Author Topic: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York  (Read 968 times)

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Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« on: August 31, 2023, 02:55:59 AM »
Long Island wants nothing to do with NYS. They want to secede from New York and become the 51st state. Who could blame them.
Texas is wanting out of this failing union and become a republic again.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2023, 03:10:03 AM »
yet here you both are ::)
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2023, 04:36:30 AM »
  There are plenty of plans for division of NY State afoot. Some want to form a 51st state with land removed from the presennt NY State.
   I would like to see a state formed by a union between western half of NY combining with the westernhalf of Pennsylvania, which has a very similar
    Of course, if that were to happen.. Long Island and the adirondack region would have to forge their own way.

   I would gladly accept any plan that would get those NY Cityites out of our business. ... Maps below will explain.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2023, 05:45:14 AM »
yup people up here have been talking about the UP leaving the rest of michigan as long as texans have been saying the same about leaving the union if not longer. truth is none of this is anymore then lip service. reality is all you have is your vote and convincing libs there ideas are nuts. but we all know that if they were capable of taking there blinders off this biden administration would have their blinders in the trash already but what i see is them even going farther left. they sure arent ready to admit they are wrong so they are doubling down. i fear this country is near the breaking point and if that happens we will be hand the keys ti china. id bet my life they already have a plan as to how to accomplish it
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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2023, 08:25:41 AM »
Not really much difference than the
divisiveness that's already happening now

People just don't want to hear it because
they're too comfortable, and not having
to do without
When it gets to the point that there's no
utilities, or food in the stores, and water
is rationed by the gubmint,  they'll probably
have the "oh sh*t" moment they should be
already having, and should have had years
ago.  Only it'll be way too late to do anything
but submit or end yourself
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Offline ironglow

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2023, 04:13:21 AM »
  Llooyd may be right..  Probably in most cases the whole state must agree to separation of part, and with most states that would mean a creation of a new CONSERVATIVE state. so the crookeds will fight that.

  My plan would take the lowest map shown above in my last post, and draw the new lines directly south..through Pennsylvania..  Shucks, why not down through Virginia too !  ;D
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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2023, 04:21:54 PM »
Balkanization. Not to long ago, parts of eastern Oregon and Washington wanted to separate, and join Idaho. If things don't change, and in short order, this country will go threw a major change.
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline Dee

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2023, 04:40:53 PM »
Balkanization. Not to long ago, parts of eastern Oregon and Washington wanted to separate, and join Idaho. If things don't change, and in short order, this country will go threw a major change.

It needs to. If Texas put it to a vote for secession, myself, and a lot of other Texans would vote "hell yes". We could keep that almost 300 billion a year in federal taxes, stop immigration from the south, And the north, and sell oil to the Divided States.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2023, 06:03:30 PM »
No state is leaving the union.
Texas vs White 1868
States do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the United States 

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2023, 01:32:04 AM »
russia and china are licking their lips praying that all of these states secede and weaken our already weakened country to the point they can let us do the work for them and walk in without a shoot and clean up the spoils. it would accomplish NOTHING but the end to this country and our freedoms and bottom line is who it would hurt the most is the middle class. might be some rich oil tycoons in texas that would make out but because of that fact THEY would be the ones in control and every Politian in those states would be nothing but ponkeo puppets. it would be the spark that turns our constitution into toilet paper. if you want true socialism where the rich have all the say and you have none then cheer this silliness on.
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Offline Dee

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2023, 01:59:41 AM »
No state is leaving the union.
Texas vs White 1868
States do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the United States

LOL, And the federal government is supposed to protect our southern border. But it's not. How long do you think border states can survive under these conditions? If things don't change soon, a few folks will start protecting their own rights.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2023, 02:06:35 AM »
No state is leaving the union.
Texas vs White 1868
States do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the United States

LOL, And the federal government is supposed to protect our southern border. But it's not. How long do you think border states can survive under these conditions? If things don't change soon, a few folks will start protecting their own rights.

