W748, H4895, IMR4320, and AA2230 are some that I keep around for 308 as well a some other calibers.
I did a little looking and found you a 8# of AA2230 here at MidSouth:
(In Stock as I type this)
While I don't usually buy 8# jugs each time, what I did a while ago is pick up 2-3 smaller jugs, IF/WHEN they are/were available, just to have the smaller containers to fill from the larger ones should I buy one. So, as a suggestion to you , due to the market right now, you might try to pick up some of the smaller sizes just to have some around & to try them out.
Then, when you try each of them & find one or two that suits you as an alternative in times such as these, instead of having just one type, you have more choices to choose from that you have tried out.
Kind of like trying a different type of beer or soda pop. Get a single or a six pack before ya buy a case or a 8 gallon keg to try it & see if ya like it. Just like trying out a new "flavor", you can do the same with the powders. Once ya find out whether ya like a certain powder, if it is unavailable, you can go with an alternative.
Getting 1-2 jugs of powder of a few different types up to 8 or so bottles is about the same hazmat & shipping as getting just one 8 pounder, so the cost should be similar, even though smaller bottles are usually just a little more each than the bulk jugs.
Well, I tried to help & tried to explain my thinking. the way I tried to explain suits me even if it doesn't suit others.
G'Luck~! whatever ya decide to do.