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Offline guzzijohn

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Trump's recent conduct
« on: August 30, 2024, 03:54:37 PM »
Please enlighten me, especially those of you who are veterans, how do you still support Trump after his Medal of Honor statements and his action at ANC this last week? No deflection of the topic please, just straight answers. Oh yea, Lloyd try to hold your childish insults. Okay, second thought, go ahead I really don't care.

Offline Dixie-Dude

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2024, 04:32:24 PM »
I like what Trump did with the economy when he was prez the first time.  I retired at the end of 2012.  My money was going downhill until 2016, then the economy boomed and my retirement accounts grew to more than I had when I retired.  Also, everyone I knew had a job and was happy with the money they were making.  Inflation was low, gasoline prices dropped.  Good times until Covid. 

I admit Trump sometimes has a mouth, but everything he said turned out to be true.  His Trump tower was bugged.  Russiagate was a fabrication paid for by Hillary Clinton.  There are about 70 + things the left said about Trump that tuned out to be false or what he was accused of never happened.  All lies to prohibit him from taking apart the New World Order crap.  The deep state bureaucracy was against him as well.  Trump tried to do everything he promised to do while in office unlike almost all other presidents.  He used a lot of executive orders.  He really helped the small business owners in which I had a lot of contractors that did work for my company that I had dealings with.  They all loved Trump.  Helped their business which helped my business with lower contract prices. 

Guzzi, you were a teacher I think.  You never worked in the real world in private business.  Government workers do not understand the difference between high and low taxes, high or low regulations.  Most people in academia think they know stuff in theory but sometimes these theories are no good in real life situations.  In my lifetime most of our problems today stem from government actions or overreach.  Up until 1965 we had no national welfare system.  It was all handled by the states.  In 1960 we had 12% poverty rate.  Today it is 13 or 14% after spending about $3-4 TRILLION dollars in welfare payments and food stamps.  You don't give people money as FDR said.  You create work programs and make them work for it.  FDR said you would loose the work ethic by just giving people money.  So, he was smart enough to create works programs.  Unlike today's Democrats. 

My wifes brother and his wife were college professors, but only accumulated about as much wealth as my wife and I who worked in private jobs with lesser degrees.  They many times have no clue about the real world out there.  Our 8 children all have good jobs, make money, and provide a living for themselves and we have 17 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.  Now my wife's brother and his wife have 2 children.  One is a gay girl, and one boy.  Both in their 30's never married.  Don't know if they will ever have grandchildren.  My BIL is 74 now and no grandchildren.  Sad situation, but they raised them liberal, and the niece is still dependent on her parents for some support.

The Democrat party of Kennedy and Carter, has been taken over by the far left and doesn't represent the working people of America anymore.  They want power, control, socialism, and high taxes.  Their tax proposal of taxing capital gains will kill the retirement money of most Americans.  It will also kill the home ownership and real estate business by taxing your home equity. 

The Communists in a 1963 congressional report said they would take over one of the political parties, take over journalism, the education system.  Then they could control what was being said, taught, and how people should think, live, and thus be controlled.  They had to destroy the family unit so the government could become the husband and provider for single mothers to control them and their children. 

Anyway.  I don't see how anyone could be a Democrat today if they would just study and learn the truth.     
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Offline Graybeard

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2024, 05:01:38 PM »
how do you still support Trump after his Medal of Honor statements and his action at ANC this last week?

Please enlighten us o wise one. What did he say regarding medal of honor and what is it you think happened at ANC?

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Offline Mule 11

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2024, 05:06:09 PM »
It’s elementary sweeters. Support Trump and make America great again or support the left and continue the destruction of America tour. You are truly deranged and meaningless little man...

Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2024, 06:16:56 PM »
OK Guzzi..straight answers...

  The supposed incident at Arlington...  Having viewed much of the doubt more of it than you did;  I saw nothing untoward.  By experience, !nNaturally figured, it was just some lefties, trying to promote an incident ..which other commies could try their best to exploit.

 ..And it looks like that is the straight story..,
  We see lies and exaggerations continually coming from the left.. e.g. The Muller charges, the Russian Dossier..all lies, bought and paid for by
  Hillary's mob.  They lie as conscience free as anyone else simply orders a burger.

