley recalled. “So I reached around to my back pocket and gave him what was there.”
Unfortunately for the gunman, later identified as Kayson Helms, 18, of Edison, N.J., that was Corley’s tiny Kel-Tec .32, hidden in a wallet holster and loaded with a half-dozen hollow points. Corley fired once into the robber’s abdomen. The young man turned. Corley fired twice more, hitting him in the neck and again in the torso. Helms ran into the night and collapsed to die on a railroad embankment 100 feet away.
Reports filed by officers who arrived at the scene a short time later called it an “exceptionally clear” case of justifiable homicide. Following South Carolina’s “Castle Doctrine,” which allows the use of deadly force in self-defense, police did not arrest Corley. They did not interrogate him. Corley was offered the opportunity to make a voluntary statement, which he did.
Helms’ friends and relatives were left to mourn, barred by the same Castle Doctrine from filing a civil lawsuit.
Jim Corley became an unintentional spokesman for a burgeoning movement of millions of Americans who secretly and legally pack pistols in waistbands, under jackets, strapped to ankles, stashed in purses or — like Corley — tucked in hip pockets.
From its beginnings in the 1980s, the “right-to-carry” movement has succeeded in boosting the number of licensed concealed-gun carriers from fewer than 1 million to a record 6 million today, according to estimates from gun-rights groups that are supported by’s research. And while hotly debated, the effect of this dramatic increase is largely unknown.
Gun enthusiasts claim a link between more private citizens carrying concealed weapons and the nation’s dramatic decrease in violent crime. Gun-control activists argue that concealed-carry permits are being handed out to people who should never get them, sometimes resulting in tragic, needless shootings.
Effect on crime is hotly debated
But even with the push to expand concealed-carry rights now in its third decade, no scientific studies have reached any widely accepted conclusions about the movement’s effect on crime or personal safety.
Statistics from the national Centers for Disease Control do indicate that the murder and mayhem predicted by many opponents of concealed-carry laws have not come to pass. But even that point, while celebrated by gun-rights activists and conceded by some concealed-carry opponents, is disputed by others.
Both sides do agree on one thing: More Americans than ever are carrying hidden guns.
Firearms laws have been growing more relaxed across the United States for years. Gun-control activists have failed in efforts to re-enact the nationwide ban on certain semiautomatic rifles they call “assault weapons.” They were unable to block a change in federal law, signed by President Obama this year, which allows guns to be carried in national parks. And they watched in dismay as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June 2008 that the Second Amendment grants residents of Washington, D.C., the right to own and keep loaded handguns in their homes.

Offline Spirithawk

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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #43 on: July 13, 2011, 01:56:22 PM »
Kel Tec PF-9; Light, small, thinnest 9mm made, not much bigger than a .380 but with considerably more punch, very reliable, very accurate, extremly easy to conceal, tac rail and can be found new for under $300. I've found them as low as $235 but they average right at $300. Grips come in Black, O.D. Green ( like mine), Grey, and Wallet Brown. Slides in Matte Blue ( like mine), Parkerised and Hard Chrome. Hard Chrome being the more exspensive but still close to $300. The 9mm has way more choices of loads, including self defense loads, than the .380 and packs more punch. :)
Mine with a laser sight mounted

Mine with a Tac Light mounted

My PF-9 next to it's little brother the P-32 .32 Auto for comparison of size
Fobus Evolution 2 Holsters

Offline theduke

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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2011, 05:52:01 AM »
get a Kahr cm9 around $400.  Same as PM 9  only not as machined.  It is lighter.


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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2011, 06:14:21 AM »
if you have to ask
you shouldn't have an  auto

or  even a revolver you can  cock

smith 642  or retired carry gun
the new  ruger  LCR 357 new carry gun
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
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AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2011, 06:33:44 AM »
I tried lots of guns when we were allowed to tote one. Some were heavy some to big etc. The PPK was nice but it would get dirty in my pocket and needed cleanning alot. Some were to small in bullet . Ender up with a S&W 5 shot revolver for several reasons.
1 it always worked
2 was light
3 with front pocket carry it was natural for the hand to slip around the grip as the pocket was open a bit from the cyl but not to much to print.
4 any bullet will feed if it fits
5 had enough power to work , don't expect accuracy when fighting for your life as things get complicated and big is better.
6 having a gun that a wife or child can work is important as you might get takem out first thing.
 just a few thoughts.
If I were to go with a small auto I would go no smaller than a 9mm and Ruger has just such a gun now .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2011, 01:01:20 PM »
Dusty Miller
 I would like to ask exactly how many drug crazy thugs have you shot? In fact how many people have you shot period? Or for that matter, how many times have you been shot. I would think that you would need some type of data to form such a hard line opinion. Yea , big is better, if you got big when you need it, but the best gun you can ever own is the one you WILL ALWAYS have with you when you need it. A good hit with a .32 is more effective than a .45 sitting at home because the uniform of the day doesn't allow for hiding your 1911 very easily. My Kel-Tec .32, which I call Mighty Mouse, is ALWAYS in my pocket, regardless of whatever else I am carrying. ALWAYS ! And I do carry other guns most of the time, up to and including a 4 5/8" RBH in .41 mag, in case I need to stop a drug crazy bus. There are as many choices of weapons as there are needs. Perhaps you should consider some of them.


Offline Empty Quiver

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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #48 on: July 18, 2011, 01:22:33 PM »
Ruger LCP, J frame Smith &Wesson, myself I'm not afraid of used. One proviso on the used,  work out some kind of return policy if the thing is broken. I buy a couple hundred rounds of ball and a bit of HP. If it feeds that I figure the seller is off the hook and I get it shot in a day or so.

I would rather have a known good quality pistol used, than a brand new cheap one. Higher quality guns are more likely to get properly repaired, or even be fixed by the factory gratis, something Ruger has been known to be good about.

I would start with something you can find a good holster for, model specific holsters can make all the difference in comfort.  A small gun will likely be with you so don't discount that when purchasing. I carry a compact although it ain't that compact P-239 SIG. Truth be told it's heavy and big as far as I'm concerned. However it is big and heavy and is easy for me to shoot and I have confidence in it. Dropping a .380 into an empty 40S&W case and rattleing it around doesn't inspire me. I'm also well over 6' and 270#'s, it ain't changing my center of gravity ;D .
**Concealed Carry...Because when seconds count help is only minutes away**


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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2011, 02:07:55 AM »
Revolvers also don't leave cases laying around . It might be an advantage in some situations like taking out an attacking dog or such.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !


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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2011, 03:05:25 AM »
Revolvers also don't leave cases laying around . It might be an advantage in some situations like taking out an attacking dog or such.

another good  point

descretion  is always good.......

what they don't  a good thing
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
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Re: concealed carry gun suggestions??
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2011, 03:09:06 AM »
hollywood has built up the marks on the bullet as the path to the killer gun but a case is much better if one is found. Why else would some locations require a case and not a bullet for a gun that is sold in their area ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !