Biden ...being handled by somebody..wants to grab up and put off limits to all citizens and any kind of development..30% of the nation's land
by 2030. This tyrannical trick is being called the government's 30 X 30 agenda.
If they can pull it off,. there will be no hunting, fishing, logging, drilling or any other "trespassing" on what amounts to more than 30% of the country, since they already have much off limits already.
Nevada for instance, is already 80% govt owned..
The east will be harder to get at than the west, since much of the west is already under government control.. The east was sold off privately,
centuries ago.
People in the east will likely feel it more, since we are not accustomed to so much govt controlled land, even though individual states do have sizeable tracts set aside..but most are presently open to recreation.
If the feds can pull it off, I expect they and the Demoncrat governors would close all access at one fell swoop. The government owns the land, and virtually everuything else. That is the heart of Marx's "Dialectical Materialism". They are forging ahead guys !