OK, so George Sr. dropped the ball. And you criticize him for it. Then BJ dropped his pants. And you remind us that George Sr. dropped the ball.
So George Jr. is doing what needed to be done years ago ... and you're complaining about it.
If George Sr. had, indeed, finished Saddam off, I'm betting you would have had the same attitude about it then that you have with regard to our finally doing what needs to be done now.
As for the WMDs, who gives a
! We
know he had them, we
know he used them and we
know he didn't comply with the UN resolution to provide documentation for their destruction.
We've uncovered all sorts of evidence of a WMD program. The fact is that Saddam had all kinds of time to stash the actual poisons away somewhere. We may never find them, it took us a long time to find Saddam, and he was a whole lot bigger than a jar of poison, but the important thing is, if they're buried somewhere in the desert, that they won't be used against us.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. We did it for oil. You suppose you can cut out using that DNC talking point now that it turns out that we're not looting Iraq of its oil, as we did not loot Kuwait, and our gasoline prices are at, or near, an all time high?
I suppose it has escaped your notice that, since we destroyed the Hussein regime in Iraq, Libya has fessed up and agreed to destroy its WMDs. And, we've not experienced a terrorist attack since our President demonstrated what the consequences of such an attack would be.
Learn from history. A nation that has demonstrated its will to answer any attack on itself with overwhelming force is never attacked. Just as a schoolyard bully will never pick on anyone who will fight back. I have personal experience with that scenario as I was a pretty short kid and was picked on constantly by a tall bully. That all ended the day I kinda cracked and reacted to his abuse by launching myself at him with fists flying.
Show weakness and your enemies will line up to take shots at you.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Teddy Roosevelt was right. "Speak softly and carry a big stick."