Author Topic: Trump guilty on all counts.  (Read 1582 times)

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Offline JBinMN

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2024, 07:05:27 PM »
Just remember....

While DJT is not Jesus Christ, I will continue to follow & support DJT even when the evil Demshovik commies are trying to do basically the same thing to DJT...

MAGA     All the way to the end.
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #31 on: June 02, 2024, 11:47:19 AM »
The part that gets me ticked off the most, even thou I don't live in NY., is all the tax dollars the prosecution used, and not sure if he can, Trump paid out of pocket, or possibly donations. Pretty sure we'll see an appeal, as several legal talking heads have said the judge committed several ''errors'' in his procedure. This only made Trump much more popular than before, so looks like the Socialist/Democrats plan, backfired. Last thought, wonder where guzzijohn is??
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2024, 01:55:21 PM »
Don't worry gypsyman I am keeping an eye out here. Just watching you all make hypocrites of yourselves. Not one post here has respond to my OP. Typical.

Offline Goldie

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #33 on: June 02, 2024, 02:43:23 PM »
Well to your rhetoric about law and order I for one think this so called trial is a total sham. New York is going down the tubes and all's a black lawyer thinks of is going after Trump, even ran on it to get elected. We'll all watch and see when this gets over turned then maybe you can figure out what us hypocrites are talking about. But someone that thinks all this crap going on and believes Biden is doing the right thing is just totally full of crap as far as I'm concerned and you're not changing my mind one damn bit.
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Offline JBinMN

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #34 on: June 02, 2024, 02:49:22 PM »

Don't worry gypsyman I am keeping an eye out here. Just watching you all make hypocrites of yourselves. Not one post here has respond to my OP. Typical.

I do not usually directly reply to those who I think are mentally ill, but I will give ya a chance to show me ya still have the capability to use logic.

I thought my reply a few comment back addressed it, but it appears either you dismiss it, ignored it, or something of the sort.

( Don't care much about what ya think, as my comment was more to show support to DJT than to give you a response, not unlike dismissing trollish comments on a forum, or the like, but I digress...)

So, to directly address your OP:

So the party of law and order will continue to support a convicted multiple felon?

Now, I am gonna ask, "rhetorically" just what is the definition you are using for the "party of law & order"?

Now , since most of us are in the USA, we would think of basically two parties holding a major role as a political party , with other lesser known ones like the "Independent", Communist", "Green" parties etc..

So, without having a definition of what the party of "law & order" is, by YOUR account, one has to GUESS.

Now, if it is reasonably possible to narrow things down in your OP to the two more major political parties, the Democrats & Republicans, then everyone who answers must accept certain things.

One is that one party is FOR "law & order" & thus the other party is AGAINST" law & order. Two, is that if one party is FOR & the other is AGAINST, which party are YOU a part of, or support? Law & order, or Not.

Your OP is implying that there is only ONE Political Party that is the "party of law & order", and you want to know what others think about their possible acceptance of the sham BS kangaroo court in NYC with DJ Trump being the one supposedly convicted on 34 felony counts.

If anyone thinks that this sham BS kangaroo setup excuse for a legal judicial court case, then it would be important that the party of "law & order" make some sort of a stand about the results of this case.

It seems quite apparent that the support shown by most folks dependent on which political party they choose to support would answer your OP question.

If it is the Republicans that are the ones supporting DJT after this scam BS kangaroo setup court, and the Republicans are the party of "law & order", then it answers your question by that those who are supporting DJT after this Scam BS Kangaroos set up court case that they do indeed continue to support him.   Question answered.

Now that opens up the opposite party to scrutiny...

If the party of Law & Order" is supporting DJT & is the Republican party, then it is apparent that the Democratic party is NOT the party of supports "Law & Order'.

Now, in order to have a civilized country  of any kind, particularly a Constitutional Democratic REPUBLIC, the people in that country MUST HAVE LAW & ORDER in order to make sure that things are not chaotic & un-civilized(< anarchy, law of the jungle or the like).

To support any political party that is NOT FOR "Law & Order" is to support less than civilized behavior and is anti-thetical to a Constitutional Democratic REPUBLIC.

Are ya saying you are NOT for "Law & Order"?

well, I reckon I am gonna stop with all of that now.

If you don't understand, I think a course in CIVICS thru a re-knowned college/university ( school of higher learning) like the Heritage Foundations recommended ones for a course in True Civics is a good idea for you.

Might learn something.

( I am of the impression that you are older than 60 years old, if that is so, they used to offer back in the 1970s/60s & before a HIGH SCHOOL class called "CIVICS".
Perhaps you did not attend a school with that course in its' curriculum, or perhaps ya were sick a lot & missed that normally "required for graduation" class, or maybe just smoked a lot of dope, partied to hard, hit the bottle etc, & such & just can't recall crap anymore... I dunno...Only YOU know

But I think now that Someone has directly answered your OP, you can quit whining about it, and get down to telling everyone if you are of the party of "law & order", or NOT.

