So Handirifle, my question to you is, if someone armed broke into your home with larceny and possibly something more evil in his heart, how would you deal with it ??
Would you shoot first, ask questions later as many of us seem inclined to do, or would you pray that you and your family get out the situation alive and unharmed and hope for the best ?
And as to the "second chance" thing, my wife, raised devoutly Catholic (don't ask !) and I debate the whole Jesus thing all the time, in a loving way of course.
The Christian philosophy as a whole has some valid points, but you would have to believe in order to believe, if that makes any sense.
We usually laugh it off because all we have is ancient writings to live by, but the bottom line of what G-d laid out for us, is nothing more than being good to one another. If that is done, everything else will fall into place.
Yes, there were some secondary issues, which were covered by the 10 commandments, but it all essentially boils down in keeping our belief in G-d pure, and being kind and loving to one another.
On the other hand, it appeared that G-d knew full well what our future held with regard to our behavior, having free will and all, and made allowances for retributions (penalties, if you will) for all manner of crimes that could and would be committed.
And of course, G-d was correct in his knowledge of the path of mankind, and I am sure of two things;
He knew full well that Adam and Eve would both eat from the forbidden fruit, and that giving man free will would cause pain, suffering, and death until the time that the Messiah comes.
Hence all knowing, if you ask me.