Author Topic: Buck Fiden flags.  (Read 1320 times)

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Offline magooch

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Buck Fiden flags.
« on: June 02, 2023, 04:50:21 PM »
They're baa-ack.  During the last Pres. election there were a number of folks around here who had mounted flags  on their pickup trucks and on their garages.  These were American flags with big letters imposed over the stars and stripes that said Buck Fiden--or something like that.  It's not exactly the kind of thing I would want on any of my vehicles, or on my house, but it leaves no doubt about who you didn't vote for.

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2023, 05:24:44 PM »
I look at that kinda public display like a nasty mouthed fool in a restaurant, or ball game.
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2023, 12:36:02 AM »
well im not to politically correct. that said i wouldnt put a flag up that graphic. dut i do have a "lets go brandon" flag on one pole and a black "unborn lives matter" on another. i also have a custom tin warning sign on the big pole that says dare to touch my flag and you will be shot" during last election my trump flags and even my American flag were stolen more then once. after the sign no one touched them. have to chuckle though. in my 100 mile drive to the VA hospital theres a number of "F biden signs in yards but one guy has one right out on the edge of his property line on the side of the hwy that is probably 10x20' some democrats filed a complaint and wanted it removed. county said it was his property and his freedom of speech and refused to make him take it down. dose it offend me? NOPE the can put gay rights signs and pro choice signs out and they offend me MUCH more. wife made the statement it isnt cool for all the little kids to see. told her you learn that F word from other kids in kindergarten today and by 2nd grade half the kids routinely use it in a sentence and have heard dad and even ma say it when there angry or frustrated. then add that how many little kids riding down the road are reading signs. you have a constitutional right to freedom of speech. if your going to sensor someone's freedom of speech dont expect yours to be protected. whats next? going to put someone in jail for saying F in public or maybe fag. your yard your flag none of my business
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Online ironglow

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2023, 12:51:47 AM »
  Using gutter talk in any display we may display, only puts us in a class with the garbage -mouthed leftists..
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2023, 01:02:48 AM »
  Using gutter talk in any display we may display, only puts us in a class with the garbage -mouthed leftists..
you never once in your life said fu--???? never once took the Lords name in vain. i know better you were in the army. what is it Jesus said "you who are without sin cast the first stone"  little news flash for you republicans swear as much as democrats and with the good old boys in our camp probably more. id bet biden trump and every president in history other the jimmy carter probably swore every day they were in office behind closed doors. whole thing is FN silly. if a sign or flag gets under your skin you need to thicken said skin
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Offline moamonkey

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2023, 03:49:52 AM »
Foul language needs to be controlled in the young formative years. Sure, I heard those words, but would never be allowed to say them…my mother would have slapped the mouth right off of my face. Schools didn’t allow them either. Of course I used them as I got older and knew what they meant, when and where they were appropriate. Today I control myself, look for more intelligent, descriptive words (try to control myself), emotionally charged, they’ll come out. Children should be taught to not use them.

Offline Dee

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2023, 04:00:04 AM »
Growing up we never used, or allowed foul, or vulgar language around women, or kids. Still don't.
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2023, 05:06:37 AM »
Growing up we never used, or allowed foul, or vulgar language around women, or kids. Still don't.

i would have got the belt when i was a kid if i said f--- or took the lords name in vain. wasnt till i was 17 i heard my dad say it. but i dont judge others who swear. doesnt hurt me so why should i let it bother me. as to women you should have said LADYS because in my experience women are as fouled mouthed as men if not worse. Like i said that he who hasnt sinned cast the first stone. as to deciding where and when it should be allowed nobody made me the socials language police. if you love and want our constitution the first thing in it because those brilliant men that wrote it knew how important it is is your RIGHT to free speach. dont like it just walk away. sooy guys but 8 year as a sailor and 30 as a lineman a day didnt go buy that you didnt hear it at least ten times a day. that someone says f--- occasional has absolutley no bearing on what kind of man he is. noe you tell me youve never said it or your being a hypocrite or are just f----ng f--l of s--t. if i was going to appoint myself as the cussing police taking Gods name in vain is 100s of times worse then saying F thats one thing i make a conserted effort not to do. but even then i dont lecture others
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Offline Dee