    So far as the offhand remark about the medal of honor..clearly a flub...  The same category as Obama's  "57 states' or his "intercontinental 
    railroad"..  I just looked at those flubs as a goof up or simply a lack of knowledge...nothing to get in a sweat about..

  ..And I won't even bother with Biden's idiotic and misguided statements...

  Trump's regard for the military is a open book..  Remember Sgt Tahmoressi ?.. Obama as president, refused to press Mexican border officials to release him..   Refused to go to this Marine's aid... Meanwhile, civilian Donald Trump, went to his aid and got him home..  That was during Obama's "reign" in 2013.

  So often, I have seen both Obama and Biden, shamefully refuse to return a hand they board Marine #1 or Air force #1..

...While Pres Trump always renders proper return respect..  Here he aids a lance corporal, whose cap had been taken by the wind.. Actions often speak louder that lying politician's words.
  Further note; I posted Trump showing extra concern for marine who lost his cap.. always favoring the troops.

 Then i said thaty Obama oftyen ignored a properly executed  present arms...take a look; wasit a purposeful snub...or was it  just ignorance?

  Or maybe because the Marine was a "white male'..... people at the "woke" bottom of the heap..
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2024, 06:39:31 PM »
  All that ANC stuff being discussed.. Guzzi, you apparently not a veteran, here is something is some info to squirrel away.

    I only say this because many lefties seem to think they should be afforded special a word to the wise, should be sufficient..

 When attending a service at some memorial, such as the tomb, one needs to keep quiet, out of the way..and render respect.  Those who don't soon find out..  ..And if some jerk actually confronts the guard....he will be in a LARGE HURT !

  This is true of the queen's guards..and if some clown had done the same while i was marching troops..the result wold have been the same.

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2024, 08:17:19 PM »
Trump was at ANC at the request of the gold star families.    They also requested cameras so they would have a memory on video.   The cemetery folks tried to keep everything from happening.  On the orders of biden I’m sure.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2024, 11:53:15 PM »
they didnt allow gays back then. dont know why bill puts up with you. a 100% of your posts are nothing but pot stirring based on brain washed left wing lunacy posted to do nothing but cause discontent here. I red your fake news article and laughed all the way through it. the biggest laugh was harris comments that the biden team doesnt under stand because the never served! What was harris rank when she served? then you have her vp thats committed stolen valor and tomorrow might change his story and say he was an E9 navy seal. just dont mention iraq around that brave sergeant or he might pee himself ::) well i guess hes one up on you. you were probably in a nice dorm with a peace medal hanging from your neck and a joint in you mouth (or maybe some other larger similar shaped thing) paid for by mommy while he served to pay his own way. 
  All that ANC stuff being discussed.. Guzzi, you apparently not a veteran, here is something is some info to squirrel away.

    I only say this because many lefties seem to think they should be afforded special a word to the wise, should be sufficient..

 When attending a service at some memorial, such as the tomb, one needs to keep quiet, out of the way..and render respect.  Those who don't soon find out..  ..And if some jerk actually confronts the guard....he will be in a LARGE HURT !

  This is true of the queen's guards..and if some clown had done the same while i was marching troops..the result wold have been the same.

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Offline DDZ

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2024, 12:40:48 AM »
The Trump hating media, and clueless people like guzzi will try to create something out of nothing to criticize Trump.  Trump has supported our Military as much as any president ever has.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2024, 01:14:11 AM »
  I believe Guzzi had a genuine article he found somewhere.   ..But it is not hard to see how the situation was brought about.

  THere was a former president visiting by invite of the families greiving their lost loved ones..who died because of Biden admin incompetence.

  Neither Joe or Kamela were likely to attend, even if Trump had not done so; since neither is articulate enough to speak extemporaneously
  for more than a minute and a half, without an error...or several...

  However, Trump was about to make another persuasive public appearance, so something had to be done. It is not hard to find a half-baked lefty
   among almost any population..especially those whose livelihood is a government check and may well have been hired through political connections.

