or it could of been nothing more than a fluke .
Could be, but it bears the hallmarks of divine intervention.. The Bible tells us that God indeed, dose interfere in the affairs of men..(Dan 4:17 & 32)
The plagues that attacked the Egyptians ..frogs, grasshoppers ..along with the plague which took down the first born of Egypt..were not a "coincidence"..nor was the parting of thew Red Sea..so Moses could lead the Hebrews through.
Godeon did not beat the entire Midianite army with just 300 troops..purely by superior tactics..
Worldly cases of divine intervention.. The providential victory over the Spanish Armada...for one.. Then there was the story of the Pilgrims in 1620.. Missing their intended destination ..(Virginia), the Pilgrims settled at a place where wa great freshwater creek dumped into the Atlantic, they settled there, at a place to be later called Plimouth..
Little did they know, they landed at the only place for hundreds of miles, where they would not be thrown right back in the ocean by hostiles.
Why no hostiles? ..Because the tribe occupying that given location had died off from a pandemic..
The Pilgrims started of badly there, no food and being winter, little forage available. They needed help badly..that is when God sent Squanto.. the
sole survivor of that pandemic..and NO language barrier, since he had already spent some time in England, so conversation was available..
You can say "fluke' but indeed, "God deals in the affairs of man".
" A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. (Prov 16:9)