Author Topic: Every time I vote..  (Read 211 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Every time I vote..
« on: November 07, 2023, 07:59:45 AM »
  Every time I vote, I am angered by the replacement of the old Diebold mechanical machines with the new, apparently easily hacked computer units !

  Obviously, the old mechanical ones could not be hacked.  They were stored in locked rooms between voting sessions, and zeroed out when brought
  out for service during an election... a group of observers watch the zeroing out process.

   Like the old style speedometers...they coudn't be messed with electronically.  See the old Diebold machine below..

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Every time I vote..
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2023, 10:04:40 AM »
It will only get worse!

URGENT; ACT NOW: Leftists (including some posing as "conservatives") are seeking to implement ranked-choice voting (RCV), also called instant runoff voting (IRV), in each state. RCV threatens election integrity and undermines the electorate’s ability to choose the best candidate in elections.
The May 10, 2021 issue of The New American magazine explains how ranked-choice voting works and why it is a bad idea:
[It] is a complicated system that requires voters to assign a rank to each candidate on the ballot, regardless of whether they support that candidate. If no candidate is ranked first by a majority of voters, the lowest-performing candidate is eliminated. Voters who gave their highest ranking to the eliminated candidate then have their second choice counted instead. This process repeats until one candidate receives a majority.
As implied above, ranked-choice voting can lead to candidates with little genuine support winning elections. The system confuses voters, distracts from policy issues, and forces voters to vote for candidates they otherwise would not support. In the United States, ranked-choice voting was enacted in Maine in 2016 and Alaska in 2020. These efforts, primarily backed by liberals, led to Republican U.S. Representative from Maine Bruce Poliquin losing to Democrat Jared Golden in 2018 despite winning a plurality in the first round. Meanwhile, some political analysts believe that Alaska’s new system, which also eliminates party primaries, will enable liberal Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski’s reelection in 2022 despite her unpopularity among Republicans.
Sure enough, RCV allowed U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski to win re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2022 against conservative Republican Kelly Tshibaka, despite Murkowski’s inability to win a Republican primary under a traditional election system.
With any voting system, the more complicated it is, the greater the risk of manipulation strategies or fraud. Additionally, RCV would make hand counts much more difficult, creating an excuse for computerized vote counting. By contrast, genuine election integrity must involve hand-counted paper ballots.
Ranked-choice voting is already being implemented across the country. As mentioned above, Maine and Alaska have already implemented it statewide. Meanwhile, Nevada is in the process of implementing it, pending a referendum in 2024, and there have been attempts in multiple other states, including North Dakota, Massachusetts, and Missouri.
Meanwhile, dozens of cities nationwide — including New York City, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, and Minneapolis — have implemented RCV, and multiple states have enacted legislation allowing RCV to be used on the local level.
Contact your state legislators and urge them to oppose all attempts to enact ranked-choice voting, whether on the state or local levels.
Thank you,

Your Friends in The John Birch Society
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Offline magooch

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Re: Every time I vote..
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2023, 02:08:46 PM »
In the legislative district I reside in, the Republicans had a fairly good grip on the majority of voters, but for a couple of really dumb moves, we now have an absolutely unknown dummycratic congressman (woman).  The candidate with the most votes takes the win, but that means that all the dummycratics have to do is add another candidate to the Republican side which splits the vote and the dummycratic wins.  Technically it's not cheating, it's just taking advantage of the system.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Every time I vote..
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2023, 03:03:10 PM »
In the legislative district I reside in, the Republicans had a fairly good grip on the majority of voters, but for a couple of really dumb moves, we now have an absolutely unknown dummycratic congressman (woman).  The candidate with the most votes takes the win, but that means that all the dummycratics have to do is add another candidate to the Republican side which splits the vote and the dummycratic wins.  Technically it's not cheating, it's just taking advantage of the system.

  ... Which is not playing fair..and thus amounts to cheating.  I also believe that rounding up people who are so unconcerned or lazy that they would not go to the polls by their own also cheating.

   Also "helping" those unable to vote..indicating or marking votes for them, is also cheating..  I believe that if anyone is too lazy to make it to the polls by themselves, or so slow witted that they need "help"..  Then they should not be voting..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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