  I have attended and presided over many funerals..some at govt facilities, some at local cemeteries... as well as having managed our local cemetery
   for over a decade.
    When there is a serious function going on, cemetery employees are to remain as inconspicous as possible.  They, out of respect, should
    not interfere with grieving families !  Let them come to grips with their grief without interruptioin.

  As the administrator, I tried to make things go as smoothly as possible, with respect for the grieving families. Anything less is being an ass !

  This has the odor of a "woke" employee, trying to create a scene...just as the LGBTQ+ do at their many bizarre parades and demonstrations.
   After all, their particular perversion, is far more important that others rights or free access to travel !
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2024, 05:12:48 AM »
or someone disrupting this forum with the same woke, abortion and LGBTQ views that arent wanted with no other goal than to stir the pot. he hasnt posted something of substances for a LONG time
  I believe Guzzi had a genuine article he found somewhere.   ..But it is not hard to see how the situation was brought about.

  THere was a former president visiting by invite of the families greiving their lost loved ones..who died because of Biden admin incompetence.

  Neither Joe or Kamela were likely to attend, even if Trump had not done so; since neither is articulate enough to speak extemporaneously
  for more than a minute and a half, without an error...or several...

  However, Trump was about to make another persuasive public appearance, so something had to be done. It is not hard to find a half-baked lefty
   among almost any population..especially those whose livelihood is a government check and may well have been hired through political connections.

  I have attended and presided over many funerals..some at govt facilities, some at local cemeteries... as well as having managed our local cemetery
   for over a decade.
    When there is a serious function going on, cemetery employees are to remain as inconspicous as possible.  They, out of respect, should
    not interfere with grieving families !  Let them come to grips with their grief without interruptioin.

  As the administrator, I tried to make things go as smoothly as possible, with respect for the grieving families. Anything less is being an ass !

  This has the odor of a "woke" employee, trying to crerate a scene...just as the LGBTQ+ do at their many bizarre parades and demonstrations.
   After all, their particular perversion, is far more important that others rights or free access to travel !
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Offline Mule 11

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2024, 06:35:27 AM »
Please enlighten me, especially those of you who are veterans, how do you still support Trump after his Medal of Honor statements and his action at ANC this last week? No deflection of the topic please, just straight answers. Oh yea, Lloyd try to hold your childish insults. Okay, second thought, go ahead I really don't care.

I remember you complaining about President Trump getting along with Putin, Xi, and Kim... well now your A team has them all allied against the U.S. along with being overrun by every country’s dregs and criminals. I could go on, butt, why bother with empty headed fools?
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2024, 07:54:18 AM »
 Getting along with other nations, either friendly or hostile, is the heart of diplomacy.  If you can't get along, nothing can be accomplished

  Prews Trump "got along" and got things done...and almost always IN OUR FAVOR !

  Sometimes a "Mexican standoff", holding the adversary at  bay.... and sometimes it is making
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Casull

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2024, 08:36:17 AM »
To address guzzi's post, all you need say is it's a nothing burger.  I actually heard his comments about medal of honor winners and it was NOT a slam against them.  All he said was that for the recipients, it is better to get the congressional medal of freedom rather the medal of honor because in the latter case, it is usually awarded posthumously.  Guzzi, pull your head out of your a** and actually listen to Trump rather than what some lefty tells you he said.  And, as to HIS actions at the ANC, he held a respectable ceremony at the site, at the request of Gold Star family members.  How dare he.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2024, 09:13:43 AM »
To address guzzi's post, all you need say is it's a nothing burger.  I actually heard his comments about medal of honor winners and it was NOT a slam against them.  All he said was that for the recipients, it is better to get the congressional medal of freedom rather the medal of honor because in the latter case, it is usually awarded posthumously.  Guzzi, pull your head out of your a** and actually listen to Trump rather than what some lefty tells you he said.  And, as to HIS actions at the ANC, he held a respectable ceremony at the site, at the request of Gold Star family members.  How dare he.

  Nothing like taking a few words entirely out of context..and using them as a verbal cudgel... A regular practice of the left..

  Just like the Charlottesville VA incident. Trump, trying to be magnanamous, said there were "good people on both sides"  of the argument.

  However, since there was a nutcase who ran his car into people, the lefties pretended Trump meant between the left and the killer..just one more
  conjured up LIE !

