Author Topic: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson  (Read 643 times)

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I had hopes for Franklin Graham following in his Dads footsteps. Now he sounds more like a DC insider.
In 2015 he announced he was quitting the Republican party and becoming an independent. He said he had no hope the Rep, Dem. or Tea Party doing what was best for America.

Now (IMO) he is in lock step with certain Republicans that want to spend taxpayer money supporting other governments, but ignoring the problem we have with ours.

My advice to Graham would be continue to preach the Gospel of Christ, and leave politics to the criminals running DC. Or at least support those who want to fix AMERICA FIRST like Green and others who are patriots to America. He should think about running as a Neocon Republican. He sure sounds like one.

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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2024, 06:50:50 AM »
Crickets!  Seems like no one wants to weigh in on the Johnson thing. Are some of my Republican friends here in favor of sending money to another country while ours is going to poop? I mean the bill was suppose to address the border, but a mere pittance is headed there, while most is going to prop up other governments.
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Offline Mule 11

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2024, 02:46:05 PM »
I think Johnson is a turncoat regardless of his excuses. Also, discussion of all the failures and forfeitures of the U.S.A. Are hardly worth discussion due to the predominance there of.

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2024, 03:12:27 AM »
 Wish I wasn't, but with all turncoats and lying going on in DC., I've become a conspiracy thinker. When a politician does an about face in their policy's, read where the man behind the curtain will pull some strings. Even if they were not on Epsteins list, didn't have an affair 20 years ago, or tried to rape someone, they'll make one up. Make their life a living hell for the rest of their days. As far as Graham wanting MTG to back off, sorry. I think she has a better handle on what to do in DC than he does.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2024, 05:26:36 PM »

 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene stood her ground Wednesday calling for a vote to oust Speaker Mike Johnson, but her Rino colleges booed her down and showed their true colors when it comes to America first. They act and look like hardline democrats, and cave to them.

Greene kept her word and called for the Rino to step down, and has probably made herself an enemy of the spineless Republicans we have now in DC. I'm so disappointed in Trump, not backing her up instead of the so called conservative leader. If this is his way of draining the swamp, he won't even dry up a puddle. She has worked hard for votes for him, and this is the way he thanks her. I'll vote for Trump if he's allowed to run against the puppet who is Biden, but will more than likely be my last vote as a Republican. I'll either vote as an independent, or not at all from here on. I don't really think our Nation can be fixed in DC anyway.
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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2024, 02:44:17 AM »
  I doubt Graham was in favor of that bogus bill, but more likely, he could see "the handwriting upon the wall"...saw how the vote would go for her,
   and preferrred that she wait a bit, and oust him if the repugnicans can get a sizeable margin next November.

  Although I like MTG and virtually everything she stands for, sometimes we should be 'wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove"....along with a
    fair helping of patience.

  .... No point in beating a dead horse..he's not going to jump up and pull the plow, and 359 vs 43 isn't a huge show of support..

  Meanwhile speaking of Graham.. He also spoke up about the mob of he-shes trying ...and apparently succeeding, in destroying the Boy Scouts...
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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2024, 06:13:58 AM »
He and other church leaders should have been speaking up sooner  (Like MTG does)with a load voice and in numbers than later after it has happened. So we keep our mouths shut (Just for this election ) and expect things to change. "Well" They won't. I don't have any hope for the Republican party anymore. I voted for Trump first time around because he was an outsider. I think he is starting to enter the building now, and getting farther and farther from his base IMO!  We will see I guess. I expected a lot of change first time around, and not so much this time. MTG has bigger ones than 90% of her colleagues.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2024, 07:59:06 AM »
  From NW... " He and other church leaders should have been speaking up sooner  (Like MTG does)with a load voice and in numbers than later after it has happened."

   Many have been...but few are listening, possibly because so few these days, can stir their backsides out of bed on a Sunday morning..

  Check this out..and see if the preachers are afraid to"tell it like it is"..(lees than 10 minutes 0

    Or this one...

   The israel/Palestine conflict...

   So you see, it is not that the REAL preachers aren't saying's just that the people who need the messages, are just not listening...
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2024, 08:06:57 AM »
  In America, the worthwhile churches/pastors have been keeping their flock aware of the world around them since John Peter muhlenberg set the pace, during our Revolutionary War..

    Then John Peter Muhlenberg story...

   ..And speaking about church leaders speaking out...  They have been speaking out since tha church ws do realize of course, that 10 of the 12 Apostles were martyred for their speaking out.

  Only john escaped martyrdom...and an attempt was made to boil him in oil.  Down through history..REAL men of ghod jhave spoken out..ofter to their demise..e.g.  John Huss, Pieter De Bruis, John Knox, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and more recently, Pastors Martin niemoller and Detrich Bonhoffer.
   If a man's church and it's leaders are not speaking out...he should seek a better informed church.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2024, 01:12:47 PM »
  In America, the worthwhile churches/pastors have been keeping their flock aware of the world around them since John Peter muhlenberg set the pace, during our Revolutionary War..

