Author Topic: A little something for the kids  (Read 406 times)

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Offline nw_hunter

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A little something for the kids
« on: May 14, 2024, 05:28:30 PM »
From our friends at The John Birch Society:

While our Republican representatives in DC, join with their democrat friends to send taxpayer money to other countries to fight their wars and protect their  borders............

President Joe Biden’s plan to wreck the nation with a mass invasion of largely illiterate Third World illegal aliens who become Democrat-voting welfare recipients is working.

A new report from the Center For Immigration Studies showed that more than 50 percent of the “migrants” he imported from 2022 to date are unemployed.

Biden’s “migrant” invasion has lifted the foreign-born population to almost 16 percent of the total U.S. population, and even worse, it appears that figure will keep increasing.

Those facts would be bad enough by themselves. But the influx of non-working “migrants” has also meant something for the border town of Kinney, Texas: a massive increase in the number of criminal prosecutions.


CIS based its report on the federal government’s Current Population Survey, and concluded that “the increase [in foreign-born] in the last two years is unlike anything seen before and is statistically significant.”

Foreign-born, legal and illegal, are now 51.6 million, a 5.1 million increase since March 2022.

That’s 15.6 percent of the population.

And Biden, CIS says, is responsible for this demographic disaster. He’s boosted the foreign-born population by 6.6 million in 39 months.

“We have previously estimated that nearly 58 percent of the increase under President Biden is due to illegal immigration,” CIS reported:

If present trends continue, the foreign-born population will reach 62.5 million in 2030 and 82.2 million by 2040 — larger than the current combined populations of 30 states plus the District of Columbia. Haven't we handed our children a great future?
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Offline Dixie-Dude

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2024, 05:58:56 AM »
The illegal ones need to go.  Legal, ok.  We need to let all the other countries know we can't take anymore.  One central American country wants us to return many of theirs for prosecution and jail for crimes they committed in their country.  Biden won't do it.  Anyway the reason for letting them know is there is no longer any jobs for them to do here.  Robots will be taking their jobs, and these robots will also not be paying taxes. 
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Offline magooch

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2024, 06:30:22 PM »
All illegals must go and anyone who doesn't agree with that is welcome to leave with their border jumping   friends.  Anyone who opposes sending the invaders back to where they came from, should have to pay  part of the cost of getting these illegal invaders gone.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2024, 11:38:13 PM »
sad thing is it would take decades and billions of dollars just to get back to where we were 3 tears ago. we would about have to fund an entire new government police force similar to the fbi to do it and then in the end you just end up with another corrupted agency. yes they need to go but how can we do it without us taxpayers suffering even more? maybe trump has an answer, i sure dont. my best guess is all that can really be done is to stop more from coming in
The illegal ones need to go.  Legal, ok.  We need to let all the other countries know we can't take anymore.  One central American country wants us to return many of theirs for prosecution and jail for crimes they committed in their country.  Biden won't do it.  Anyway the reason for letting them know is there is no longer any jobs for them to do here.  Robots will be taking their jobs, and these robots will also not be paying taxes.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2024, 11:57:14 PM »
like with anything else the middle class like you and me will pay to send them back. probably with one dollar for every ten the tax increase will cost us will actually fund it. half the American public used their vote to help biden do this and still vote for the same liberal senator's and congressmen that allowed this to happen. heck just keep in mind that theres only a low single digit lead by trump right now and hes running against the worse president weve ever had. then if trump is elected it will just be another 4 years of them wasting time like theve done for the last 7 years trying to attack him. the border issue is very important but to overhaul those policy's and send them back wont happen without an overhaul of the entire government and sorry to say that aint happening in our lifetime. the way it works now on both sides is you do and say what is best for you on election day not whats best for the country. once you win you toss those promises in the trash and do again whats best for YOU. suck up to anyone that will get you some appointment or chance for even more power and your picture on the news. 30 years ago people were patriotic and were willing to sacrifice there personal gain and even their lives for this country. just look at the lines at recruiting stations after pearl harbor. how long would the lines be today if china bombed pearl harbor? the longest line would be at the canadian border
All illegals must go and anyone who doesn't agree with that is welcome to leave with their border jumping   friends.  Anyone who opposes sending the invaders back to where they came from, should have to pay  part of the cost of getting these illegal invaders gone.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2024, 10:29:39 AM »
sad thing is it would take decades and billions of dollars just to get back to where we were 3 tears ago. we would about have to fund an entire new government police force similar to the fbi to do it and then in the end you just end up with another corrupted agency. yes they need to go but how can we do it without us taxpayers suffering even more? maybe trump has an answer, i sure dont. my best guess is all that can really be done is to stop more from coming in
The illegal ones need to go.  Legal, ok.  We need to let all the other countries know we can't take anymore.  One central American country wants us to return many of theirs for prosecution and jail for crimes they committed in their country.  Biden won't do it.  Anyway the reason for letting them know is there is no longer any jobs for them to do here.  Robots will be taking their jobs, and these robots will also not be paying taxes.

Well, we could have started here LLoyd...........WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he was immediately rushing badly needed weaponry to Ukraine as he signed into law a $95 billion war aid measure that also included assistance for Israel, Taiwan and other global hot spots.

The announcement marked an end to the long, painful battle with Republicans in Congress over urgently needed assistance for Ukraine, with Biden promising that U.S. weapons shipment would begin making the way into Ukraine “in the next few hours.”

“We rose to the moment, we came together, and we got it done,” Biden said a White House event to announce the bill signing. “Now we need to move fast, and we are.”

