I rewmoved an earlier post in this thread...because I was way off base...not on subject.
The Barbary pirates were some Muslim warlords who held the shoreline of the city of Tripoli. on the Barbary coast of Libya. Being both lazy and
and warlike, rather thgan work and earn or trade and prosper...they preyed upon shipping in the Mediterranean.
Many nations, especially the newer and weaker nations, would just pay ransom for the sailors which these Barbary pirates took as "hostages",
surely that sounds familiar.
Yes they were capturing American sailors...until Thos Jefferson decided it was about high time it came to a stop and decided to sic our Navy and Marines upon those pirates.
That put a halt to those pirates messing with American shipping....and the Marines were entitled to add the line.."the shores of Tripoli" to their
Unfortunately, Jefferson had an ambassador who blew an golden opportunity..
Reccommended reading...