    Then John Peter Muhlenberg story...

   ..And speaking about church leaders speaking out...  They have been speaking out since tha church ws do realize of course, that 10 of the 12 Apostles were martyred for their speaking out.

  Only john escaped martyrdom...and an attempt was made to boil him in oil.  Down through history..REAL men of ghod jhave spoken out..ofter to their demise..e.g.  John Huss, Pieter De Bruis, John Knox, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and more recently, Pastors Martin niemoller and Detrich Bonhoffer.
   If a man's church and it's leaders are not speaking out...he should seek a better informed church.

I don't hear Graham speaking out in outrage about our southern border. But he and others like John Hagee don't have a problem with
keeping Ukraine, and Israels borders  safe while ours are overrun by Riffraff from third world countries. If your not going to preach AMERICA FIRST, then preach the Gospel, and shut up about world affairs. JMO
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2024, 01:20:49 PM »
  In America, the worthwhile churches/pastors have been keeping their flock aware of the world around them since John Peter muhlenberg set the pace, during our Revolutionary War..

    Then John Peter Muhlenberg story...

   ..And speaking about church leaders speaking out...  They have been speaking out since tha church ws do realize of course, that 10 of the 12 Apostles were martyred for their speaking out.

  Only john escaped martyrdom...and an attempt was made to boil him in oil.  Down through history..REAL men of ghod jhave spoken out..ofter to their demise..e.g.  John Huss, Pieter De Bruis, John Knox, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and more recently, Pastors Martin niemoller and Detrich Bonhoffer.
   If a man's church and it's leaders are not speaking out...he should seek a better informed church.

I don't hear Graham speaking out in outrage about our southern border. But he and others like John Hagee don't have a problem with
keeping Ukraine, and Israels borders  safe while ours are overrun by Riffraff from third world countries. If your not going to preach AMERICA FIRST, then preach the Gospel, and shut up about world affairs. JMO

  As with any other sector of the public...opinions differ..
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2024, 02:25:21 PM »
From your links I don't hear anything about OUR BORDERS. Israel, Ukraine, and all other nations can take care of themselves.
What Hamas did to Israel was terrible. It would have been just as terrible against any sovereign country. Israel, with backing from the USA has all the weapons and war machines necessary to defend it's borders from anyone. They made Hamas pay the price. I, along with some people are more concerned about OUR border and what is happing to OUR country because of it.

We have reached the point where our leaders care more about the rest of the world, and OUR influence in it, than they do our own people. I don't hate Ukraine or Israel or any other country including Russia. What I dislike is their governments that are (Like ours) filled with Globalists. Lewinski, and Netanyahu are IMO Globalists. Russia and China are a different breed, but just as evil as our leaders at the top.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2024, 05:48:35 AM »
From your links I don't hear anything about OUR BORDERS. Israel, Ukraine, and all other nations can take care of themselves.
What Hamas did to Israel was terrible. It would have been just as terrible against any sovereign country. Israel, with backing from the USA has all the weapons and war machines necessary to defend it's borders from anyone. They made Hamas pay the price. I, along with some people are more concerned about OUR border and what is happing to OUR country because of it.

We have reached the point where our leaders care more about the rest of the world, and OUR influence in it, than they do our own people. I don't hate Ukraine or Israel or any other country including Russia. What I dislike is their governments that are (Like ours) filled with Globalists. Lewinski, and Netanyahu are IMO Globalists. Russia and China are a different breed, but just as evil as our leaders at the top.

     I am as concerned over our borders as anyone.  The demonrats are destroying our country..aided by some repugnicans !  Here's something I
    posted in answer to Lloyd, on May 1;

      Today's News / Re: Idiots destroying their own school...
« on: May 01, 2024, 03:08:10 AM »

Quote from: Lloyd Smale on April 30, 2024, 11:33:23 PM
they arent even all students. university of Toranto yesterdays arrests showed 34 students and 75 people not even affiliated with the school. another school had a long time organizer of protestors spotted on the college grounds telling students what to do. bottom line is this is all controlled and instigated by Hamas to turn the world against isreal. wher is Joe? Where are the Jewish congressmen and senators like shumer that usually cant wait to be seen on tv. hes weighing whether he gets more jewish votes or college kids voting for him and hed sell out his own people for a couple votes

  When a president and an administration import all kinds of assassins, robbers, drug pusher and terrorists into our country..what does any
    reasonably intelligent person figure is going to happen..

  REASONABLY INTELLIGENT..... Obviously, that leaves Joe out..

