Thanks virtue signaling politicians, for killing thousands of jobs for entry level workers.
Yeah. Somewhere along the line some pinhead forwarded
the notion that working at McSalty's or Taco Smell was supposed
to be a career and pay full time career wages.
They've had pictures on the registers at those places for years
so the illiterate border jumper women they hired could ring
you up without the need to be able to read or any other skills.
Just push the picture of the chicken nuggets and ring it up.
Now they're replacing the illiterate border jumpers with self
serve kiosks and soon the kitchen will be rid of border jumpers
and fully robotic and automated
Many don't know that a good bit of automotive assembly has
been moving towards robotics for a long time now.
They're pricing themselves out of a job to be replaced by
a machine or a four and a half foot indochinese native