There is no attempt at argument here. I'm stating well known facts. There is no doubt that Beck is a Mormon, and there is no doubt that Mormonism has its own Bible, and what I have posted concerning Mormonism is also well known fact.
Concerning Jonathan Cahn the article I posted uses "direct quotes" from Cahns' own writings, compared to actual Biblical facts.
My posts are "counter points" not argument, and one should always be very suspicious when non Christian actors are philosophizing, and handing out prophecies claiming they are Christian based.
Messianic Jews which Jonathan Cahn says he is, are trying to stir Christianity and Judaism together which in fact is blasphemy, and also Cahn has declared himself to be a rabbi which has been warned against by Christ Himself in the very 1st New Testament book of Matthew Chapter 23 verses 8 through 12.
Jonathan Cahn has because of this made up religion (Messianic Judaism), promoting false Christianity, and really is no better off than Beck, and his Mormonism.
If one truly trusts the Biblical Scriptures, and one is truly Christian in their beliefs, they will immediately realize that
Both Cahn and Beck are obviously through their "religions" are guilty of blasphemy, based on Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verse 2, and Revelation Chapter 22 verses 18 & 19.
I never thought for a second that I'd change anyones mind and I'll choose for myself, to stick to Gods own Word and continue to keep the leaven out of it.
Over, and out.