Won't really matter in the grand scheme.
People will continue to buy cargo ship loads
of controversy beer. People will continue
to watch woke/PC "sports, and buy
the tie-in merchandise, the hundred dollar
hats, jerseys, jackets, tennies, commemorative
cards, etc.
Pay hundreds to watch woke/PC music
venues, various "celebrity " events, etc.
Not much will happen until the retirement
checks stop coming in, the utility bills
quadruple, common food items are scarce
or unobtainable, infrastructure is non-existent
or unavailable regardless of how many years
you've paid in toward it to be for your
benefit, law enforcement is all but gone and
you're not allowed to defend yourself or your
loved ones, etc.
People are too comfortable right now,
and many won't be able to cope ( and
can't cope right now) and will likely
submit or self delete
I've been on hunting/fishing/camping
trips/ motorcycle trips where there
were those that couldn't make it
though a couple of hours without a
beer. Just the way things are now