Bidens economy SUCKS compared to Trumps. HIGH INFLATION has caused everything to go up in price. Trump had high employment and LOW inflation. Things were really booming. How much American made stuff have you seen on the shelves today. I went in Dillards the other day. EVERYTHING was made overseas, mostly in China.
Surprise, the most American made car is Tesla and it is electric.
The most American made rocket is Falcon 9, made by SpaceX.
Atlas V had Russian engines. Tarus from Orbital, now bought by Nortrop Grumman, had Russian engines.
Musk is hated by the left now and is not given credit for American made products, because he advocated free speech. Free speech. Why? he once was the left's darling.
Absolutely too much stuff made in China. At least try to buy stuff made in another country besides China.
Anyway, Trump wanted to put tariffs on foreign made goods, especially Chinese, to try to bring back American factories. Jobs pay more and provide health care.