I really don't give a rats ass myself, but some folks here might be confused with your attitudes, comments & such, and it would do them wonders for you  to come clean & just lay it out on the line just what they hell ya stand for when it comes to the USA.

Sure save a lot of folks guessing. ( OF course unless they already know. Then the whole thing is moot.)

I have said enough to make my fingers tired of typing to someone who I think is mentally ill & as well a troll.


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Offline Goldie

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2024, 03:03:54 PM »
Very elequantly put JB. To bad the Kansas liberal doesn't get it. Must have fell off his cycle to much. Maybe a Biden newcomer will explain it to him.
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Offline Mule 11

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2024, 03:07:54 PM »
What’s the matter coozi? Didn’t mommy and daddy love you enough?...
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2024, 11:16:11 PM »
everyone here responded to the trash in your original post that was nothing but bait for an argument as you even admitted. its you that havent responded to the TRUTH others here posted to argue against your nonsense. now crawl back under your rock with the rest of the socialists.
Don't worry gypsyman I am keeping an eye out here. Just watching you all make hypocrites of yourselves. Not one post here has respond to my OP. Typical.
blue lives matter
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Offline DDZ

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #38 on: June 03, 2024, 01:55:07 AM »
So Guzzi thinks justice was served through a banana republic NY court while circumventing the constitution. Yet its okay for America haters like him. Just so its done against the radical lefts political opponent, who would win a fair election in a landslide. Guzzi knows it, and the radical left knows it. Its why they have been trying to get rid of Trump since 2016 through all kinds of criminal acts. 
Seems as though Guzzi is starving for attention. Typical of a 60's hippie, that got his brain fried from drugs, and being indoctrinated into hating America.         
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn
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Offline Mule 11

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #39 on: June 03, 2024, 06:08:23 AM »
So Guzzi thinks justice was served through a banana republic NY court while circumventing the constitution. Yet its okay for America haters like him. Just so its done against the radical lefts political opponent, who would win a fair election in a landslide. Guzzi knows it, and the radical left knows it. Its why they have been trying to get rid of Trump since 2016 through all kinds of criminal acts. 
Seems as though Guzzi is starving for attention. Typical of a 60's hippie, that got his brain fried from drugs, and being indoctrinated into hating America.       

Lucky for him that the abortion he backs through his vote was not legal when mommy gave him away...
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #40 on: June 03, 2024, 07:49:38 AM »
 I guess guzzi didn't study, or remember, or care, that many of dictatorships that came about in the world in the last 1000 years, were accomplished exactly by what the Democrats and the legal system are doing to Trump. Brainwashing, censoring the truth, controlling the legal system and the political system. As far as backing Trump, yep, even if he is a convicted felon. Before he was a ''felon'', and was president, he wanted 4 billion dollars to try and finish the wall! The Democrats that put him on trial, shot him down and vetoed the money. I know they don't, and you probably don't either! Grow a pair, put your money where your mouth is, and go talk to some of the family's that had a daughter raped and killed by an illegal. Go talk to a family who had a son die because he was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. How about going to some policeman's family and explaining why husband/dad/mom, was murdered because of a man illegally got across a wide open border that might have been prevented. Considering the circumstances in Trumps case, yea, once again, I'd vote for him. Beats the hell out of a man that took showers with his daughter when she was growing up. Or a son that was a known cocaine user and had nude picture's of him with a 14 year old girl.
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #41 on: June 03, 2024, 09:27:21 PM »
im sure him and his cult got real stoned and danced around the campfire celebrating the conviction and the 1000s of babies aborted last week
blue lives matter
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Offline Dixie-Dude

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2024, 05:27:34 AM »
Democrats today have become NAZI's or Communists.  Both used the same tactics of power and control. 

Dems changed the laws in New York so they could come after Trump.  No statutes of limitation, changed all the things he was convicted of from misdomeniers to felonies.  District he was tried in was 95% democrat in voting thus not a jury of his piers.  Judges wife was a democrat worker for Biden, and he didn't recuse himself, and he was a democrat himself.  This was a kangaroo court from the start.  There we no crimes commited, no one was hurt, no one lost money, actually increased property values should have brought more property tax to the district, and more jobs. 

Just like AOC's district voted NOT to have an Amazon distribution center put there with it's job creation for the district.  They remain dependent on the government.   
Opelika Portal

Offline gypsyman

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2024, 12:13:28 PM »
Democrats today have become NAZI's or Communists.  Both used the same tactics of power and control. 