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2023, 07:31:10 AM »
Growing up we never used, or allowed foul, or vulgar language around women, or kids. Still don't.

i would have got the belt when i was a kid if i said f--- or took the lords name in vain. wasnt till i was 17 i heard my dad say it. but i dont judge others who swear. doesnt hurt me so why should i let it bother me. as to women you should have said LADYS because in my experience women are as fouled mouthed as men if not worse. Like i said that he who hasnt sinned cast the first stone. as to deciding where and when it should be allowed nobody made me the socials language police. if you love and want our constitution the first thing in it because those brilliant men that wrote it knew how important it is is your RIGHT to free speach. dont like it just walk away. sooy guys but 8 year as a sailor and 30 as a lineman a day didnt go buy that you didnt hear it at least ten times a day. that someone says f--- occasional has absolutley no bearing on what kind of man he is. noe you tell me youve never said it or your being a hypocrite or are just f----ng f--l of s--t. if i was going to appoint myself as the cussing police taking Gods name in vain is 100s of times worse then saying F thats one thing i make a conserted effort not to do. but even then i dont lecture others

Well Lloyd, that's one of the differences between you and me. I don't recall saying I'd never used four language, so lets drop the sin, and rock throwing, and lets stick with what I actually said. 
I said myself, and my family (male family members) didn't use, and don't allow foul, vulgar language around women, kids, and let's add older folks. It has nuthin to do with the 1st Amendment and freedom of speech. Its called common decency. And if ANY man uses filthy, vulgar language around women and children, he ain't much of a man.;)
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Offline magooch

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2023, 09:16:12 AM »
I was in the Navy and the Air Force and as a rule most of the guys didn't use foul language around officers, women and even higher ranking non-coms. and of course children.  Now days the F-word is in nearly every sentence that comes out of men,  women and even some kids.  It is even very common in movies that are not R or X rated.  I don't like it at all and it really disturbs me when I'm alone and let my language drop a few notches if I get frustrated with something.  I truly wish that the S-word and the F-word  were not the most common words in use in what we call the English language.  They are just words but it says a lot about ones respect for others and maybe even respect for your own mouth.

Offline Dee

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2023, 09:30:41 AM »
I was in the Navy and the Air Force and as a rule most of the guys didn't use foul language around officers, women and even higher ranking non-coms. and of course children.  Now days the F-word is in nearly every sentence that comes out of men,  women and even some kids.  It is even very common in movies that are not R or X rated.  I don't like it at all and it really disturbs me when I'm alone and let my language drop a few notches if I get frustrated with something.  I truly wish that the S-word and the F-word  were not the most common words in use in what we call the English language.  They are just words but it says a lot about ones respect for others and maybe even respect for your own mouth.

Agreed. It's one thing when a bunch of guys are out somewhere, but an entirely different thing in a public place. In restaurants, ballgames ECT, its totally out of place when women and children are present.
It almost never happens around here, and if it does, someone will call the offender out in front of everyone. That usually solves the problem pretty quick.
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2023, 10:27:00 PM »
you guys are just better men. much more of a gentleman then me. at least on the internet where can be anything you want. also you are so much better at judging then me. never saw where Jesus cared our even mentioned that word but the bible is full of warnings not to judge. whats going on here dee. i disagree with one of your posts and you want to play again? sorry but i wont play. unlike you i could give a f--- if you agree with me or not. geez this is no longer about political flags. maybe i should piss and moan or even threaten to leave if its not moved!! wait, there is no morality forum here. best i can come up with is the religion forum and your judging others and bragging superior morals doesnt really fit in there. now you can get the last word in and ill figure for the near future it will be in every post and its probably the start of your everyday attack on Catholics that happens every time your pissed (wait i should have said when someone urinates on you). ive got nothing personal against you so you will probably for the most part be doing it alone
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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2023, 12:41:16 AM »
I've been known, in my later years, to spout "FIRETRUCK!!", or "HORSEHOCKEY" as an expletive, rather than the more common gutter language.

