all i know is its a slap in the face to ALL veterans
Especially the black ones
Yeah... Here we go again..race...race...race.. Everything goes back to race with these narrow, single focus minds..
..But they are not truly single focus, most often they just focus upon anything that will bring about stress, division and conflict among people.
The truly narrow, single focus minds will never address the true root of the issue, slavery.
TRumpy... let us discuss this rationally...
Nobody is denying that slavery existed in parts of the U.S., until 173 years ago. I don't know of anyone who denies that !
However, there is nobody alive, even for several generations..who was a slave in the U.S.; nor are there any slave owners alive today !
So, next question..what should we do about your complaint? Let's examine the issue in depth..
My first progenitor in this land was a Scottrish POW, captured during the English Civil War. He never got back to his beloved highlands, because
Oliver Cromwell sold him into virtual slavery in New England (circa 1652).
Even as he was released from his indentured servitude, he was still among a people who did not like him at all. The English did not like the Scots very much back then...and looked down upon those "wild highlanders"..
Do the descendants of Oliver cromwell owe me and my relations of the same name, some kind of "reparations"? Not as far as I am concerned,
and my kinfolk are not applying to the UK government for some kind of a "freebie"..
We are probably fortunate trhat he was sent here, since we are doing OK in the USA..
I would expect that thinking black folks, would notice that too..and admit their good fortune.. Im any cxase, I don't see legions of them, travelling "back home", to places such as Botswana, Tanzania or Namibia !
Incidentally, slavery us still a very present fact in certain mideastern and sub Saharan countries.
Awaiting you reply... let's talk..