I'm not a slave to time. I do what I want, when I want and don't worry about the time. I get my truck serviced once a year cuz I only drive about 2500 a year. All my friends have died so I don't have them to disappoint if I'm not there.
My only appointments are at the doctor's office.
Last night I sat up past 1:00 playing games on my computer and it was a little past 7:00 when I got up this morning. I'll stay up awhile, then take a nap and that will start and end without reference to a clock.
I program the TiVo unit to record shows I might want to watch. Then on whatever schedule I want I watch them or decide they aren't worth watching and delete them.
Time just isn't a driver in my life. I do things when my natural rhyme tells me it's time not when some clock tells me.
You might be different but time has little to no meaning for me.