Just sayin'.....Roger

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2023, 01:42:14 AM »

Down here, lots of folks feel the same way I do. Respect for others is not being politically correct, and bad behavior in public, is still bad behavior.



DISORDERLY CONDUCT (a) A person commits an offence if he intentionally or knowingly:

(1) uses abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language in a public place, and the very utterance tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace;
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2023, 02:09:21 AM »
so then texas and you are anti first amendment. who are the moral police that determine what is and what isnt lude. how many have you put in jail for cussing. sorry but you admitted doing it yourself so now its down to YOU DECIDING where and when its appropriate. ill stick to the constitution and what it says about free speech and the bible that teaches its not my place to judge. and the ten commandments that specifically tell me sinning cusses are taking Gs name in vain. i kind of chuckle at getting judged by CHRISTIANS on a web site that is PRO CONSTITUTION. I guess for some there no different the libs wanting to scream first amendment but in practice only when it fits there agenda. or people that claim to be Christian that either only follow the bible when its convenint or twist scripture to fit there agenda. woops there i go getting off topic again. Might want to move this one
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Online ironglow

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2023, 02:10:57 AM »
  Using gutter talk in any display we may display, only puts us in a class with the garbage -mouthed leftists..
you never once in your life said fu--???? never once took the Lords name in vain. i know better you were in the army. what is it Jesus said "you who are without sin cast the first stone"  little news flash for you republicans swear as much as democrats and with the good old boys in our camp probably more. id bet biden trump and every president in history other the jimmy carter probably swore every day they were in office behind closed doors. whole thing is FN silly. if a sign or flag gets under your skin you need to thicken said skin

   Sure I did, but that is past history. I no longer use those words, not since finding and committing to my Savior.  It wasn't so easy to change,
 but one device I used, was substitute words..  I said such words as "sugar" or "fudge", in place of similar sounding words.
With the similar sounding words, if one starts to sat the offensive word, they often can change it before the word leaves their lips.. and soon the substitute words are not needed.

  Even before i was saved, I never did get into the habit of using God's name in vain..nor did I use such words around home, women or children.

  Refraining from cursing and swearing, is not "silly" IMO..because Jesus informed us that such is defamatory for a Christian .
   So far as "the gang" cursing and swearing...I suppose over the years and by natural association, just don't happen to have friends who perform
    that way.
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Online ironglow

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2023, 02:24:57 AM »
  Most filthy talk is extraneous anyway..doesn't ad to the conversation in any way.  It just seems to be a way for somebody to "conform", or "fit in" with the crowd.

  Still, God does not want us to conform to the ugly habits of "the world'..

   "2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."  (Romans 12:2)
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2023, 02:28:53 AM »
 I don’t fly the buck fiden
But if the Boats in the Gulf
These are in the wind

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2023, 02:33:59 AM »
They're baa-ack.  During the last Pres. election there were a number of folks around here who had mounted flags  on their pickup trucks and on their garages.  These were American flags with big letters imposed over the stars and stripes that said Buck Fiden--or something like that.  It's not exactly the kind of thing I would want on any of my vehicles, or on my house, but it leaves no doubt about who you didn't vote for.

This is the original topic, and I agree with magooch. While it is "a clear message" and I do occasionally see it in public [\b], I don't condone it, nor do I want any part of displaying such vulgarity in public places.[\b]

One has the right to say just about anything, but common sense dictates: Is it right to say it in public places.?

