UK lawmakers in a panic after a recent sword attack, where many were slashed and a 14 yuear old boy was murdered. Like the leftist nut cases
here, they decide to go after the inanimate object, rather than the root cause. The Brits are cracking down on all knives..some jurisdictions actually demanding "dull knives"..

THose not calling for dull knives arefor
outlawing "Zombie" knives... I suppose anybody who believes zombies are a "cnear and present danger"..may be terrified by a zombie's knife..
These poor clowns are much like the lefties here..don't treat the cause..just keep on trying to blunt the effects...of long time neglect and moral
To that action..or lack thereof, add the inportation of millions, from shothole, slash and burn cultures..
Now they have their result... Where's
Bob Smith when we need his counsel ?
BTW, some are demanding that all knives be blunted.. See below, the victorinox kid's knife...Victorinox already has the answer for sportsmen and
hunters in the UK...