Author Topic: Veral out of business  (Read 2944 times)

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Offline gypsyman

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Veral out of business
« on: June 14, 2023, 11:14:17 AM »
Didn't see it posted anywhere else. Googled up LBT Bullets and seen where Veral's shop had burned down Dec. 22 of '22. Looks like he's out of business. I still have 5-6 of his molds, don't know of anyone making one as good as he did.
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Offline Ranger99

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Re: Veral out of business
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2023, 12:01:10 PM »
I'd heard of it elsewhere
The way I understood it is that
he'll still be selling lube and the
books, but the mould business is
done ( unfortunately)

Terrible thing. 
I always enjoyed reading the
informative posts he shared
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Veral out of business
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2023, 10:55:40 PM »
most swollen head in the gun industry with the exception of brain Pearce. will just call it a tie. you can buy his lube or by better lube from lars at a third the price. or pay ballistic cast prices for basically a lee mold that has a cheaper stamped steel spruce plate. ive never wore out a rcbs or a 6 cav lyman but have wore out several lbts and just quit buying them years ago. ill give credit where credit is due. he did give us the lfn which is hands down the best cast bullet design ever. buy then he also made the wfn and one of the worse designs ever the wlfn. but he had his koolaid drinkers that believed every thing he said even though most here have shot more in one year then he did in his life. I wont miss him even a little. rummor had it that he was in some group that refused to pay income tax and even spent time in jail over it. most believe he burned his own shop down for the insurance money to pay the irs for those back taxes
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Re: Veral out of business
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2023, 12:34:33 AM »
Speculation and innuendo lloyd.  Only Veral really knows.  Have you asked him?

I had a "purchase order" ready for years, but never pulled the trigger on LBT.  I wanted one of his alloy hardness testers (before the Pencil Test), a couple of caliber lap kits, and a couple of molds.  His cost put me off as much as his customer service, web site, and Order Form inaccuracies, which I attempted multiple times to alert Veral to, but always got a deaf ear.  The more I read about his "customer service" (hit or miss it seemed), the less I liked LBT, although, those that hit were "sold" on the Veral magic and that in itself was magnetic...

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Veral out of business
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2023, 07:15:38 AM »
well i know a couple friends that know him and its where i got my info. so not out of his mouth but from people i know that dont have an ounce of bs in them so i guess ill believe it till i get better sources. i wouldnt post it if it was just internet bs. one things for sure is he was a totaly egotistical ass. he sure wouldnt stand for you and i telling him he could do something better. he actually believed the sun rose and set on his ass
Speculation and innuendo lloyd.  Only Veral really knows.  Have you asked him?

I had a "purchase order" ready for years, but never pulled the trigger on LBT.  I wanted one of his alloy hardness testers (before the Pencil Test), a couple of caliber lap kits, and a couple of molds.  His cost put me off as much as his customer service, web site, and Order Form inaccuracies, which I attempted multiple times to alert Veral to, but always got a deaf ear.  The more I read about his "customer service" (hit or miss it seemed), the less I liked LBT, although, those that hit were "sold" on the Veral magic and that in itself was magnetic...
blue lives matter

Offline Eddie Southgate

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Re: Veral out of business
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2024, 08:31:58 AM »
He did spend some time locked up over taxes, that is a fact. Do not know any particulars other than that. Would buy his soft blue if he ever makes any more but have not heard that he has. I like it and think for what I used it for it was a superior product so I could care less about him having been locked up. I would have liked to have got one of his two piece molds for .348 Winchester but that will never happen now.

Offline Graybeard

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Re: Veral out of business
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2024, 11:22:57 AM »
Veral always was a one man operation until after he got burned from a fire that was well before 2022. He needed some assistance after that.

He is like me and that means old and not too savvy about this computer stuff. I just don't think he had the knowledge or money to pay someone else to do the updates. He did get hard to get a hold of I think mostly cuz every minute he was on the phone, online or such was another minute he wasn't making molds and such.

My understanding of the IRS deal is they wanted him to pay more money for income taxes than he even made as a small one man shop. Why they thought he owned so much I don't know. Al Sharpton owes many times as much and yet has never spent a night in jail for it.

I think Veral is likely around mid 80s by now, maybe late 80s. It's time to slow down.

If there was a 2022 fire I'm not aware of it, the only one I know for sure about was much earlier than that. As to Lloyd's claim he didn't do much shooting, I dunno how much he did, don't know how many bullets he cast either. But I'd think a guy who came up with so many bullet designs that work great has to have done a fair bit of casting and shooting, but I dunno, never discussed it with him.

Back when he was an advertiser with me I spoke with him often. He didn't have a phone in his shop nor a computer either. But he always called me back as soon as he got back in the house if I left a message with his wife.

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