A person may wave his fist all he wants, as long as he doesn't hit anyone with it. Its the same with language. Just because a person likes to use filthy language, doesn't give that person the right to subject others to it in public places.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2023, 02:46:35 AM »
never saw where God or his son addressed saying sh-- da- or f--- in the old or new testament. those ideals were created by man. but AGAIN i will say he sure addressed judging others.That is right in black and white in the ten commandments. but im sure you will find a way to twist something he did say. i think sometimes you really believe the best christian is the one that is best at twisting simple words in the bible into something that will win an argument. like i said you can pretend to be anyone you want on the internet. with me what you see is what you get. i dont pretend. as hard as you try to not swear I try to not lie. funny thing is that bothers people. even frustrates my wife. im out of here now. ill let you and dee get the last word in and i hope it makes you feel superior to me. must be some obscure scipture passage you can twist or some other texas law from the 1800s you can use for ammo. give it a crack i wont reply but you can just picture me here chuckling
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2023, 02:59:27 AM »
so let me throw one more thing out there. this is to the flags flying and you feeling it offends you or your kids so it shouldnt be allowed. the south has been under attack. even by there own people trying to ban the rebel flag because it offends them. sorry boys but thats the same thing. i will stand up for your constitutional right to fly it. look what there doing right now today renaming army bases. same exact people that are doing that banning the confederate flags and statues are the ones running to politicians trying to tell me what my flag in my yard and my pole is allowed to say and YOU SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT and even agree with it. wonder what would have happened if trump won started this or started a thread saying the confederate flag is insulting to him
They're baa-ack.  During the last Pres. election there were a number of folks around here who had mounted flags  on their pickup trucks and on their garages.  These were American flags with big letters imposed over the stars and stripes that said Buck Fiden--or something like that.  It's not exactly the kind of thing I would want on any of my vehicles, or on my house, but it leaves no doubt about who you didn't vote for.

This is the original topic, and I agree with magooch. While it is "a clear message" and I do occasionally see it in public [\b], I don't condone it, nor do I want any part of displaying such vulgarity in public places.[\b]

One has the right to say just about anything, but common sense dictates: Is it right to say it in public places.?

A person may wave his fist all he wants, as long as he doesn't hit anyone with it. Its the same with language. Just because a person likes to use filthy language, doesn't give that person the right to subject others to it in public places.
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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2023, 03:36:02 AM »
so let me throw one more thing out there. this is to the flags flying and you feeling it offends you or your kids so it shouldnt be allowed. the south has been under attack. even by there own people trying to ban the rebel flag because it offends them. sorry boys but thats the same thing. i will stand up for your constitutional right to fly it. look what there doing right now today renaming army bases. same exact people that are doing that banning the confederate flags and statues are the ones running to politicians trying to tell me what my flag in my yard and my pole is allowed to say and YOU SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT and even agree with it. wonder what would have happened if trump won started this or started a thread saying the confederate flag is insulting to him
They're baa-ack.  During the last Pres. election there were a number of folks around here who had mounted flags  on their pickup trucks and on their garages.  These were American flags with big letters imposed over the stars and stripes that said Buck Fiden--or something like that.  It's not exactly the kind of thing I would want on any of my vehicles, or on my house, but it leaves no doubt about who you didn't vote for.

This is the original topic, and I agree with magooch. While it is "a clear message" and I do occasionally see it in public [\b], I don't condone it, nor do I want any part of displaying such vulgarity in public places.[\b]

One has the right to say just about anything, but common sense dictates: Is it right to say it in public places.?

A person may wave his fist all he wants, as long as he doesn't hit anyone with it. Its the same with language. Just because a person likes to use filthy language, doesn't give that person the right to subject others to it in public places.