Dems changed the laws in New York so they could come after Trump.  No statutes of limitation, changed all the things he was convicted of from misdomeniers to felonies.  District he was tried in was 95% democrat in voting thus not a jury of his piers.  Judges wife was a democrat worker for Biden, and he didn't recuse himself, and he was a democrat himself.  This was a kangaroo court from the start.  There we no crimes commited, no one was hurt, no one lost money, actually increased property values should have brought more property tax to the district, and more jobs. 

Just like AOC's district voted NOT to have an Amazon distribution center put there with it's job creation for the district.  They remain dependent on the government.   
   Amazing also, when he was a registered Democrat, all the elite's in NY thought he was the greatest. I'm going to call it, when his eye's opened and he seen the corruption in the system first hand. Now he's their nightmare.
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline JBinMN

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2024, 02:17:34 PM »
YA'll ever watched the show, "Wild Kingdom", or one of those shows?

You see, I am reminded of the ones where the Jackals & Hyenas all crowd around & raise Hell with the one who actually did the killing of the prey.
|Now, a Leopard, or the like, they can do a good job of killing & then they try to get the prey up into a tree or something to keep those Jackals & hyenas from stealing thier work to get the prey to eat & survive.

Boy oh boy do those Jackals & hyenas raise a stink , howling & whining & bitching when they can't get that prey that SOME ONE ELSE WORKED TO GET.

Now... The ya have to remember the LIONS...

The Jackals & hyenas don't much care for the Big LIONS either... Single one, usually a Male, keeping them off or maybe a female lion or two & there is a pack of jackals or hyenas, trying to take down the lions or at least STEAL from them...

Those jackals & hyenas are ready to try to fight IF THEY THINK THEY CAN OVER COME THE LION(s).

Most times though, the LIONS Eff up the pack of jackals & hyenas cuz the Lions are the Effin KINGS over those POS packs of vermin/scavengers...

Now, once in a while there is a jackal or hyena that thinks it can whine , howl & raise a stink to get the other jackals & hyena to help out with the lions...

It sees a Lion & thinks it can get the other jackals & hyenas to help out to take out the Lion(s) to STEAL from the ones who ACTUALLY did ALL THE WORK.

Sometimes the whiner jackals/hyenas can get others to help... but most times the jackals & hyenas just say, "Eff it, not worth the time to get hurt.",

 and just slink off until they think they have the advantage once again & can howl once more to try to STEAL from the ones who ACTUALLY DID THE WORK to get the prey.

LAW & ORDER.  Think about it.

Who makes the "LAW & ORDER"?

The jackals & hyenas who just want to take from others who actually did the work, or the ones who SET the "LAW & ORDER" , by denying those jackals & hyenas who want to STEAL from the ones who EARNED what they got as their reward..???

Rhetorical>>>  Ya'll can make the choice.., .. All of ya... Gonna be a Jackal, Hyena, Leopard, or LION(s)? 
What type are ya??...

(I can tell the difference, even if some of ya'll can't tell the difference.  You know who ya are...


We have all seen where that works here in this topic.

If ya can't see it, then you don't understand & I don't think I would take the time to explain it any further...

Have a look at the attachment pic down at the bottom of this comment/post...

All will understand more then I reckon.

MAGA   All the way to the end...

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Offline locust

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2024, 04:13:54 PM »
mistrial ......did not see that coming

Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #46 on: June 08, 2024, 01:53:36 AM »
So the party of law and order will continue to support a convicted multiple felon?

     The people blonging to the Nazi Party in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, were all for what Hitlwr did to the Jews, while he held power,
     but Pastors Deitrich Bonhoffer and Martin Niemoller disagreed voiciferously.

  It cost Niemoller 4 years in a concentration camp, and Bonhoffer the death camp, plus his life.    "one man with God is a majority"

  Today's commie left sounds like old Joe Stalin...gloating over how he had railroaded millions into a frozen death in Siberia..

  Below; see Vorkutra, Communist, work/death camp..where thousands were worked and froze to death..under the glorious rule of Communism..

  "Glory to the gulags"...yeah..a great, communist accomplishment.

  Photos of Stalinist era Vorkutra... no tourist brochures were printed..

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Tommyt

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2024, 04:14:56 AM »
 Leads in every way!! No matter how hard they try to ruin him  ;D

Offline DDZ

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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2024, 09:36:47 AM »
Leads in every way!! No matter how hard they try to ruin him  ;D

Hes pretty good. Although he would be better if he used his hands like Trump does when talking.
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Re: Trump guilty on all counts.
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2024, 09:47:42 AM »
More criminal acts by Merrick Garland. In appointing Jack Smith to the special counsel, to oversee the investigations on Trump 3 days after he announced he was running for president.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn