Myron, there are easier ways to do things. For bullets I'm gonna shoot up to about 1200 fps, I use Rooster Jacket Lube. It's a liquid that dries to a hard waxy surface such as is found on .22s. Dump 500 bullets in a bowl, add 1-2 tablespoons of Rooster, stir and dump on a cookie sheet. For higher velocities, Lee's Liquid Alox does the same thing, but leaves a messier surface. If the lube on the nose bothers me, I dust the finished bullets with Motor Mica.
The old stand by is pan lubing, which I use only for rifle bullets. Size and GC nekkid bullets, sit them base down in a pan, add solid lube and heat pan until the lube melts. You can add more lube to get the level to fill whatever grooves you want filled. Let cool and cut the bullets out with a tube just larger than the bullet. Cutoff fired cartridge cases are the common tube.
As I have said, I have and sometimes use a conventional lubriziser. When I can use Rooster Jacket or LA, my production rate is about three times faster with the Lee Pushthroughs. If I had the money it takes, I'd have a Star and have the best of both worlds, but that ain't happening.