Author Topic: A SHOCKING request from Chicago Democrats  (Read 146 times)

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Offline Graybeard

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A SHOCKING request from Chicago Democrats
« on: August 24, 2023, 09:53:37 AM »
The Leftist agenda is disgusting when it comes to firearms. They don’t want YOU to have the ability to protect yourself.

Instead, Chicago Democrats are asking criminals and gang members to protect citizens by kindly limiting their gunfights to the hours between 9 P.M. and 9 A.M.
Apparently, they’re fine with criminals having free rein to victimize law-abiding citizens these 12 hours of the day!

Fortunately, we have a much better solution than asking criminals to only commit crimes at night…

Gun Owners Foundation is currently SUING Illinois in federal court over their unconstitutional gun control – including their ban on “assault weapons” – to make it easier for citizens to defend themselves.

After anti-gun justices on the Illinois Supreme Court voted 4-3 to uphold this blatantly unconstitutional law in a different case, our federal lawsuit is even more important.

If this law is allowed to stand, it will give anti-gunners new momentum in their never-ending campaign to get a federal “assault weapons” ban and other gun control on Joe Biden’s desk.

Please make a tax-deductible contribution to our Legal Defense Fund as we keep fighting in federal court to OVERTURN unconstitutional gun control in Illinois.

If you can’t afford to make a contribution right now, please don’t do so. We appreciate your support, and we’ll continue to keep you informed on our legal battles to defend the Second Amendment.

Biden and the anti-gunners constantly LIE about gun control to scare the American people into supporting their radical gun control agenda.
But contrary to their talking points, the 1994 “assault weapons” ban didn’t reduce crime at all.

Meanwhile, Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.
If gun control worked, it would be one of the safest cities in America.
Instead, the city has had the highest number of homicides in the entire country for the last 11 years.

Criminals and killers – whether it’s a robber or a maniac determined to commit an evil act – seek out gun free zones because they’re less likely to encounter any resistance.

The Democrats' efforts to disarm the population of Chicago has done nothing to stop criminals (who by definition, don’t follow the law) from acquiring firearms…
…but it has ensured that many law-abiding gun owners no longer have the ability to defend themselves, their family, and their property.

Gun control is the problem, not the solution.

That’s why we’re working to repeal all gun-free zones and tyrannical gun laws to make sure there is always a good guy with a gun to stop criminals in their tracks.
Your support is essential as we do battle with the well-funded anti-gun lobby to strike down one of the most egregious assaults on the Second Amendment in the entire country.

So please, make a tax-deductible contribution to our Legal Defense Fund as we keep fighting in federal court to OVERTURN unconstitutional gun control in Illinois.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners Foundation

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life anyone who believes in Him will have everlasting life!

Offline ironglow

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Re: A SHOCKING request from Chicago Democrats
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2023, 10:08:52 AM »
  A big win for constitutional carry in Massachusetts.  It will of course, be appealed by the state, but eventually the SCOTUS should confirm 2nd
    amendment rights.
     This may be a big win across the country..perhaps for interstate carry.  Note; video from about 2 days ago.

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