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Communism is alive and well in North America
« on: April 09, 2023, 04:36:24 AM »
By Dennis Prager CNS News:

My field of study in graduate school was communism. As a fellow at the Russian Institute of Columbia's School of International Affairs, I was, if I remember correctly, one of seven students in the entire university to major in what was known at the time as "Communist Affairs."

I cite this in order to make this point: In my wildest dreams, I never imagined what I was studying would ever apply to the United States of America, the freest country in world history.

I assumed that communism was, for various reasons, something that happened elsewhere -- most obviously, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Cambodia and North Korea.

What were those various reasons? One was the absence of freedom in the history of those countries. Another was that all those countries were, with the exception of Cuba, outside of Western civilization.

All these years later, I see that I was wrong. Communism -- or if you will, left-wing fascism and totalitarianism -- is coming to America and Canada, and (a bit more gradually) to Australia and New Zealand.

Incredibly -- or maybe not so incredibly -- more than two hundred years of unprecedented and unrivaled liberty and commitment to Judeo-Christian values and reason, and all the unparalleled achievements of Western civilization, have come to mean nothing to about half of the American people and to virtually every one of its major institutions.

Our universities have become moral and intellectual wastelands -- almost as ideologically pure as Moscow State University was in the Soviet era. As of December 2022, there were seven times more administrators (15,750) at Stanford University than faculty (2,288).

Our medical schools are embracing Soviet-like science. In more and more of them, incoming doctors are instructed not to use the terms "male" and "female." Harvard Medical School officials use the terms "pregnant and birthing people" rather than "pregnant women." And children's hospitals are using hormone blockers (which, among other dangers, can impair future reproductive functioning) and mutilating perfectly healthy teenagers.

Students at elite law schools such as Stanford and Yale behave as if they were members of Komsomol, the Soviet Communist Youth League. On the rare occasions that conservative speakers come to their campuses to give a lecture, students heckle, shout and curse at them, disrupting their ability to speak in ways reminiscent of the Hitler Youth in 1930s Germany.

The greatest of all freedoms, that of speech, is disappearing. Since Lenin, no left-wing institution or country has ever allowed dissent, and the Left in America -- which is elected and defended by liberals -- is no exception. Already almost half of all college students say they do not believe in free speech for "hate speech," which, of course, means they are for suppressing all speech with which the Left differs.

Perhaps even more than in the Soviet Union, lunacy has replaced reason. In Ontario, Canada's most populous province, the provincial agency in charge of education has announced that the notion that there is only one correct answer in mathematics is an expression of white supremacy. The Oregon Education Department has announced the same thing. The American Medical Association has declared that no American birth certificates should list the sex/gender of a child -- the child will decide that later.

Teachers across the country are robbing children as young as 5 of their innocence. They are routinely taken to drag queen shows where men in women's clothing dance for them (sometimes lewdly). Why? Because it is the aim of most American schools from first grade to postgraduate to have all American young people believe that sex/gender is "nonbinary" -- that alone in the animal kingdom, human beings are not sexually divided into male and female.

In the COVID-19 era, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health and virtually every other national medical and health agency largely abandoned science and even elementary decency (recall all the Americans who were forcibly deprived of any visitors and left to die alone in hospitals) and became tools of the Left. They and America's Sovietized teachers' unions ruined millions of American children by closing schools for nearly two years. In addition to the doomsday hysteria over climate change, the imposed gender confusion and the absence of religion, this has led to the highest rates of adolescent depression and suicide ever recorded in America.

Our justice department, about half of our judges and our security agencies are well on their way to becoming what the Soviet ministry of justice, Soviet security agencies and Soviet judges were: tools of the ruling party.

Our mainstream media, with few exceptions, are as uncommitted to truth as were the organs of the Soviet Communist Party, Pravda and Izvestia. The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR and PBS play the same role for the Left and therefore the Democratic Party.

