From Locust;
" ah , however, the river drying up is not an act of God. its an act of man using so much of the water. what could the sign of the Euphrates drying up mean,as it was once a defense and nourishment of Babylon . who then is Babylon the great ? and why is she concerned that the river dry's up ?? its because the people that nourish Babalon (the Great) are symbolically the river Euphrates.
people are having less and less involvement in religion, it's drying up.
it means Babalon(religion) has less and less authority in governmental affairs. even as government gets stronger religion gets weaker."
It seems you would prefer opting for "symbolism", rather than accept what is actually written. Yes, it appears the Euphrates is drying up;
so is it because God has willed it so...or is it becuse some symbolic people (Babylon is vacant now)...depend upon the Euphrates for symbolic
water ?
You claim that the river cannot be God's doing, since it is men breaking pledges, and using up the water . You must know that God most often uses men to do His tasks here on earth.
He used Moses to bring the Hebrews out od Egypt, He use Davud to slay goliath...just as He used David's son Solomon, to build the first temple.
He used the Babylonians and the Syrians to fulfil His decision to place them in bondage...and he used King Cyrus to send them back from bondage.
He used the apostles to deliver the good news..and a woman, Mary to bring the news of Jesus' resurrection to the upper room.
Hundreds of examples, so no surprise if perchance this is what God is doing with the Euphrates..