  Now Guzzi...You claim to be a Mennonite, and I realize there are both Biblical Mennonites, and your "progressive" Mennonites..

  ..But do you really believe as Democrats do, that it is perfectly fine to "groom" children into homosexuality, mutilate their bodies or even cut them to pieces before they are born?

  If you did you reconcile that while being a school teacher...and still claim you had your student's best interests close to your heart ?

   BTW Guzzi...check out reply #5..more info with photo..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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Offline DDZ

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2024, 11:14:31 AM »
  Now Guzzi...You claim to be a Mennonite, and I realize there are both Biblical Mennonites, and your "progressive" Mennonites..

  ..But do you really believe as Democrats do, that it is perfectly fine to "groom" children into homosexuality, mutilate their bodies or even cut them to pieces before they are born?

  If you did you reconcile that while being a school teacher...and still claim you had your student's best interests close to your heart ?

   BTW Guzzi...check out reply #5..more info with photo..

Yes he believes in everything the democrats do, including their dream of gun confiscation. He votes for for killing babies, grooming children into homosexuals, and transvestites. He votes for everything the Marxist party does. If you all haven't figured it out yet. Guzzi hates America, just like the people he votes for do. He needs to move to North Korea where he would be happy, instead of wanting America to become North Korea.   
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Offline ulav8r

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2024, 01:59:54 PM »
It's not surprising that abc news and the nytimes put that slant on this "story".  Of course I could only read the first two lines of the nytimes story because I will not pay to read their drivel.

Casull got it exactly right, much better to get the Medal of Freedom than the Medal of Honor.

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2024, 02:09:47 AM »
Did you get the replies you wanted Guzzi? :o As another Vet, I could add to them but I don't think hearing the truth would mean a thing to you. Come November you will vote for the same bunch of socialists you have aligned yourself with.
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Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2024, 02:39:53 AM »
I thought Trump's recent behaviors would finally make that dim light bulb finally flicker in some brains here that you are supporting a the poorest candidate in my lifetime. Yea, the responses here are pretty much as expected as you are all way down the rabbit hole cult members to the biggest con artist in political history. Most vets I know and I know quite a few find Trump despicable and are totally outraged at his actions a Arlington and his remarks concerning the medal of honor.
You all will always find an excuse for Trump's behaviors. Sad, very sad.

Offline Drilling Man

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2024, 03:01:29 AM »
I thought Trump's recent behaviors would finally make that dim light bulb finally flicker in some brains here that you are supporting a the poorest candidate in my lifetime. Yea, the responses here are pretty much as expected as you are all way down the rabbit hole cult members to the biggest con artist in political history. Most vets I know and I know quite a few find Trump despicable and are totally outraged at his actions a Arlington and his remarks concerning the medal of honor.
You all will always find an excuse for Trump's behaviors. Sad, very sad.
  All I can say is, your thinking is about as reliable as the electrics in a Guzzi motorcycle.

  You picked a GOOD name for yourself!


Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2024, 03:23:43 AM »
I thought Trump's recent behaviors would finally make that dim light bulb finally flicker in some brains here that you are supporting a the poorest candidate in my lifetime. Yea, the responses here are pretty much as expected as you are all way down the rabbit hole cult members to the biggest con artist in political history. Most vets I know and I know quite a few find Trump despicable and are totally outraged at his actions a Arlington and his remarks concerning the medal of honor.
You all will always find an excuse for Trump's behaviors. Sad, very sad.

   The Arlington incident was explained...and YOU missed the true message, preferring to take the neatly edited description offered by fake news.

    ..But that is what happoens when one accepts only severely edited  trash..for the news...FAKE NEWS..

  You also bring up the alleged incident with Stormy Daniels.. Keep in mind, she is a proven liar..

     From tha link.. “On top of all that, the 9th Circuit Court just awarded me $122,000 — over the $500,000 already awarded, from
    Stormy ‘Horseface’ Daniels!”

     Use common sense, why would anyone choose to drive a worn out Yugo, and risk losing a beautiful Lamborghini like Melania, which he has at

      Keep in mind , poor stupid Stormy is just doing the bidding for the same crowd who offered the Mueller report and the totally bogus,
   "Russian Dossier" !