It was only a matter of time until the Left would arrest a former president of the opposition party.

Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.
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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2023, 07:30:00 AM »
After all the world has experienced from Communism, I still cannot believe anyone with any intellectual capacity, can be "talked into" Communism.
 For me at least, that confirms some sort of worldwide mind possession.  Except one is somehow "possessed" how can they stand and claim that
  a man is a woman, that mutilating little children for the rest of their lives is progress and wholesale killing of children in the womb is  beneficial?

  The completely irrational statements by the me proves that their minds are no longer ruled by themselves.

  Just my $ .02.. take it or trash it !
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2023, 06:12:40 PM »
JMO-just my opinion, a lot of what's going on, is the fact that a great percentage of the last generation, and some of the generation previous, have never lived in the real world. (Millennials, and generation Z) How many of them have worked in a garden raising vegetables for canning? I have! Drove a tractor or stood on a trailer stacking bales of straw? I have. Worked in a store stocking shelves, mopping floors, or separating pop or beer bottles? I have. How many born in the last 35-40+ years have done any of that?  Turn on MTV, now their phone, food magically appears on store shelves or delivered to their door. Communism to me, is a form of brainwashing. Let us, government take care of you, just do as your told. Down the road, IF, they figure it out, they might realize, the government is suppose to be working for you, instead of the other way around.   
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman
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Offline Dee

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2023, 11:10:00 PM »
JMO-just my opinion, a lot of what's going on, is the fact that a great percentage of the last generation, and some of the generation previous, have never lived in the real world. (Millennials, and generation Z) How many of them have worked in a garden raising vegetables for canning? I have! Drove a tractor or stood on a trailer stacking bales of straw? I have. Worked in a store stocking shelves, mopping floors, or separating pop or beer bottles? I have. How many born in the last 35-40+ years have done any of that?  Turn on MTV, now their phone, food magically appears on store shelves or delivered to their door. Communism to me, is a form of brainwashing. Let us, government take care of you, just do as your told. Down the road, IF, they figure it out, they might realize, the government is suppose to be working for you, instead of the other way around.   

But whos fault is that? Their parents of course.  ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2023, 01:03:35 AM »
JMO-just my opinion, a lot of what's going on, is the fact that a great percentage of the last generation, and some of the generation previous, have never lived in the real world. (Millennials, and generation Z) How many of them have worked in a garden raising vegetables for canning? I have! Drove a tractor or stood on a trailer stacking bales of straw? I have. Worked in a store stocking shelves, mopping floors, or separating pop or beer bottles? I have. How many born in the last 35-40+ years have done any of that?  Turn on MTV, now their phone, food magically appears on store shelves or delivered to their door. Communism to me, is a form of brainwashing. Let us, government take care of you, just do as your told. Down the road, IF, they figure it out, they might realize, the government is suppose to be working for you, instead of the other way around.   

   Yes, we have a couple very spoiled generations,.  ...Highly likely our affluence had something to do with it, parents living fat and happy..doting on children being raised without God, standards, or sufficient duties and responsibilities, to raise them up with character.
    We have a couple generations of "Karens" and "Kevins", to deal with now, only seeking to have their 'never denied' way with the
     world.   A recipe for national..and international, disaster.
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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2023, 01:30:13 AM »
Highly likely our affluence had something to do with it, parents living fat an happy..doting on children being raised without God, standards, or sufficient duties and responsibilities, to raise them up with character.
Y’know…..I wonder about that. There is a great deal of truth in that observation. What I wonder about is the fat and happy part, at least as it affects the future of those spoiled children. It used to be that parents raised children so that the kids would grow up in a better life than the parents had. It has worked that way for me and for all the kids (now senior citizens) that I grew up with. My parents made sure we, my brothers and I, had a good education….we were the first in our family to go to college. We had part time jobs from age 12 on (started delivering newspapers). Got a job directly after college. Was able to afford a place of my own.
Nowadays….seems like career employment is harder to find, houses are expensive and apartments are wildly overpriced. So…”kids” stay home longer with Mom and Pop. Are they really looking at a better life than their folks?