You think that 95 billion could have sent a few back to their home countries? And that monies would have helped America First!!!!
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2024, 05:22:54 PM »
sad thing is it would take decades and billions of dollars just to get back to where we were 3 tears ago. we would about have to fund an entire new government police force similar to the fbi to do it and then in the end you just end up with another corrupted agency. yes they need to go but how can we do it without us taxpayers suffering even more? maybe trump has an answer, i sure dont. my best guess is all that can really be done is to stop more from coming in
The illegal ones need to go.  Legal, ok.  We need to let all the other countries know we can't take anymore.  One central American country wants us to return many of theirs for prosecution and jail for crimes they committed in their country.  Biden won't do it.  Anyway the reason for letting them know is there is no longer any jobs for them to do here.  Robots will be taking their jobs, and these robots will also not be paying taxes.
  Might be enough ammo laying around to do the job!!
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline magooch

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2024, 06:18:48 PM »
This country already has a substantial military that could be employed to seek out and send the illegals packing.  That just might be the task that would do the most to save our country.  The ones who got here from south of us could be shoved back across the southern border.  Let Mexico deal with them like they should have in the first place.  The ones who got here by other routes could be loaded aboard a barge and towed away, unless they left of their own accord.  They found their way here, so let them find their own way back to where they came from.  Yeh, it might turn into a situation where you have to show your I.D. to authorities, but most of us wouldn't have to be bothered with it for obvious reasons.  That all might sound un-American, but better that than no America.  And Joe Brandon should be tried for malfeasance and treason.

Offline GTS225

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2024, 03:16:16 AM »
This country already has a substantial military that could be employed to seek out and send the illegals packing. 

Be damn careful what you wish for, here.  That would involve suspending posse comitatus, and have our standing military enforcing civilian law.  That's a VERY BAD idea, and should be a VERY LAST RESORT, much like the use of WMD's.
Maybe, MAYBE, a state could use their Nat'l Guard troops in that capacity, as long as they weren't federalized for the task.  It still bends the rules to a certain extent, though.

That just might be the task that would do the most to save our country.

See my post above.

  The ones who got here from south of us could be shoved back across the southern border.  Let Mexico deal with them like they should have in the first place.  The ones who got here by other routes could be loaded aboard a barge and towed away, unless they left of their own accord.  They found their way here, so let them find their own way back to where they came from.  Yeh, it might turn into a situation where you have to show your I.D. to authorities, but most of us wouldn't have to be bothered with it for obvious reasons.  That all might sound un-American, but better that than no America.  And Joe Brandon should be tried for malfeasance and treason.

The rest, I have no disagreement with.


Offline magooch

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2024, 04:59:26 PM »
If being invaded by illegal foreigners isn't at least equal to "war", then I don't know what is.  The invasion needs to be stopped now and the invaders ejected--period.  I just visited our local community park today and there were more hispanic-non-english speaking people occupying the park than there were what I would classify as locals.  This is a very new developement as the hispanic poopulation around here has been very limited until just recently.  The odd thing is they are all apparently driving late model cars and pickups.  One thing I have noticed is that in some of the upscale communities there are lots of cars parked on the lawns, driveways and even out on the street where there is no parking space.  Obviously these are multifamily groups and singles all crammed into one house.  Obviously there is nothing illegal about this, but it does make one wonder.  Actually, they do seem to be non-problematic and don't cause any problems with the neighbors.  Oddly, there are also a substantial number of law enforcement folks living in these areas.  I don't mean to say there is something amiss about law enforcement living here, it just is what it is.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A little something for the kids
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2024, 11:42:25 PM »
This country already has a substantial military that could be employed to seek out and send the illegals packing.  That just might be the task that would do the most to save our country.  The ones who got here from south of us could be shoved back across the southern border.  Let Mexico deal with them like they should have in the first place.  The ones who got here by other routes could be loaded aboard a barge and towed away, unless they left of their own accord.  They found their way here, so let them find their own way back to where they came from.  Yeh, it might turn into a situation where you have to show your I.D. to authorities, but most of us wouldn't have to be bothered with it for obvious reasons.  That all might sound un-American, but better that than no America.  And Joe Brandon should be tried for malfeasance and treason.

I agree. This is even more of a war than us sticking our nose and money into some other countries problems like is the case of about every war since the revolutionary and civil war were. this one is right on our front lawns and we even paid billions of tax dollars to set it in motion. china and russia sitting back rolling on the floor laughing at us falling apart because of it. the threat of what the military would do is exactly why this bs doesnt happen in those countries only problem.  i see is fox news reported yesterday that even the figures on the number of crossings the republicans claim could in fact be 70% higher.

 with our swishy liberal agenda of nicely enforcing the law it would take billions of dollars and years of using our military resources to round them all up. we today cant even get enough new recruits to counter russia and china let alone these immigrants so it would play right into russia and chinas hands. China would be loading troops tomorrow to head to Tiwan and the start of real communist power like the world has never seen would only be a couple years away.

 so like i said were dammed if we do and dammed if we dont. biden  has backed us into a corner that has no escape and probably did it intentionally. my biggest question is why the F trump or anyone else would want to take the presidency today in this shithole weve dug. personally i think it comes down to the fact these guys have mega egos that border on mental issues. they will all lie, cheat, steal and even murder for that power.

in fact today our freedoms have been attacked so much that we arent far away from communism. our government controls every aspect of our life. THAT is the REAL problem we face. A MUCH bigger problem than the border or even russia and china and it needs a MAJOR change not just a different president thats hands are tied by corrupted politicians and government agencies. sad thing is i dont see it happening in our lifetime. we will be dammed lucky to be a country anyone would want to come to in 20 years. hell were lucky if its still United States of America. There are some even here that have cheered states splitting up and weakening this country. crap we have 3 wars going on right here. liberals at war with conservatives, states or regions against other states or regions and the invasion of our country. How do you win? i sure dont know! 
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