   But seeing how you want to dig in the dirt, why don't you mention the crackhead in the Biden family and Joe's daughter's discovered "journal"
   where she described shoiwering with her Dad when she was just a little child ? 

     Just think a 5 or 6 year old girl in the shower with a 6  foot tall man... what woud be directly in front of her nose ?

  Trump's patriotism is beyond question.. Here is a man who genuinely wants to save our country from thenclutches of Communism. 

  He took no wages, and for sure, neither the Romainians, the Ukrainians, the Chinese nor the Moscow mayor's wife have bought him.. has cost him much of his fortune..He faces bogus charges totalling more than a life sentence..and even took a bullet for America..

  This juxtaposed against a mob who kills babies, mutilates children, promotes widespread sexual perversion, are at war with the family and God,
   ...and you claim the title of "Christian".....

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2024, 03:28:59 AM »
Goozi listens to nbc, msnbc, and all the propaganda news stations, gets triggered by their spin on events and thinks he can come here and drop another propaganda bomb on veterans and conservatives more informed, not misinformed like him... Instead of researching information, goozi gets spoon fed garbage and ignores fact. I find it more than sad there are so many that are willing to sell out America due to their laziness at not searching out fact.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2024, 03:50:41 AM »
  How can any man with any form of common sense or decency, believe it is entirely acceptable to chop parts off a confused little boy or girl?

  For me, this is an indication that a whole segment of our political scene, while at war with God..has been co-opted & taken over by Satan (IMO).
       "there are none so blind as those who will not see"  (Matthew Henry)
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2024, 03:56:27 AM »
 If guzzi wants to see the way things really are, there is a good article on The Gateway Pundit right now all about this incident at Arlington. Included is around 7-8 videos of the gold star family's of the personnel killed that day.  Everyone of them, they asked Trump to be there, and wanted video's so it helps to remember their loved ones. And all said that Trump was their choice. I will give you some free advice thou guzzi. Seeing how upset you get about these political incidents, you should make sure you put a new pair of Depends on before you get on that Guzzi!! Wouldn't want you sliding off that seat in a curve now would we!! ::)
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman
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Offline Casull

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2024, 08:18:52 AM »
I thought Trump's recent behaviors would finally make that dim light bulb finally flicker in some brains here that you are supporting a the poorest candidate in my lifetime. Yea, the responses here are pretty much as expected as you are all way down the rabbit hole cult members to the biggest con artist in political history. Most vets I know and I know quite a few find Trump despicable and are totally outraged at his actions a Arlington and his remarks concerning the medal of honor.
You all will always find an excuse for Trump's behaviors. Sad, very sad.

I'm not going to call you a liar.  Having said that, I don't believe for one second that you know that many vets and I sure as hell don't believe that most of the them find Trump despicable.  Well, I guess there is the possibility that your social club may have some of the transgender ones.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2024, 11:14:08 AM »
  Problem is, the ones Lenin referred to as "useful idiots", are running our streets as the Bolsheviks rampaged through Russia in before 1917..

  There were millions of useful idiots running yhe streets...but when Comminism was at it's peak in the 30s through the 50s, there were only a few thousand with a comfortable life..everyone else was dirt poor.

  So, what happened to the rioting useful idiots?  Well, when they ended up  among the dirt poor, some started to play their old riot games.  The
  NKVD (later KGB) arrested thes rioters, lbelled them as "reactionaries"...and gave them a one way ticket to the Gulags..

  The rest just clammed up, and suffered.  I wouldn't care if our useful idiots were just pulling misery down upon themselves, but they are doing to
  us and our grandkids.

  ..However, many of us can take tis much consolation..there is God's side and Satan's side.  Our God would never sanction the murder of babies,
   nor such gross mutilation of children.

  So when we find our place in eternity, we won't be troubled by the useful idiots anymore .
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline JBinMN

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2024, 02:57:50 PM »
I see the most notable Troll of this GBO forum has re-surfaced once again. ( Hides when confronted, & then after a "cool-down" & "RE-GROUP" TO LICK WOUNDS & GATHER COURAGE,, comes back to try to cause issues for its' own benefit(s) )

I am going to wait & watch,for a BIT.