   I uynderstand your frustration and concur with your anger..but that is the way things are set up.  Texas could seceede on their own, by simply
  ignoring Texas vs White, 1868..
   I wonder what would happen then...virtually no American would like to fight Texas, since there are such strong, familial ties..

  Some cockamamy president could call for action..but very few if any, would heed his/her call..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dee

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2023, 02:11:10 AM »
No state is leaving the union.
Texas vs White 1868
States do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the United States

LOL, And the federal government is supposed to protect our southern border. But it's not. How long do you think border states can survive under these conditions? If things don't change soon, a few folks will start protecting their own rights.

   I uynderstand your frustration and concur with your anger..butvtgat is the way things are set up.  Texas couls seceede on their own, by simply
  ignoring Texas vs White, 1868..
   I wonder what would happen American would want to fight Texas, since there are such strong, familial ties..

  Spome cockamamy president could call for action..but very few would heed his/her call..

When makes you think I'm frustrated, and angry? I haven't mentioned being either.  8)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2023, 02:13:00 AM »
No state is leaving the union.
Texas vs White 1868
States do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the United States

LOL, And the federal government is supposed to protect our southern border. But it's not. How long do you think border states can survive under these conditions? If things don't change soon, a few folks will start protecting their own rights.

   I uynderstand your frustration and concur with your anger..butvtgat is the way things are set up.  Texas couls seceede on their own, by simply
  ignoring Texas vs White, 1868..
   I wonder what would happen American would want to fight Texas, since there are such strong, familial ties..

  Spome cockamamy president could call for action..but very few would heed his/her call..

When makes you think I'm frustrated, and angry? I haven't mentioned being either.  8)

  OK.. So you are neither frustrated nor angry about the millions flooding across the border ?  I know I am...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dee

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2023, 02:45:15 AM »
No state is leaving the union.
Texas vs White 1868
States do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the United States

LOL, And the federal government is supposed to protect our southern border. But it's not. How long do you think border states can survive under these conditions? If things don't change soon, a few folks will start protecting their own rights.

   I uynderstand your frustration and concur with your anger..butvtgat is the way things are set up.  Texas couls seceede on their own, by simply
  ignoring Texas vs White, 1868..
   I wonder what would happen American would want to fight Texas, since there are such strong, familial ties..

  Spome cockamamy president could call for action..but very few would heed his/her call..

When makes you think I'm frustrated, and angry? I haven't mentioned being either.  8)

  OK.. So you are neither frustrated nor angry about the millions flooding across the border ?  I know I am...

I haven't been assaulted, robbed, or victimized by a border jumper as of today. And I haven't had to shoot one yet either.
I see'em every day. They are on local news, every night. I watch my surroundings when out, Linda doesn't go to town alone, and when we travel, I am "adequately supplied". The ones closest to the border have it much worse.

I'm not easily frustrated, or angered despite some here thinking otherwise. Most people that actually know me have never seen me angry, and would say that.

When I see incompetence, that's what I see, and don't expect competence. . When I see corruption I don't expect anything else. When I was younger,  I'd do something about it if it were doable. But now I'm old. If I learned anything at all in my 20+ years of law enforcement, I learned that the system is corrupt. And I learned that 95% of the public are all talk. It's that 5% you'd better watch.

In other words, a barking dog, is seldom a dog that bites. Unless of course hes a back biter.

I personally can't do anything about what is going on down here. But I've made up my mind what I'll put up with,  and how far I can be pushed.

I look at all the other states whining, and wringing their hands, wanting the federal government to save them, (the loudest being New York),. and I laugh at these folks as the most incompetent, and corrupt government since Abraham Lincoln is not gonna save them, they are letting them be destroyed.

As farasTexas secedeing from the union? Did i say we were? No, I said i would vote for it. There are several on this forum that respond to what they THINK I SAID,  while passing over WHAT I ACTUALLY SAID.  ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2023, 03:35:52 AM »
It needs to. If Texas put it to a vote for secession, myself, and a lot of other Texans would vote "hell yes". We could keep that almost 300 billion a year in federal taxes, stop immigration from the south, And the north, and sell oil to the Divided States.

