Guys, I dont know how many of you served in our armed forces, but if any of you had the chance to see what this country has in its arsenal even over sixty years ago--well it is really unbelievable. These little pee ant countries that are always causing trouble, need a demonstration. It probably won't happen because it is so unbelievable and most people would not be able to deal with it. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't believe it either. That's about as much as I can say, but if the trouble causers know what can be brought to bear against them, maybe they would give it a lot more thought. The only thing left out of this reality is that the leadership in so many of the worlds trouble causers must be morons, or crazy. Oh wait--that would be us at the moment.
brainless has opened our borders for any and all to enter.
We can, and probably do, have the most powerful weapons in the world. ..But our most pressing danger, may well be an asymetrical type
of warfare.
There are likely at least a thousand terrorists in our country, since mud-for-brains took office 3 years ago. Keep in mind, just 19 terrorists did the
evil 9/11 thing...killed 3,00 people, took down 2 office buildings which were among the largest in the world, severely damaged the mighty
Pentagon, took out 3 loaded airliners., and nearly took out the U S capital building...
So how much damage can 1,000 or maybe 2.000 do ..getting their orders, and performing their pre planned terror strikes all on a single day?
Such is a "near & present danger", now that trhe left has screwed things up so badly..