Let's consider how the Dems and Reps differ..or should I say how the Dems and natural intelligence differ.. We can do this by looking at what the
Dems are in favor of... So, let's take a look at them.. and how they differ from conserv atives.
1) They generally speaking, hate God..
2) They are in favor of curtailing individual rights, rather than expanding the
3) They are attacking our constitution, starting right off with the first and second amendments
4) They are in favor of killing little boys and girls right up to their birthday..some even opt for beyond that day.
5) They not only favor, but indeed.. campaign for, child mutilation.
6) They are quite obviously, "control freaks" by nature.
7) They consider people as "groups" rather than individuals..(except where they personally, are concerned).
Today's Dems are supreme racists, always playing one "race" against another..and so many are to dense to figure this out.
9) Of the major politicak forces in the USA, it seems only the Dems have a love affair going with the communists of the world.
10) They are spenders of public funds, far unmatched by any other. They are very skilled at spending beyond what we have.
11) They have a singular dislike for churches, temples etc.
12) Most politicians are liars, to a greater or lesser degree...but the Dems in general, are past masters.
However, to be fair.. if they truthfully told us their honest intentions, they would never get elected.
13) Not too honest to refrain from cheating at elections.
14) They seem to hate the America we have loved and cherished for over 250 years.
15) So far as sex, gender etc., they seem to despise normalcy.
16) They seem to "group" people, because it is far easier to pit one "group" against another, than when each is considered an individual.
OK..so I stopped early..at only 16 points, but if a man is an honest, decent, intelligent family man, respecting God & country, along with "normal",
it seems he would need to be neck deep in denial...and lying hugely to himself..