Author Topic: lure?  (Read 551 times)

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Offline fishdaddy

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« on: March 24, 2004, 09:44:02 AM »
what is the best lure that i can catch both coon and fox?

Offline Asa Lenon

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« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2004, 03:32:47 PM »
I have yet to see any evidence in 50+ years that even one coon ever passed by one of my canine sets lured with any of my fox or coyote lures so that shouldn't be a problem.  Ace :-)

Offline trappenjoe

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« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2004, 04:36:55 PM »
Hello all , Funny you said that asa, I live ( used to ) out in the middle of nowhere , with no water for many miles , and I caught 4 coons on my yote line , the closes water is the rio grande and it's 50 miles away.
I'm by no means a coon traper but they seem to like any lure for fox and yote that I used .  even caught one at a post set .
Little Joe

Offline Wackyquacker

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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2004, 05:09:31 PM »
Good Golly, a few days in Tx and little Joe is lettin whoopers out...50 miles from the Rio Grande to a hogs ear :-D

So Joe, are you coming to town before you leave for the land of flat fur?

Offline trappenjoe

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« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2004, 05:56:47 PM »
Well you caught me its realy just 47 miles from the ranch.
H*** no I aint going to the city lol. just kiding have to pick up my u haul thursday in los lunas , shure wish I could have met up with you . maybe
when I come up to show my nephew how to start his line we could get together. ( I'm letting him use all my stuff untill I move back ) .
Little Joe

Offline oso45-70

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« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2004, 08:00:43 PM »
Hello Tom,
I see you cought the wandering boy, he was trying to sneak off to Texas
without saying adios. Jose i sent the scope off to Greely Co. today, we
will see what they have to say at Burris, I sure hope they can fix it.when you get to texas you need to keep you eyes out for those post turtles, i hear they are worth quite a lot of money. i'm not too sure who you need to check with, I will try to find out and let you know, be sure to keep a toast sack with you at all times. See you all later. Joe

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Offline jim-NE

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« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2004, 12:49:43 AM »
I think I'd rambled about this before, but here in Southeastern Nebraska there isn't much for "open terrain" and every coyote line I've ever ran I regularly take nearly the same amount of coons in the same sets. Little creeks, old pastures, fields, etc. didn't matter about the location. On a bright note, the coons I did get out in the open at my coyote sets tended to be on the large side consistently.
I haven't found many lures or baits that aren't interesting to coons, and conversely I catch a lot of coyotes and fox on bait made from fish or fish oil squirted down a dirthole.
If I consistently want to target coons on dryland sets though, I have to change the set a little. More eye-appeal (big dirthole, big dirt pattern, etc.) and then I either use a very large backing or no backing at all. Coons love to stand on top of the high spot and reach into a hole to steal a bait, and you have to force them around over your trap.
Bedding is way more important to me for coons than for fox or coyotes, too. If it moves, coons will fish your trap out of the bed, flip it over, and often you find the trap either set off or flipped out of the bed but unfired.
But as for lure or bait, If it works on canines, it will be great for coons. Later in the year, good coyote or fox gland lure is hard to beat for either. I've caught a lot of coons on nothing more than a post set squirted with red fox urine. The post set had very little eye appeal, and coons don't pee on posts to mark territories like canines do. The only appeal to those completely blended in post sets was the red fox urine. My favorite coon/fox combination set is a double dirthole, one hole dug nearly straight down, and other at a very shallow angle. One hole is small, the other is large. The little hole gets fish bait, or a loud red fox gland lure...and the other hole has a piece of sheeps wool or cotton ball soaked in red fox urine in the bottom of the hole with some wadded grass over it. There's a million variations to that set, but that basic set has accounted for more coons and fox for me than any other set combo I use.
Even loud, raunchy coyote bait has appeal to coons, too. Bobcat gland lure and mink gland lure are also killer coon lure and fox lures for me.

Offline trappnman

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« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2004, 10:06:22 AM »
While a canine lure will certainly take a lot of coon- its a poor second choice for mid winter coon. Coon regular bypass normal lures and sets in mid winter. It takes certain type of coon lure to catch them consistently- and canine lures just don't cut it.

You want to catch coon consistently- use a good coon lure. Even bait is a poor substutute for finicky coon.

This comes from a man that traps as many cold weather coon in snow/ice in footholds as probably anyone around.

I tried the one lure fits all- it doesn't.
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Offline Asa Lenon

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« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2004, 11:36:38 AM »
Your absolutely correct trappnman. One should always use a lure specifically formulated for the target animal to acheive maximum results. Like many trappers, because of my canine trapping experiences, I used to think that just about anything would be good enough for a coon.  It was testimonials from many professional coon trappers and subsequent testing of my own that convinced me of the value of coon lures formulated with specific ingredients.  Ace

Offline trappnman

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« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2004, 02:53:35 PM »
THats exactly right Asa-  one takes so many coon in good canine sets, that we think- nothing to it. Why bother with coon lure?

Way I look at it now- I get incidentals of canines in coon sets and coon in canine sets-  but more of each in the sets made for them.
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