finished my shower this morning, slipped on my robe and brewed up a cup of Joe..
I plumped down into my comfortable recliner, and clicked onto Newsmax on the flat screen. It seems I cut into a program in progress , narrated by
Kevin Sorbo, who is outlining the 'climate change' crisis, and how it is being used as a weapon, to corral us all into a "one world government".
Historically, when a new scientific theory is advanced, open debates are ongoing, until one side or the other produces the incontrovertible evidence.
Most REAL scientists welcome such debate, since trhey are convinced of their conclusions, and are eager to present them for discussion.
That was true with the Copernican debate as well as any other of great significance.. However, in this particular controversey, world governments,
e.g. the UN...will not allow any debate on this subject.
One of their aims today, is to limit or reduce the amount of people on this earth, so is it any surprise that they are trying their darndest to cut the
farms that are producing food for the world...
Scientists who disagree are not given a hearing, but face expulsion from scientific community and publishing, with threats of jail.
One professor from New York university has the answer... Matthew Low suggests that we re-engineer people to be much, much smaller than they
presently are. He says ..just imagine how much less clothing, shoes and food would be required....and how many more could be crowded onto an
airliner or street car..
. ..And he suggests that rather than eat so much meat, most people would wear a "meat patch", like one of those 'quit smoking' patches.
So..what is this, other than a a move toward the prophesied "one world government? Recently on one of the celebrated 'earth days', the Eiffel tower in Paris, the Colleseum in Rome, and the Empire State building in New York City, shut their lights downon the same draw attention.
The UN endorses the whole take a clue..
Most celebrities are right into the game. The guy some here seem to thhink is OK RFK jr..was on video saying he thinks any climate change 'denier', deserves "3 hots and a cot" a penitentiary.
Actress Nicole kidman is videoed, eating bugs and worms. She claimed that eating a worm was like eating a "hairy nut" ! I cannot argue with her
on that point, since she would likely know better than any of us. what hairy nuts taste like.. These super rich, who want to rule the world, make a claim to want to spread the wealth of the world around to the poorer countries, so of course,
that puts the crosshairs on we Americans. No mention of them donating any of
their billions of dollars.
They all, starting with Al Gore, are calling for nations to surrender their soveriegnty to the UN..
This plan seems to end up taxing the people of the richer countries...but the money doesn't seem even then, to reach the people in poorer nations..
..Any cut back in world farms of course, would starve people in poorer countries, chiefly in Africa to start... So why are not their black brethren
here in America, screaming to the heavens?
That's my "opinion" piece for today. Agree or disagree?