Offline JeffG

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2023, 06:51:51 AM »
One of the "highlights" if you will of Communism, is genocide. I am more than a little concerned when that lever will be pulled.

I really think that when the "Boomers" and the trailings of that generation fade away, they will take some things with them. Work ethic, retirement plans, stock investments, home ownership, car ownership, cooking whole foods in the kitchen, religion, Social Security contributions, etc. The generations left behind will be taking the bus, or bicycle to a burger flipping job with no retirement plan, no savings account state medicare, and returning to their one bedroom apartment to eat Marie Calender TV dinners. Free ranging crime will be the common theme and self defense will be illegal. An over simplification, I know. The future of America is tending to be pretty dismal. Give it 20 years, and see if I'm not right.
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2023, 08:08:16 AM »
Hard times create strong men---strong men create good times---good times create weak men---weak men create hard times
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman
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Online darkgael

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2023, 01:19:25 PM »
Communism is alive and well in North America.
I have been thinking about that statement since it was posted. I read through the responses…A litany of the social decay that we see developing around us. I agree with the observations. What I do not see is any real connection to the philosophies of Marx and Engels, of Lenin and Stalin, of Mao TseTung, of Kim Il-sung. I do not see nationalization of industry. I do not see purges. I do not see a single strong durable dictator running the country. I do not see five year plans, seven year plans. In fact, I do not see any of the social institutions that normally define a communist society.
The ills that we see in our society can be the result of many factors. It is too easy to play the commie card when somethings happen that we don’t like. Playing it draws attention away from the real factors behind modern social ills.

Offline Ranger99

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2023, 03:31:55 PM »
IMO the stereotypical soviet comrade
politburo stalin kinda communism all
the older people knew as young people
won't be around anymore, but the ideas
and ideals are still very much alive.
Jealousy and envy of the wealthy,
Thinking that everyone is due a big
bank account and is owed a high paying
job and a mini mansion and luxury car, etc.
Jealousy and envy and the anger and
propensity for violence has been around
at least since Cain and Abel and Jacob
and Esau. Equality is equality of opportunity.
Nothing else nothing more.
There will always be and rightfully should
be a  better faster smarter more handsome
healtier person than the average Joe.
The most qualified candidate should always
get the job, and the smartest brightest
students deserve the accolades.
Those that aren't as bright have always
( at least since I've been alive) had the
option of educating themselves in order
to advance in the workforce and in life.
But what makes "communists " mad is
the fact that there will always be one
winner and the rest are not.  There's
been every kind of counseling and
tutoring and special education and
treatments and higher education courses
and pretty much whatever you can
think of to give people a hand up.
There's not supposed to be sanctioned
handouts.  There's been options for the
people that can't fend for themselves,
or have become unable to, but so many
pinheads have learned to work the system
that many are unable to receive the help
that was allocated for them.

If we get in these global conflicts that
everyone is carrying on about and get
knocked back a couple of centuries,
the people that are the drains on our
society today won't exist. You'll have
to make your own way or somebody
will have to help you.  You won't be
able to pick a working man's pocket
because you'll end up on the buzzard
buffet like thieves and freeloaders did
back in the bad old days

I've read several historical accounts of
the early days of this republic/state, and
the settlers didn't put up with half the BS
that goes on now. You either did right or
left or got buried.  I don't think the people
today that are flirting with communism
want to go back to that
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2023, 04:25:56 PM »
Communism is alive and well in North America.
I have been thinking about that statement since it was posted. I read through the responses…A litany of the social decay that we see developing around us. I agree with the observations. What I do not see is any real connection to the philosophies of Marx and Engels, of Lenin and Stalin, of Mao TseTung, of Kim Il-sung. I do not see nationalization of industry. I do not see purges. I do not see a single strong durable dictator running the country. I do not see five year plans, seven year plans. In fact, I do not see any of the social institutions that normally define a communist society.
The ills that we see in our society can be the result of many factors. It is too easy to play the commie card when somethings happen that we don’t like. Playing it draws attention away from the real factors behind modern social ills.