Lloyd, I'm gonna address this one last rant of yours, and that's gonna be the end of it for me. Everything here that you have accused me of saying, I didn't say, or emply any of it here. You have done everything thing you can here trying to insult me, because of my view concerning public indecency, but I'm not insulted, or angry.
What I've learned however, is that ignoring you, is much easier than trying to not set you off. So that's where we are now. Again.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2023, 05:54:30 AM »
lmao this by you who flys off at people more then everyone put together. maybe we should wine to bill that this belongs in another section. or hear again that your going to walk away from here. i admit my mistakes and the biggest one was thinking we could get along when no one else on the forum wanted anything to do you. i gave it my best but found out in the catholic charities post that your hate runs deep. i posted a link to a pro catholic post and the only one with the class to reply was ironglow. didnt surprise me one bit. now go beat up some mexicans. at least finally youd be doing more then crying about the problem. maybe a little more dark highlighted sentences or some more of your childish cartoon emoji's. come on you can dig one up just for me ::)
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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2023, 06:38:06 AM »
Public profanity in Michigan offends Michigan republicans. I think most people feel the same way I do regarding profanity, and vulgar language around their children, mothers, wives ect. Unfortunately, some lack respect for others, and to some it's a way of life.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2023, 07:38:19 AM »
come on!!! wheres my stupid cartoon. I DESERVRE ONE! its not fair that i dont get a childish response!!!! i know youve got it in you. we know you want to. just give in to the urge.  ;)  a link showing even with whitmer, michigan residents still have first amendment rights isnt doing much for your argument.
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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2023, 09:23:38 AM »
Gonna weigh in on this one even tho I normally stay out of such discussions:

I've been known, in my later years, to spout "FIRETRUCK!!", or "HORSEHOCKEY" as an expletive, rather than the more common gutter language.

Just sayin'.....Roger

Sure I did, but that is past history. I no longer use those words, not since finding and committing to my Savior.  It wasn't so easy to change,
 but one device I used, was substitute words..  I said such words as "sugar" or "fudge", in place of similar sounding words.
With the similar sounding words, if one starts to sat the offensive word, they often can change it before the word leaves their lips.. and soon the substitute words are not needed.

Mine you I'm NOT judging here. But to me, note my personal opinion ONLY:

I see no difference in using substitute words. If in the head of the person doing such they are thinking the other word than they used it is the exact same at least in my mind and to my ears.

BUT I do believe in the Constitution and take it quite literally as it was written. I also agree that I find nothing in the Bible regarding the various words alluded to here. It doesn't bother me when folks use such words. I find them no more offensive or difficult to listen to than I do folks who use "like" a half dozen times in each sentence or are constantly saying "you know" or start all sentences with "I mean," and various other things folks these days seem to have come to do.

So what is cussing or if you wish cursing? I guess honestly I dunno and it depends on each person and what their view is.

To me so long as ya don't take the Lord's name in vain I guess I don't recognize cussing or cursing but just rather it is words that are by society considered to be vulgar, whatever exactly that means to each person.

So such be uttered in public or around children or ladies? Prolly not, true gentlemen, by the very definition of that word would not do so. But I don't personally think it sinful and while I sure don't know kinda doubt GOD really cares especially as much stuff is going on these days that truly are against the biblical teachings.

Strictures against such words in the presence of children and ladies (note I do not say women but ladies and yes I see those as two different definitions) are man made and to me do not rise to a level of concern as regards religion. I also see any law or code preventing a person from saying whatever they wish to include calling blacks by the n-word as a violation of the US Constitution and quite frankly see yelling FIRE in a crowded room the same way. I am a STRICT interpreter of the language of the Constitution and think the 10 million or more laws and codes on the book since it was written as mostly all superfluous and a violation of our natural rights as denoted in the Constitution.

Of course that's just my own personal opinion, you are free to feel differently.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2023, 10:26:14 AM »
Gonna weigh in on this one even tho I normally stay out of such discussions:

I've been known, in my later years, to spout "FIRETRUCK!!", or "HORSEHOCKEY" as an expletive, rather than the more common gutter language.

