It seems to me that those who choose not to accept FACTS, are not that intelligent.
Could be those who are responding here and not facing FACTS, might have, "Cognitive Dissonance", perhaps a Mental Illness( Like TDS( Trump Derangement Syndrome), maybe Dementia/Senility depending on the age, perhaps a choice of being, "Willfully Ignorant" , or just plain, "Stupid".
The possibilities mentioned above are subject to others determination, as I am not qualified to diagnose or do anything more than offer FACTS & see if anyone else "recognizes" what FACTS are, and accept them as REALITY.
( BTW...
"Ignorance", is not knowing things, "Stupid" is just not being able to understand info, regardless of how the info is given or passed to the one who needs the info.)
IN this place & others, I have a tendency to not let myself deal with those who are , "Mentally Ill", Demented/Senile, or suffer from some issues with reality.
I don't offer, Ad Hominem" attacks on folks & their views. Just the FACTS.
Although I will remind folks about just how their own views are related to other views from history. Like Commies putting out Commie BS & such., etc.. Not "Ad Hominem", but just calling em like they are....)
See if ya get this one:
Seems there are some folks here who have views that are "not necessarily" aligned with the rest of the folks here.
The 1st Amendment of the US Constitution,( In the USA) allows for those with views that are not necessarily the views of others, to voice such views, regardless of if they are not well accepted by others in the same venue.
As well, the folks that run the show here also have the decision to make if they want to allow such "contrary to popular views" to be allowed. (
I salute them for their following the 1st Amendments values. )
That they allow those contrary views to be voiced is a testament to their being followers of the US Constitution & they should be commended for their willingness to let even the most illogical, anti American views to be voiced, no matter the results from others.
This one or maybe two voices of folks who are leaning to the Communist/Socialist/Leftist/Marxist/etc. bent, is just a reminder to the rest who are AGAINST SUCH BULLCRAP, that we must stay vigilant in opposition to those ideologies that go AGAINST what this country is, & was created/formed to do. Fight against Tyranny & those who wish to oppress others for their own advantage. ( Like Commies)
Mostly being fighting against Tyranny of any sort, & keeping FREEDOM & LIBERTY alive.
OK. I will shut up. Even though I could say more on the subject...
Folks... don't let one or two of these, less than accurate propagandists, and possibly "agents provocateurs" get a foot hold here or anywhere else, & influence your patriotic ideals.
Stand fast, Hold your ground & be of good faith.
They, in their ways to try to influence others in their pitiful and selfish bent, only serve to remind us all, that one & all of us has to take a stand & HOLD THE GROUND, and not let those B-tards get their way.
SEMPER FI~! to those who know what it means...