Dumbo will unless stopped, sign away our sovereignty to the WHO (World Health Organization)..just say ..UN !
Under the guise of "health" the Who would have dictatorioal rule over such things as , food distribution, abortion, climate change, pandemic practices
and so many other facets of our life.. that would amount to complete control of our society.
It will come down to the micro level. When you step into your doctor's office, some bureaucrat in the UN..China or Borneo may decide what treatment you may or not receive.
Maybe your car is not electrified enough...or perhaps you should not have a car after all.. Perhaps youir kids or grandkids need to be removed
from a "toxic family atmosphere"..
It is all simply a big move toward a "one world government". (Revelation, chapter 13)
Right now, it is aimed at times of pandemic.. but that is only a "camel's nose under the tent" move..
Remember how the FISA act was purely "for our common good" !