  THe Marxism will begin to manifest itself soon.  Right now, we are going through the preliminaries which have been espoused and practiced by all Communist revolutionaries.
   First off, they know they must destroy the present system, in order to replace it with their own.  At present, they have their
  stooges and sycophants, such as Antifa and BLM, doing their dirty work for them. If/when they get full power...they will be the first
   to go, since from experience these "useful idiots" as Lenin called them, are the first ones to become "reactionaries", and must be

  Europe is already losing it...since the Euro banking system today announced .."no more paying in cash, for anything over 1,000 Euros.  They are going toward a cashless society...where your former cash in the bank..would be just the government can
 seize your account..if you buy something the government in power frowns upon....such as guns or ammo.

  Observers say that is headed here...remember I reported a short time ago...if you draw $600 cash out of your account.. it must be reported to the government..

     Check the historical pattern of Communist takeovers.  It starts with the destruction of order and the promotion of confusion.

   Think..this "gender " mixup, LGBTQ, the Demonrats dividing black from white, male from female, older from the piure
   stupidity of not being able to tell a woman from a man etc...all designed to divide citizens and promote Communism
  can weasel it's way in.
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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2023, 04:08:31 AM »
China was communist, but it has moved from communism to Facism.  Facism like NAZI Germany ALLOWED capitalism, but had only ONE party rule.  That one party could for instance make Henkel Aircraft company in the mid-1930 make Bombers.  Mr. Henkel made passenger planes.  He told Hitler that we fought the Great War, WWI, and he didn't want to have anything to do with war.  Mr. Henkel died a couple months later, and his son took over.  His son started making the Henkel bombers used in WWII.  China is now Facist.  They allow capitalism, but can force the companies to do what they want. 

This is where we are headed, with the Democrats cheating, lieing, and winning elections to eventually cancel out the GOP and especially MAGA Republicans.  Pushing and forcing their agenda on everyone.  Eventually we will have one party rule, and corporations to do the governments bidding.  Modern communism allows capitalism only because it works and provides jobs, goods and services, so long as it serves the government.  Cuba and North Korea are holdouts to the old style of Soviet communism where the government owned every means of production.  It didn't work long term, thus the Soviet Union fell.  Russia under Putin is trying to bring it back, but the Russians have tasted a little of capitalism and really don't want to give that up.  Russia is more like NAXI Germany today. 

Both communism and facism are Statist type of governments.  We are headed that way. 
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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2023, 04:21:27 AM »
Quite on point, and the only thing I must pause to ponder is....
  How in  &^+%  can so many people..some of then quite bright, fall for the old, tired, worn out Communist lies?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2023, 10:50:07 AM »
Quite on point, and the only thing I must pause to ponder is....
  How in  &^+%  can so many people..some of then quite bright, fall for the old, tired, worn out Communist lies?

Answer. Because, they want to...

Offline ironglow

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2023, 11:10:46 AM »
Quite on point, and the only thing I must pause to ponder is....
  How in  &^+%  can so many people..some of then quite bright, fall for the old, tired, worn out Communist lies?

Answer. Because, they want to...

   Seems like that is the answer..which again, leads to my conclusion of their possibly being possessed.
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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2023, 01:33:56 AM »
Answer. Because, they want to...

It must be. Anyone looking at “communism” should realize that it just does not work, not in any form.

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Re: Communism is alive and well in North America
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2023, 02:38:11 AM »
  Communist governments murdered somewhere between 100,000,000 and 150,000,000 of their own citizens during the 20th century..,of%20mass%20murder%20ever%20recorded.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)