I might suggest y'all think very carefully about this secession business. (Not that I disagree, and no matter which state we might mention.)  If, (for example) Texas were to secede, then they would become a country unto themselves.  There would be check points at every roadway into/out of the new nation, the federal income tax would stop, and they'd have to institute a much higher "state" (now national) tax to "keep that almost 300 billion", they would have to negotiate treaties with the surrounding states, as well as the remaining "United States", purchase rights-of-ways for a great many things, like power lines, oil pipelines, etc.  The U.S. postal service would no longer be obligated to service the new nation of Texas, which means they'd have to develop thier own postal system, and negotiate terms with the USPS.  Air flight would become a disaster, what with customs agents having to be at EVERY little grass strip airport.
Logistically, it would generate a nightmare of red tape, and I'm sure the remaining federal government wouldn't be tripping all over themselves to accomodate the new nation. (Being as most administrations like to punish those who don't tow the party line.)

On top of that, Texas would then have to negotiate new treaties with Mexico, being as the existing treaties were dissolved at the time of the secession.  This would also open up Texas to MILITARY invasion, should Mexico want the new nation as thier own. (Which is not beyond the realm of possibility.)

I realize it sounds like I'm being an alarmist, but like it or not, this is the reality of the logistics that would raise it's ugly head, should a secession happen.

Just sayin'.....Roger

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2023, 03:55:02 AM »
what happens to border crossings when the border patrol, military and dea are all pulled and placed on the nothern border of texas. if you think open season on them will happen you will be in a war with mexico with no help from the rest of the country. you say we do nothing but our tax money pays for all of that. what happens to all your electricity that comes from other states? what happens when tariffs are placed on cars trucks tractors and basically everything you buy. going to send your mail by carrier pidgon? you think those rich oil billionaires are going to pay for all of that with no strings attached. what happens when we get a decent president that opens up the rest of the country including alaska to oil production and we dont need texan oil. that hand would no doubt be delt out of necessity even with a democrat in office. then what will you do with all the mexicans already there, along with everyone from the north you hate so much and the 40% of your population that are democrats?? shoot them too or build concentration camps?? what we will end up with is a new border crisis. texans trying to get back into the US. Because the mexican government and or mexican cartels will control texas with their army's ::) that are already in place in 5 years and it will be just another third world country. there will be no pity because you will have slapped the face of every American. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT
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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2023, 04:53:16 AM »
It needs to. If Texas put it to a vote for secession, myself, and a lot of other Texans would vote "hell yes". We could keep that almost 300 billion a year in federal taxes, stop immigration from the south, And the north, and sell oil to the Divided States.

I might suggest y'all think very carefully about this secession business. (Not that I disagree, and no matter which state we might mention.)  If, (for example) Texas were to secede, then they would become a country unto themselves.  There would be check points at every roadway into/out of the new nation, the federal income tax would stop, and they'd have to institute a much higher "state" (now national) tax to "keep that almost 300 billion", they would have to negotiate treaties with the surrounding states, as well as the remaining "United States", purchase rights-of-ways for a great many things, like power lines, oil pipelines, etc.  The U.S. postal service would no longer be obligated to service the new nation of Texas, which means they'd have to develop thier own postal system, and negotiate terms with the USPS.  Air flight would become a disaster, what with customs agents having to be at EVERY little grass strip airport.
Logistically, it would generate a nightmare of red tape, and I'm sure the remaining federal government wouldn't be tripping all over themselves to accomodate the new nation. (Being as most administrations like to punish those who don't tow the party line.)

On top of that, Texas would then have to negotiate new treaties with Mexico, being as the existing treaties were dissolved at the time of the secession.  This would also open up Texas to MILITARY invasion, should Mexico want the new nation as thier own. (Which is not beyond the realm of possibility.)

