About 20 years ago, I was driving home from Birmingham and decided to listen to NPR radio about a cure for cancer. The doctor being interviewed told the following story.
Since cancer cells have far more protein in them than all other cells, they mutated a measles virus. This measles virus attacked the cancer cells first killing them over a mater of a few days. Then the measles started attacking the normal cells at which time they gave the vaccine to kill the mutated measles virus. Several people they interviewed were only given 6 months to live but had lived some as long as 5 years cancer free. This cure only affected soft tissue cancer such as prostate, ovarian, colon, uterine, etc. They said at the time that this was tested in rats back in the 90's and then on a few volunteer humans. It worked and they said with FDA approval would be on the market in about 5 years. This was in the early 2,000's.
Fast forward today. What happened to this cure? Was it bought out by big Pharma so they could keep selling expensive drugs? This alone, is a reason not to trust big government and big pharma. I have a friend who has colon cancer and waiting for an operation to remove it, but he has 4 blocked arteries, type II diabetes not under control. They are trying to get these under control before operating on the cancer. Then he has to have a quadruple by pass operation. Anyway, if the cancer cure was approved, he wouldn't require surgery, except for his blockages. He is 68 and never really went to the doctor for anything until he started bleeding and his wife made him go get it checked out.