Just sayin'.....Roger

Sure I did, but that is past history. I no longer use those words, not since finding and committing to my Savior.  It wasn't so easy to change,
 but one device I used, was substitute words..  I said such words as "sugar" or "fudge", in place of similar sounding words.
With the similar sounding words, if one starts to sat the offensive word, they often can change it before the word leaves their lips.. and soon the substitute words are not needed.

Mine you I'm NOT judging here. But to me, note my personal opinion ONLY:

I see no difference in using substitute words. If in the head of the person doing such they are thinking the other word than they used it is the exact same at least in my mind and to my ears.

BUT I do believe in the Constitution and take it quite literally as it was written. I also agree that I find nothing in the Bible regarding the various words alluded to here. It doesn't bother me when folks use such words. I find them no more offensive or difficult to listen to than I do folks who use "like" a half dozen times in each sentence or are constantly saying "you know" or start all sentences with "I mean," and various other things folks these days seem to have come to do.

So what is cussing or if you wish cursing? I guess honestly I dunno and it depends on each person and what their view is.

To me so long as ya don't take the Lord's name in vain I guess I don't recognize cussing or cursing but just rather it is words that are by society considered to be vulgar, whatever exactly that means to each person.

So such be uttered in public or around children or ladies? Prolly not, true gentlemen, by the very definition of that word would not do so. But I don't personally think it sinful and while I sure don't know kinda doubt GOD really cares especially as much stuff is going on these days that truly are against the biblical teachings.

Strictures against such words in the presence of children and ladies (note I do not say women but ladies and yes I see those as two different definitions) are man made and to me do not rise to a level of concern as regards religion. I also see any law or code preventing a person from saying whatever they wish to include calling blacks by the n-word as a violation of the US Constitution and quite frankly see yelling FIRE in a crowded room the same way. I am a STRICT interpreter of the language of the Constitution and think the 10 million or more laws and codes on the book since it was written as mostly all superfluous and a violation of our natural rights as denoted in the Constitution.

Of course that's just my own personal opinion, you are free to feel differently.

Actually there are 12 individual scriptures speaking directly against vulgar language towards, or in front of others. But as you say, only a gentleman by definition, wouldn't.

Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 29. Don't use foul or abusive language[\b]. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement  to those who hear them.

Colossians Chapter 3 verse 8. But now ye put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy,filthy communication out of your mouth.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2023, 11:30:11 AM »
  " never saw where God or his son addressed saying sh-- da- or f--- in the old or new testament"

   Of course not, those are English words..or historically, Angle-ish words.  in fact, the "F" word in middle English meant to "plant" as with oats
    or barley, but like many words, has been morphed in meaning over the centuries..

  Actually, the most common use of that particular profanity, seems to be among the "woke" mob.  In fact, they seem proud of their ability or
  complete lack of couth, in using all types of obscenities, which gives me another reason to stay away from such execrations.
   It even seems that young women among the "woke", appear to take some kind of satisfaction in using such language...apparently not realizing how filthy it seems to make them appear.

  I recall hearing some soldiers I served with, who it seemed, used a profanity almost every other word out of their mouth.  I tend to put that person in a category of one who likely lacks in their vocabulary and elocution, and tries to fill the void with vulgarities..

   Yes, I se those various flags such as f _ _ _ Biden, and it is disappointing to see any firm conservative stoop that low, in spite of their
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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2023, 11:48:24 AM »
I recall hearing some soldiers I served with, who it seemed, used a profanity almost every other word out of their mouth.  I tend to put that person in a category of one who likely lacks in their vocabulary and elocution, and tries to fill the void with vulgarities..

Indeed, the person who cannot carry on a conversation without such language does seem to lack the vocabulary for genteel conversation. Elocution speaks more to their ability to speak to crowds to me but for sure if ya can't carry on a conversation without such then you do need to practice or perhaps just stay out of situations where genteel speech is the norm.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2023, 12:37:01 PM »
I don't think I've ever hung out with anybody I considered genteel, but they had good manners and watched their language around women and kids.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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