I realize it sounds like I'm being an alarmist, but like it or not, this is the reality of the logistics that would raise it's ugly head, should a secession happen.

Just sayin'.....Roger

I wouldn't consider you an alarmist, but I would suggest that you really don't understand our economy down here. Texas is paying the federal government for services we're not getting. Paying at a greatly inflated rate. The Divided States WOULD HAVE TO deal with our border crossings, but Texas would once again have borders.

Research here has proven time and again, that were Texas allowed to operate freely without federal restrictions, and taxation, that every child in Texas could have a FREE Texas paid college education, and Texas could easily be energy independent, and more than capable of defending its own borders. At the present we are playing by federal government rules concerning our borders, and are constantly being undermined, and even sued by that same corrupt government, anytime we attempt to protect ourselves from Mexicos equally corrupt government. As we already have our own power grid, with money saved by not paying federal taxes, that could be upgraded.

Yes, new treaties would have to be made, but ANYTHING would be an improvement over what Texas has today courtesy of the federal government.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2023, 10:55:40 PM »
yup and bidens experts say the economy is better. that global warming is a thing. trump one has done one good thing on here. he has proven that you can find a so called expert to back any opinion.  you just have to be intelligent enough to separate fact from fantasy. you have any idea what kind of money it takes to start and fund an army, navy, airforce, ect that would be required to hold off mexico, china and russia that would all love your oil. or do you think you can leave the union and it will still protect you? your talking trillions of dollars just for that. you need ships, planes, tanks and enough of those young kids that refuse to serve today to change their mind and flock to recruiters and actually be willing to die for your cause. Good luck with that.  you aint fighting a war with 60 year old cowboys with 3030s on horses.

 Whos paying for all of that? i would guess your big oil companies that would be your only access to that kind of money would promise support and when America refuses to buy their oil hang you out to dry. Nukes needed to deter invasion? the US would bomb you into ashes if you put one nuke near the border. russia or china come knocking youd be running back like scared school girls. mexico comes and it would take decades for you to get to  the point youd give them even a decent fight. this isnt the days of the alamo where you can sit in a wooden fort with flintlocks. my guess is without the help of the US within 5 years mexico would be coming for the land that was taken from them. half the people there wouldnt touch a gun and most mexican Americans (and theres a crap pile of them in texas) would swap sides and whats left? those 60 year old cowboys that are the delusional bunch that push this kind of bs.

kind of reminds me of the teenagers at a rock concert disgracing the rebel flag by wearing it as a sweat rag with a south will rise again tshirt. all talk and absolutely no action. where sad thing is this comes from grown men. it will NEVER happen and all of you know it so basically that just makes it a bunch of grown men crying. its actually laughable. whats that saying? when i was a boy i thought like a child . when i became a man i had to leave those foolish thoughts behind. some seem to have forgot that. your job as a man is to give your children and grandchildren the best life possible. not leave them with a broken third world country. its why my loyalties are to my country not my state. i fly an American flag in my yard not a michigan flag. i use my vote to try to improve it and if michigan talked leaving the union id pack up and move to a more patriotic state tomorrow. to many good Americans died for that flag and this guy wont disrespect it. they gave their lives for me and for you.  it will fly in my yard till the day i die. it is the real thing youd be prying my cold dead hands from. talking succession imo puts you in the same category as the socialist that are trying to destroy this country today. Now a much more realistic solution is to stay in the union and try to split your state into two. but even that is nothing but a dream today. they have been talking that nonsense up here since i was a little boy. you were born in the STATE of texas and will DIE in the state of texas. ive got 50k in the bank ill put up against your 10k that even if biden is reelected in 5 years texas will still be a state.
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Re: Long Island Wants To Secede From New York
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2023, 11:27:04 PM »
Have to wonder how many people on Long Island don't like what they voted for?  Funny how ignorance, and stupidity always bring dire consequences.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn
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