       So what more can be said..other than "throw the bums out" way of our coming election !
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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2024, 06:18:27 AM »
George Soros' hand is in all these protests with financing professional protesters to stir the pot on universities.  Many students don't even know our history, nor the long history of the Jewish people.  Also, the Russian occupied areas of Ukraine have a majority population of Russian speaking people.  Someone should have pushed for a cease fire, and a vote in these contested provinces with neutral countries observing and monitoring the voting to go with Russia or Ukraine.  Then settle the issue. 

The democrats and rinos are keeping this war going to give Ukraine time to launder more money for the Biden's and others.  We never used to do this, we always tried to persue peace between warring sovereign countries. 
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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2024, 09:36:19 AM »
This is true, and now our leaders have become so  greedy and powerful, they want control of the entire world, and could care less what they do to our nation to obtain it. They keep us at war around the world, and at each other here at home. They use tactics like Anti-abortion, Anti Semitism, the Race card, and a host of other causes they (If truthful) could personally care less about. It works too! Pretty obvious to see that Mike Johnson is a Globalist. All you have to do is watch what they do.......Not so much what they say. There is no gray area here. MTG is spot on, and they using the us against them BS to shut her down.
IG said  I am as concerned over our borders as anyone.  The demonrats are destroying our country..aided by some repugnicans ! More like.....Democrats and Republicans are destroying our Republic. Not some!
There is no lessor of two evils. Evil is Evil. There are a few on both sides that are sincere and honest, and the rest are damn self centered, evil liars. I will be voting for Trump this election. If I'm around, but it's the last time in my life I will vote for either party.
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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2024, 02:25:58 PM »
It always gets me when I hear supposed Americans say it's the last time they will vote! I guess the majority of these non voters never served in the service's of this great country. Too many hypocrites now and growing steadily. I remember Dee who now is no longer posting saying the majority of military personnel never participated in combat! Well I did and I'll be damned if I ever give up the right to vote in this country. How dare you!  What hypocrites

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2024, 03:36:56 AM »
It always gets me when I hear supposed Americans say it's the last time they will vote! I guess the majority of these non voters never served in the service's of this great country. Too many hypocrites now and growing steadily. I remember Dee who now is no longer posting saying the majority of military personnel never participated in combat! Well I did and I'll be damned if I ever give up the right to vote in this country. How dare you!  What hypocrites

If your referring to me, I never said I wouldn't vote. I won't vote party line anymore, and will register as an independent. as far as serving, I served in the Army for 6 years. But that has nothing to do with me not voting for a POS in an election. Especially for a Federal office. I said nothing about giving up th right to vote!
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2024, 04:00:56 AM »
  I said that IMO ...democrats (all) are corrupt, while republicans are mostly that way..  Frankly; I don't suspect people such as Jim Jordan, kristi Noem,
   Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Gov DeSantis, MTG or Donald Trump for instance, of being sold out to the enemy.

   On the other hand, I am struggling to find a democrat who isn't following what appears to me to be...their party plan. !
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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2024, 06:00:51 AM »
It always gets me when I hear supposed Americans say it's the last time they will vote! I guess the majority of these non voters never served in the service's of this great country. Too many hypocrites now and growing steadily. I remember Dee who now is no longer posting saying the majority of military personnel never participated in combat! Well I did and I'll be damned if I ever give up the right to vote in this country. How dare you!  What hypocrites

If your referring to me, I never said I wouldn't vote. I won't vote party line anymore, and will register as an independent. as far as serving, I served in the Army for 6 years. But that has nothing to do with me not voting for a POS in an election. Especially for a Federal office. I said nothing about giving up th right to vote!
               I think you better read what you blurted out about you voting in post #5. You dang sure stated if you're not satisfied with your results with trump or an independent you would not bother to vote. You said it not me !

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2024, 09:35:43 AM »
Meaning if , I see NO candidate running in the General election for President that I feel is fit for the office on the Rep. or Dem ticket, I would not vote for either candidate. (I'm sick of lessor of two evil voting) It has lead us to this mess we are in now. I have repeated over and over again, that it's My opinion the Federal Government is too corrupt to change. I believe it MUST be done at the State Level. That includes voting for America first Governors and Representatives, and Senators sent to DC.

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2024, 12:30:32 PM »
Meaning if , I see NO candidate running in the General election for President that I feel is fit for the office on the Rep. or Dem ticket, I would not vote for either candidate. (I'm sick of lessor of two evil voting) It has lead us to this mess we are in now. I have repeated over and over again, that it's My opinion the Federal Government is too corrupt to change. I believe it MUST be done at the State Level. That includes voting for America first Governors and Representatives, and Senators sent to DC.

  Perhaps I am cutting it quite fine here..but since there is no PERFECT person onr candidtate, is not each election a choice of a lesser evil?
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Re: Graham wants Green to reconsider trying to oust Mike Johnson
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2024, 10:44:58 AM »
It doesn't have to be an election for the lesser of two evils. Don't vote for any evil. No one is perfect, But not everyone is evil. "Way I see it"

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