They are laying a death trap, and the clueless left is intentionally stepping into it...and trying to drag the rest of us i nto it with them.
Europe is seeing farmer strikes in nearly every nation. Th eglobalists are buying the politicians of each government, requiring them to
vote against food production................. And the farmers are reacting..
..Less than 4 min video.. According to TV reports this morning, the government of Ireland for instance, wants their beef production cut by 200,000 head. That must be
MOST of their beef.
Farmers in Holland, the most agriculturally productive nation in Europe, are being ordered to cut their production drastically.
So farmers from nearly all countries in Europe, including eastern europe, are protesting.. Tractor convoys, spreading manure on government
buildings etc.
The protest is now crossing the channel to the UK, and should soon be happening soon in the USA..
Most of the world is adequately fed now...although we do see some shortages in stores, even here in America, but some in 3rd world
countries are facing starvation as a daily challenge.
The old axiom says... "If you control the oil, you control the country...if you control the food, you control the people."
...And the "control freaks" are thriving!