Author Topic: Buck Fiden flags.  (Read 1318 times)

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2023, 12:38:04 PM »
Genteel conversation... :)
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2023, 01:40:43 PM »
I'm in the habit of dropping by just to see whats going on and this thread really made me realize that not fighting since I left has done wonders for my blood pressure and my CHRISTIANITY.  ;D
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Offline magooch

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2023, 05:13:57 PM »
At the risk of possibly wearing this thing out, I for one sure hope that certain words do not get any more common on TV and radio than they already are.  I surely believe in freedom of speech, but without standards we're not holding ourselves up to much in the way of self respect.  One of the most endearing things I ever heard was for one of my dearest relatives to tell me that my wife told him that she had never heard me ever utter but one four letter word in her presence in over 57 years of marriage.  It made me redouble my efforts to treat everyone with that same respect.  I had no idea she was keeping score--I just wish she was still here to keep score.

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2023, 05:41:00 PM »
At the risk of possibly wearing this thing out, I for one sure hope that certain words do not get any more common on TV and radio than they already are.  I surely believe in freedom of speech, but without standards we're not holding ourselves up to much in the way of self respect.  One of the most endearing things I ever heard was for one of my dearest relatives to tell me that my wife told him that she had never heard me ever utter but one four letter word in her presence in over 57 years of marriage.  It made me redouble my efforts to treat everyone with that same respect.  I had no idea she was keeping score--I just wish she was still here to keep score.

Well magooch, I can't claim that accomplishment, and its an accomplishment to be proud of. I've never had a real problem with men getting together and using language that men use, but women and children should get the respect of not having to hearing it.

There's a big ranchers daughter that eats breakfast with us occasionally at the local cafe, and she'd make a sailor blush. Shes loud and filthy mouthed, but I still don't use bad language in front of her, and neither do the town men, or ranch hands.

To me, a nasty mouth looks worse on a woman, but I'll still show them the respect whether they do for themselves or not.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2023, 12:30:33 AM »
presidents have used it. as have admirals, generals and id bet some preachers. because some private says it or a gunny sgt has not one thing to do with his education level as many have as high or higher level of education then you. we back in the day had a bar outside of town where all the teachers hung out. you want to here laungage step in there an hour after school is out. you are doing what a few others here are doing. judging people you dont even know by standards you made up. its great you dont swear EVER. thats something to be very proud of. but if your preaching here that your somehow smarter more educated or even a better Christian or better person then me because of it your tripping. if you do swear even rarely then your a hypocrite. Either way your judging just like others here and that is not only a sin but one of the top 10 sins!!!! my opinion is biden is the worse scourge this country has ever seen. i support ANYONE that is willing to tell the world. dont much care if it offends someone or not. me? im more apt to stop at there home and thank them for being with us for the fight of our lives even if some liberal teacher or house wife are offended. when whitmer takes here road trips up here in the UP i love that she leaves with not a doubt that she is in friendly territory. if a sign with the f word offends you youd best thicken your skin because this aint mayberry in the 60s
  " never saw where God or his son addressed saying sh-- da- or f--- in the old or new testament"

   Of course not, those are English words..or and historically, Angle-ish words.  in fact, the "F" word in middle English meant to "plant" as with oats
    or barley, but like many words, has been morphed in meaning over the centuries..

  Actually, the most common use of that particular profanity, seems to be among the "woke" mob.  In fact, they seem proud of their ability or
  complete lack of couth, in using all types of obscenities, which gives me another reason to stay away from such execrations.
   It even seems that young women among the "woke", appear to take some kind of satisfaction in using such language...apparently not realizing how filthy it seems to make them appear.

  I recall hearing some soldiers I served with, who it seemed, used a profanity almost every other word out of their mouth.  I tend to put that person in a category of one who likely lacks in their vocabulary and elocution, and tries to fill the void with vulgarities..

   Yes, I se those various flags such as f _ _ _ Biden, and it is disappointing to see any firm conservative stoop that low, in spite of their
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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2023, 12:37:04 AM »
To me so long as ya don't take the Lord's name in vain I guess I don't recognize cussing or cursing but just rather it is words that are by society considered to be vulgar, whatever exactly that means to each person.

So such be uttered in public or around children or ladies? Prolly not, true gentlemen, by the very definition of that word would not do so. But I don't personally think it sinful and while I sure don't know kinda doubt GOD really cares especially as much stuff is going on these days that truly are against the biblical teachings.

there it is. i never said i run around saying f--- all day long or that i say it in front of women and kids. that was all inferred by people here on the attack. what i said is i dont judge people by whether they swear or noy dont judge the education level, iq, upbringing, or Christianity. i would not only be breaking the 10 commandments but also make myself into a total hypocrite. truth is its absolutely none of my business what flag you put on your pole and if your one who complains dont be pissing and moaning when the come for your rebel flag or the statues of brave southern generals or changing the names of army bases. trying to control what i do on my property is the central goal of the socialist left and frankly it bloes me away that people on here would go against the constitution and do the same
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Re: Buck Fiden flags.
« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2023, 12:59:38 AM »
I'm in the habit of dropping by just to see whats going on and this thread really made me realize that not fighting since I left has done wonders for my blood pressure and my CHRISTIANITY.  ;D

   Great hearing from you, Bugeye !  If it is not dangerous to your blood pressure, stop by more often..  We can sure use your Christian perspective
   and well reasoned conversation.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)