 Just add enough here, to try to help alleviate the troubles that Could Be easily solved by the members here. ( It HAS Been Long Enough Now, DOn't Ya'll Think?")

I have enough "FACTUAL" info to drown the little dude, but I am gonna see how much longer the rest of you try to deal with this one.

I did not count the replies to This topic yet... but I will assure You ALL, that all that the longer you FEED THE TROLL, they will feed off of you,

and this Troll,
who it seems does NOTHING, BUT COME HERE TO START CRAP, has ya'll by the 'Nads, SINCE YOU ARE FEEDING THE TROLL...

Why even comment on this trollish crap?

It would be one thing for the Troll to come in & actually give FACTS; Maybe give a couple versions of more than one side of the political spectrum to establish a point fro discussion & then ask for something from others here that offers a bit of discussion or debate for the situation, or issue; regardless of ones political bent...

but NO, it has been a situation of the Troll continually trying to agitate folks & then he/she laughs in the background as the comments roll in... Really is kind of sad for me to see/read.


The doggone Troll is eating up your comments & you folks are GAINING NOTHING for your responses/comments, while this Troll gets a kick out of your giving the Troll the attention IT seeks.

Do as ya like. I cannot control anyone. Only try to give some advice.

I understand & recognize this TROLL.

I am NOT GONNA PARTICIPATE in this circus he/she created.

You all have been given the "CLUES"..

Can ya find a solution to this?  ( HINT - Don't feed...)

I will be around to check in & see.

Be better than the TROLL.


Offline ironglow

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2024, 04:54:39 PM »
  Enough leftist/communist BS !  The Camel claims Pres Trump called the gold star families, to show up at Arlington.

  That is just more donkey or jackass jerky, if you prefer.  Those families invited Pres Trump to accompany them to the cemetery..

  Then of course the Camel said somebody in the party was involved in some kind of "altercation"..

  Well, here's a gold star Dad, who says the Camel is chuck full of that jerky..  There was no scuffle, no uproar..  All those parents  said they
  have not heard from Biden OR Harris, since their children were killed by way of their incompetence.  Just 19 seconds, hear him out !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline DDZ

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Re: Trump's recent conduct
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2024, 12:05:02 AM »
I see the most notable Troll of this GBO forum has re-surfaced once again. ( Hides when confronted, & then after a "cool-down" & "RE-GROUP" TO LICK WOUNDS & GATHER COURAGE,, comes back to try to cause issues for its' own benefit(s) )

I am going to wait & watch,for a BIT.

 Just add enough here, to try to help alleviate the troubles that Could Be easily solved by the members here. ( It HAS Been Long Enough Now, DOn't Ya'll Think?")

I have enough "FACTUAL" info to drown the little dude, but I am gonna see how much longer the rest of you try to deal with this one.

I did not count the replies to This topic yet... but I will assure You ALL, that all that the longer you FEED THE TROLL, they will feed off of you,

and this Troll,
who it seems does NOTHING, BUT COME HERE TO START CRAP, has ya'll by the 'Nads, SINCE YOU ARE FEEDING THE TROLL...

Why even comment on this trollish crap?

It would be one thing for the Troll to come in & actually give FACTS; Maybe give a couple versions of more than one side of the political spectrum to establish a point fro discussion & then ask for something from others here that offers a bit of discussion or debate for the situation, or issue; regardless of ones political bent...

but NO, it has been a situation of the Troll continually trying to agitate folks & then he/she laughs in the background as the comments roll in... Really is kind of sad for me to see/read.


The doggone Troll is eating up your comments & you folks are GAINING NOTHING for your responses/comments, while this Troll gets a kick out of your giving the Troll the attention IT seeks.

Do as ya like. I cannot control anyone. Only try to give some advice.

I understand & recognize this TROLL.

I am NOT GONNA PARTICIPATE in this circus he/she created.

You all have been given the "CLUES"..

Can ya find a solution to this?  ( HINT - Don't feed...)

I will be around to check in & see.

Be better than the TROLL.


I've read his posts for years, and I don't believe he is trolling. I think he is just a delusional misinformed leftist, that hates Trump, and hates America. He has been brain washed through our educational system, just as many others have.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn
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