It's been said here and most everywhere else.
The infrastructure for the majority to have EV's
isn't there. It'll take years and years and billions
and billions of consumer dollars for it to even
get close. The infrastructure for all the new
housing developments isn't even adequate right
now, then trying to pile EV's on top of that ?
Every coal and gas and petroleum fired
power plant would need to be reactivated,
and many new ones built, plus nuke plants,
and every inch of electrical service lines
and transformers and stations would have
to be replaced from coast to coast, and
residences and businesses would need
revamping from top to bottom.
Billions and billions and billions of dollars
that would be laid upon the backs of the
taxpayers and consumers
All the pollution created by the needed
increase required by manufacturing and
the disposal of the old useless junk
pretty much nullifies any advantages of