Author Topic: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."  (Read 469 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« on: December 29, 2023, 04:19:09 PM »
  Yup! He says rebels would need F16s and perhaps nuclear weapons.  Thus, he is implying that he would use government troops and weapons
   against the American people (rebels)   Any kind of civil war, would be a most stupid of idea..

    This posted to show the stupidity of a civil war and the stupidity of Biden suggesting the same.

   OK vets..when we took one step forward and were sworn in, what did we "protect and defend"...the Constitution or the government?

   Right, and most troops/veterans/civilians know that !  Plus the Constitution forbids same...just to set old Joe straight..

   So, how many troops will ignore the constitution, and go ahead with an attack on their  fellow citizens?  ....Decide for yourself..

   In the final analysis..if we ev er had a civil war, ALL Americans would suffer..since terrorists...(and we now have plenty of them here with
      open border) would start doing their handiwork, plus China and Russia would not likely be like Biden...sitting around with ther fingers stuffed
    where they can keep them warm...and smelly.

      Overlook the mumbles while Biden offers threat..   (57 sec video)
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Online Graybeard

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2023, 06:10:05 PM »

The vast majority that's how many. Call it 85%+.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Dee

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2023, 11:16:56 PM »
The fantasy that American troops wouldn't fire on civilian Americans, is just that. A fantasy. The Civil War blew that notion out of the water.
Now we have 10 million plus illegal fighting age men from all over the world here to add to the mix.
Only an idiot would believe that countries like Russia, and China wouldn't be smuggling arms and munitions into this country to feed the conflict.

The Washington elites want this,  and will pounce on the opportunity to bring the population into submission.

People fantasize about the Red Dawn type scenarios without looking at the realities of what has happened in other countries in our lifetime. 

Reality will be trying to protect themselves and their families, older folks left to starve, roving groups taking what they want.

AA perfect example of "patriotism" is happening on the southern border right this very minute,  24 hours a day,  7 days a week. Armed Border Patrol Agents who took an oath to defend the constitution, the Divided States of America, its borders, and its citizens,  are doing the bidding of their employers (the federal government), by tearing down barriers of Texas law enforcement, and the Texas National Guard, erected in an effort to protect the citizens of Texas, and stop the invasion.
There is your answer, for the whole world to see.


You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2023, 04:03:48 AM »
  I guess I missed the "vast majority" part, so I can't comment on that.

   Please note...i didn't say the rebels would win against the government forces.  I think i well pointed out that all Americans would be the losers.

  The situation seems to be clarifying...that there are not 2 sides to this struggle, but actually 3 sides...the  1) the patriots  2) international elites
   and 3) the "useful idiots", who are aiding the global elites, who seem to be riding the old Marxist/Trojan horse..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2023, 04:53:52 AM »
the military will shoot you. in the military you follow orders or YOU can be shot. add to that if crap gets that bad they will probably think carrying out those orders will eventually bring peace. ill say the same about police if martial law is in effect. then the fighting back. who the hell do you think those people are going to be. half the country is liberals whos sure as hell not going to even get a broken nail. then out of the conservatives 2/3s arent much better than thoe libs. do you think some rich ceo is going to fight? then say you scrape up an untrained and unequipped force. first time real bullets fly 75 percent are going to run when they see the slaughter. the ones that will fight and follow orders are already in the military. whats left? the tpye you see on tv protesting against Israel. maybe some vettes but id guess most of them with familys are staying home to protect there own and youll be left with a few vets that use canes. ill fight them but it wont be in texas ny or even in lower mi. ill fight them when they come to my house and most likely die in minutes. Question isnt if the military would shoot you its if biden could get enough support to do it.   
blue lives matter

Offline DDZ

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2023, 11:31:21 AM »
All government needs to do is put a label on people. Like white supremacist's for instance. Biden has already called MAGA supporters semi fascists', and a threat to democracy.  People trying to take down the Biden dictatorship would be hunted down, and or killed by the military.  Actually I see a Biden dictatorship coming. Personally I don't think they are going to let an election happen. the deep state is not going to let Trump win. Look what they have done so far to stop him. Something is going to happen, like an assassination, or a cyber attack on the banking system or something else where Martial law can be enacted. Wait and see then how constitutionally bound our military is. They will follow orders as they have been trained to do.     
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn
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Offline Tommyt

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2023, 01:25:45 PM »
 The best would be if New England, New York, California and Chicago would
Drop out of the USA. It would have to happen with a tabled agreement. With all states willing to fight off
any other countries from invading. Till the 2 new countries we formed.
 A entire New country a bit in harms way for a while but If we could get a few
strong leaders I’d been in. It could work. It would not be simple but it would settle the Horse turd
A lot of prayers while the split was happening but I’d be all for it.

 I know this is so far out there many will consider me a loon
But If we can’t beat them I dam sure won’t Join them.


Offline Casull

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2023, 01:40:37 PM »
No loon.
Aim small, miss small!!!
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Offline scattershot

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2023, 02:37:11 PM »
F-16s, nukes? I dunno, the VC did pretty well, a few years back.

Offline Dee

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2023, 03:19:18 PM »
F-16s, nukes? I dunno, the VC did pretty well, a few years back.

The Vietnamese were an agricultural society. They understood how the countryside worked. Not so here nowadays. A bunch of woke city boys with cell phones and tictok.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline magooch

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2023, 03:37:06 PM »
In this day and age our troops know very well what is going on and that we have a freaking idiot in the White House who is doing his best to ruin this country.  That is true of the officers and non-coms.  As much as the Democommies would like to think the troops are robots and aren't capable of thinking for themselves, I believe they would do the right thing.  The right thing being to do what I saw them do when Kennedy was shot.  Obviously they didn't like John Kennedy as they demonstrated by pouring out of the hangers and shops along the taxi ways, throwing their hats in the air and yelling "They got the son of a female dog".  At the time, I was a little confused about their passion, because I actually thought the guys were either indifferent, or maybe even liked Kennedy.  I actually was indifferent about Kennedy, but I will say that he shook things up and caused some things that didn't sit well at all with the troops.

I think if or rather when there is an action by the invaders, there aren't enough of them to take on the millions of real Americans who are armed to the teeth.  I believe they (the invaders) are among us and they aren't hard to spot.  The other day I was at one of our Walmart stores and there was a bunch of them hanging around in the lobby.  I don't know what they were doing in there, but the management wasn't doing anything about it.  They all look well fed and well dressed.  There was another group of them gathered a few blocks away from the Walmart.  I'm pretty sure the cops around here keep an eye on them.  This is a border state, but not the border with Mexico.  Me thinks when winter kicks in these warm weather breeds won't like it around here.

Offline scattershot

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Re: Biden says "if you want to take on the government...."
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2023, 05:29:32 PM »
F-16s, nukes? I dunno, the VC did pretty well, a few years back.

The Vietnamese were an agricultural society. They understood how the countryside worked. Not so here nowadays. A bunch of woke city boys with cell phones and tictok.

Bottom line is, they fought with what they had. city boys can do the same. If you can weed out the wokesters, that is.