I'm in my final countdown for purchasing my first revolver. I'm getting the Ruger Single Six in the 22 combo.
I had another post collecting some information and appreciate everyones comments and suggestions.
I plan to add a .44 Mag down the road and match it to the Single Six.
I will carry the SS 22 during the fall and use it for hunting, and the .44Mag for deer.
I definitely want to match the sight planes on these guns so shooting them is not all that different.
I would like good accuracy, but don't want an overly long barrel for ease of carry.
How much different will 5.5" Vs 6.5" make in accuracy. Those that have either, would you buy the same thing again, or do it differently?
I have decided to go with the stainless, just like the looks of them better.
The local dealer lists the 22 combo at $369 in either length, is this about right, or can I do better? I'm sure Ruger has a fixed price that does not fluxuate, just curious how big the dealer's take is ...
Thanks for any input ...