Didn't know that about the color of the car, makes perfect sense. As far as the gun shop, owners first name was Roy, and could have played Paul Bunyan without any make up, or Grizzly Adams. Full beard and deep voice, but one of the friendliest guys you could talk to. Last I seen him, he was worried about his brother and his predicament. His brother owned a gun shop in the lower, and was being sued. He was the owner of the shop that was involved in the murder that was initiated on that scumbag tv show, Jenny Jones back in '95. Guy came out on stage, admitted he was gay, and had ''feelings'' for his best friend, who was also on stage. His friend, who wasn't gay, went to Roy's brother's gun shop, bought a shotgun, went over to his buddies house and killed him. Wasn't long after that, didn't see Roy at the shows.